I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 949: Wu Ling is anxious

Wu Ling was so shocked that she swallowed several drools continuously. Of course, she knew what kind of ability and strength and psychological endurance would be required for a 100 million venture capital investment.

Just like an investment of 100 million yuan, at least three to five billion yuan in hand, will you feel that the risk of 100 million yuan is within the tolerable range, and you will not even blink your eyes.

"My God! Mu Yao, you are really a big boss! In the future...if your investment company wants to hire people, can you consider me? No, no, no, Mu Yao, you need the kind of assistants who don’t need money. I can cook and wash clothes, and my eloquence is pretty good. By the way, I still have a driver’s license and can drive.

Mu Yao, if you need a driver, I can too, really. Can I be your assistant for free? "Wu Ling didn't realize that her classmate and roommate was such a big boss.

Others can only find internship opportunities after graduating from university. Wu Ling felt that if he could be a small assistant with Li Muyao, he would certainly not be able to learn more than going out in the future.

Free yourself, must be highly recommended!

"Mu Yao, I'm really not kidding, do you think about it? Just give me an internship opportunity in advance, really, really. I'm serious, free and easy to use, or not?"

Wu Ling said this after serious consideration. She found that Li Muyao really had a lot of things worth learning from her, especially her behavior, which was simply the image of a sensible and good child among her parents.

Well, it's rare to really meet someone who is truly outstanding and worth learning by yourself.

You have to act first to get the chance that everyone hasn't discovered yet.

"Uh... Actually, I'm not as good as I thought. Are you sure? Besides, don't you worry that I was bragging all the time?" Li Muyao was indeed surprised that Wu Ling would ask herself for an internship position. But Li Muyao really appreciates Wu Ling's sharp mind.

Although the time spent with Wu Ling was only more than half a month, Wu Ling's personality is indeed a very easy to get along with. Although it is simpler, it can be seen that his personality is really good.

"Even if you are bragging, you are also the most beautiful bragging fairy. Mu Yao, really, you can bring me this little assistant when you go out to talk about things in the future. I will help you take notes, drive as a driver, and carry tea bags.

Don’t believe me, I’m actually very capable. I can do everything except my studies! "Grandpa said long ago that people are divided into groups and things are gathered together.

If you do things or live with excellent people, you will even become excellent; because excellent people have very good qualities in all aspects, you can't help but move in the direction of excellent people when you stay with them. To learn, to work hard, to correct, to fight for. This is why those successful people are surrounded by successful people.

Because these people have the same quality, direction, and three views, it is easier to get encouragement and support from their peers if they do anything.

Many times, people are so weird. After you have made a decision, but need the affirmation and support of others, it is easier to succeed. This is the charm of good people's friends!

"Mu Yao, in fact, I can too. My English is very good. If you need a portable translator, so can I. Well, I can also speak a little bit of Japanese and Korean. Mu Yao, do you want to think about me too? Can be a little assistant."

Gu Zhijun also started to learn from Wu Ling to recommend himself to Li Muyao.

"Zhijun, you are too much! Obviously I asked Mu Yao for a position first, so don't grab my position, okay? When my assistant is officially hired, I will invite you to be Mu Yao's translator. ,How?"

Wu Ling is in a hurry, she is in a hurry!

Gu Zhijun actually wanted to **** Li Muyao's assistant from him, how could that work?

"Hahaha, Wu Lingzhijun, don't make trouble, I really don't need an assistant. However, if you want to, I will bring you when I meet with people in the company next time.

However, let me tell you first, my company is small and not many people. And you are all my friends and classmates, you don't need this. Of course, if you graduate in the future and my company happens to have a suitable position, you can consider it. Our company's treatment is indeed good. "

Li Muyao has always been generous to the benefits provided to employees in his company.

It's just that, the little assistant is fine. She is still a student herself, but she doesn't need to follow the class, so it's good to be a friend and a classmate.

"Then let's make it so. If you talk to someone in the company, take us. Let's be a tea girl, hehe, and then feel the atmosphere of the workplace in advance."

Wu Ling laughed immediately and hurriedly responded.

"Okay, it's settled, as long as you are not bored by then." Li Muyao also said with a smile.

Cheng Yeyu wanted to talk about it, but in the end she didn't say anything. After all, she had already felt that Li Muyao was really not joking.

After the military training, Li Muyao has just adjusted to university life, and the National Day holiday has arrived.

However, Huang Yuying originally brought people from the company to Jincheng to talk about the investment in the ancient town of Yicheng. During the National Day holiday, she postponed the appointment with Chen Tao.

Originally, Li Muyao wanted to invite the employees of the company to come to Jincheng to play. In the end, Li Muyao felt that the National Day was originally a holiday for the employees. It was a bit unkind to spend the company's money to play at this time.

It was decided with Huang Yuying that after the National Day, the group of colleagues who hadn't traveled to Hong Kong City would be reported to them for a five-day tour group after the National Day. Of course, the beauty salon would also be together.

The company has made arrangements here, and Li Muyao also wants to return to Yangcheng with his two younger brothers.

As a result, Li Muyu and Li Muyang had activities in their school, and there were no holidays at all, so they couldn't ask for leave. Although Li Muyu and Li Muyang are not traveling, they are similar to traveling.

After all, they went to an aristocratic school, so the school organized the whole school’s teachers and students to work on the farm belonging to the school. Anyway, when Li Muyao heard the news, she was quite surprised.

Because in this activity of Li Muyu and others, he participated in the project of harvesting rice in the fields.

Li Muyu said this when he called Li Muyao: "Mooncakes, Yangyang and I can't accompany you to celebrate the National Day. We have to go to the farm with the school to work together.

I heard that there is also a rice-cutting competition, and there are rewards for cutting up to the top ten. I think Yangyang and I should be able to make the top ten. After all, we have followed Uncle Yang and the others to experience it several times. In addition, I have helped many classmates to cut rice with my father before, and it should be no problem.

When you get the reward with Yangyang, half of it will be given to you.

By the way, there is also an activity of picking oranges. I don’t know if we can bring some back. If we can, Yangyang and I will help you bring a box to your Huaqing University. How about? "

"Yes, you can just ask at that time, you can buy it with money. I just don't know if the oranges will be sour at this time? I can't eat sour." Li Muyao was surprised that the noble school had her own. The farm can go down to the fields to harvest rice and go up the mountain to pick oranges. How big a farm is needed?

Anyway, there should be no such farmland in a place like Jincheng.

Sure enough, Li Muyang took Li Muyu’s mobile phone and gave Li Muyao the answer: “If you don’t eat sour, then my brother and I will try our best to pick sweet ones for you. This time we go to Dongcheng, and we will be there for the seven-day holiday. I heard from the teacher. The mobile phone signal may not be too good. If you haven't contacted us for mooncakes, don't you need to worry about knowing?

Also, I must remember to send text messages to me and my brother every day, and call me whenever I need to. Even if my brother and I cannot reply to you in time, we will contact you as soon as we have a signal.

When you go to Yangcheng to play, remember to be safe. Well, remember to say hello to Xiaocangshu, and the pretty little sister... It would be better if you can take a photo and send it to us. "

Dongcheng, there are mountains and waters over there.

But it takes more than two hours to fly from Jincheng.

But this kind of labor activity is really suitable for children as old as Li Muyu and Li Muyang, so you can experience it more. You can’t know where and how the rice comes from just because you are in a noble school!

This combination of work and rest is supported by Li Muyao!

The younger brother and the company were done, Li Muyao went back to the dormitory to pack up, and tomorrow was the first day of the National Day holiday.

Nothing happened to her in Jincheng, Li Muyao wanted to go back to Yangcheng because she had an appointment with Cai Sixiu. In addition, tomorrow, the skin care products of the ‘Beauty Dreams Come True’ cosmeceutical series will be officially launched in the beauty section of major supermarkets across the country.

Li Muyao needs to go to the company to observe the sales situation in various places within seven days of the National Day holiday with the sales staff.

"Mu Yao, should I refund the train ticket and go to Yangcheng with you?" Wu Ling, her family, helped her buy the train ticket back to Yicheng for a long time. The family wanted her to go home for seven days during the long vacation. Over.

"No, I'll just go there by myself. I will get a ticket tomorrow morning. When I am free next time, I can take you to Yangcheng together at any time. After all, you have the first long vacation after going to school and spend time with your family. Better. My family must miss you."

Cheng Yeyu was the first person to leave the dormitory. Gu Zhijun and Wu Ling are still packing things in the dormitory, which is the train tonight.

As for Li Muyao's plane tomorrow morning, she also wanted to fly to Yangcheng tonight, but Jiang Liu and Deng Chao would like to invite her to dinner. By the way, get to know the next few members who will participate in next year's college student network technology game design competition.

That's why Li Muyao postponed it until tomorrow.

"All right. Waiting for Zhijun and I to bring you hometown specialty products for you to eat, but Mu Yao, are you really having dinner with the two schoolmasters from the computer department tonight?

Are you also high school classmates?

I remember it was reported in the newspaper that this year's national college entrance examination for liberal arts and sciences are all of you Jincheng Yanlin. Isn't it the science champion? "

In fact, Wu Ling didn't pay attention to these, after all, Huaqing had a lot of academic masters. Pick one out at random, and you must be the champion of a certain city in a certain place.

It was the Yanlin Middle School where Cheng Yeyu complained about Li Muyao's repetition in the dormitory. Wu Ling and Gu Zhijun only knew about these things. What's more, a lot of information that was originally unknown was all learned from Cheng Yeyu's mouth.

For example, Li Muyao worked for more than a year before repeating her third year of high school, and she truly belongs to people with experience in social life.

There is also Li Muyao's Yanlin Middle School and Cheng Yeyu's No. 1 Middle School. Many students have passed the exams to Huaqing University. And Li Muyao's reputation is very good in Yanlin Middle School, but it is very bad in No. 1 Middle School. As for the reason, even if Cheng Yeyu did not say, Wu Ling and Gu Zhijun can probably guess that this year's national college entrance examination liberal arts and sciences are all in Li Muyao's school, and Li Muyao is only one point away from Cheng Yeyu's good girlfriends. Duan Jingqi snatched the national champion in liberal arts.

In this way, Cheng Yeyu has been attacking Li Muyao all kinds of faults and verbal attacks from the beginning of school until now. Although Li Muyao has always ignored Cheng Yeyu, and Cheng Yeyu is mostly alone in one-man shows, she can still see that Cheng Yeyu is a completely uncomfortable person, and the Duan Jingqi in her mouth is now a foreign language department. , Not so much.

Because Duan Jingqi never came to their dormitory to see Ye Yu during the first month of school. Instead, Cheng Yeyu ran to Duan Jingqi's dormitory every day, and then gave Duan Jingqi various things.

When Cheng Yeyu treated Duan Jingqi's best friend, he had achieved the ultimate status as a follower!

"It's them, just recounting the old together. If you want to know them, when you come back from the holiday, I will invite them to dinner together. They are very nice and get along with each other."

Li Muyao answered naturally. After all, every day Cheng Yeyu madly outputs various rumors about Li Muyao in Yanlin Middle School and various major middle schools in Jincheng. Wu Ling and Gu Zhijun are not deaf, how could they not hear?

In addition, they are also clever, think about the cause and effect, and they can guess eight|nine ten.

"Yes, that's right, I'm still thinking about talking about a boyfriend in college. The boys in the finance department are not handsome. I heard that all the boys in the computer department are handsome and safe.

At that time, Mu Yao, you will help me observe and introduce a more reliable boy to come to.

You don't know, my family won't let me fall in love early. But after learning that I was admitted to Huaqing, I immediately encouraged me to find a boyfriend... I really didn't understand them. However, every day when I watch Mu Yao call and video chat with your boyfriend, I am really envious, and I feel so sweet when I look at it. The whole person is surrounded by pink bubbles. "

Wu Ling really wants to make a boyfriend, not necessarily the one who gets married in the future.

I just want to experience the feeling of being loved and cared for by my boyfriend. After all, the interaction between Li Muyao and her boyfriend every day is too sweet, and I feel that these single dogs also want to be human.

You know, when Cheng Yeyu was still yesterday, he announced to them that she had a boyfriend. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 949 Wu Ling is anxious) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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