I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 953: Detention center

"Can you stop looking at me like that? There is your company's driver brother in front, can you give me some face? But, Yaoyao, who do you think asked you to ask me for Chinese medicine?"

Li Zhuozhu in front was quite straightforward, and those in the back, both in tone and tone, were suppressed very low, for fear of being heard by the driver's eldest brother in front of him.

When Li Zhuo asked the last sentence, he was still a little guilty. At the same time, his entire face and neck became flushed inexplicably, as if he really concealed something.

"Uh...I didn't think much about it! It's just that your uncle knew that I had something to do in Yangcheng, so he could ask a very good old Chinese doctor to ask me to ask for help.

Brother, are you too sensitive|a little bit? Uncle Li didn't tell me anything, just let me ask the best doctor to help you. Nothing else was said.

Seriously, classmate Li Zhuoyue, wouldn't you really have a serious illness when you are so nervous? "Li Muyao thinks that Li Zhuozhu's response is too problematic, will he really be sick?"

Li Muyao, who was still a little joking, immediately looked squarely, sat upright, and looked at Li Zhuoyue earnestly.

Sure enough, Li Zhuojue's body was a little stiff at the moment, and his forehead was sweating inexplicably. Li Muyao suddenly asked, "Where did you hurt your body after being pushed into the cellar cave last time? Otherwise, listening to Uncle Li's meaning seems a little bit Seriously. You are my elder brother, and your relationship with your elder brother is almost the same.

If you really have anything to do, you have to tell me.

The old Chinese medicine doctor I know is a national master of Chinese medicine, not to mention cure all diseases, but he can treat many intractable diseases. And you don’t have to worry about money. Your junior sister, I don’t have anything, but I have the most money. "

The more Li Muyao thinks about it, the more he feels that there is such a possibility. After all, the medical skills of Pinglan County hospitals are there. If there is any serious illness, it will not be detected in a short while. Besides, Li Zhuozhu was able to leave the hospital so soon, and even attended her college entrance banquet. Doesn't it really hide a serious illness that was discovered later, right?

It's been more than a month and nearly two months. Will it aggravate the condition?

"Stop! Yaoyao, don't think about it, can you? I really don't have any serious illness, but if you really help me make an appointment with an old Chinese doctor, then I will definitely cooperate. Really, my health is quite good, there is nothing at all. Questions.” Besides, Li Zhuoyue was too embarrassed to talk to sister Li Muyao about men's problems!

Besides, Li Zhuozhu really didn't take a man's characteristics seriously, anyway, his future career was doomed and he couldn't bring a sense of security to his family. Therefore, Li Zhuoyue had already planned his future from the moment he was admitted to the National Defense University. In addition, Li Zhuoyue still has a younger sister in his family. Whether he will marry in the future or have children is not a big deal for him.

However, in Li Zhuoyue's future career plan, he will not get married.

So, even if the root of a man’s life is injured, Li Zhuo won’t take it too seriously, as long as he can continue to hold Mucang and do what he likes, it’s okay.

It’s just that Li Zhuo had no idea that his uncle would actually find Li Muyao to help.

Fortunately, my uncle didn't talk nonsense and helped Li Zhuozhu protect this secret, otherwise Li Zhuozhu would be so embarrassed!

"Really? It sounds very suspicious! Are you really okay? But Uncle Li also said that he asked the old Chinese doctor to do a self-examination for you. It should be really okay, right?"

Seeing Li Zhuoyao's embarrassed appearance, Li Muyao really couldn't tell that he looked sick. Although Li Zhuozhu's complexion was a little bit weird, Li Muyao decided to listen to Li Zhuo's explanation.

Men, like women, are indeed a bit awkward in certain aspects.

Everyone has their own privacy, Li Muyao understands.

"It's okay, I promise it's okay! You're healthy enough to fight three times. Don't worry. Don't worry, it's just that Uncle is worried that I will be weak. It's okay, Yaoyao, don't worry.

By the way, have Li Mufeng and Yang Standard contacted you recently? Wang Zhenzhen has committed something and now lives in our detention center in Pinglan County. "

Li Zhuozhu still mentioned to Li Muyao that Wang Zhenzhen was between her and her twin brother. After returning to Yangcheng to go to school in Jincheng, Wang Zhenzhen's introduction to some young girls in Pinglan County two years ago was exposed and was taken by the police. Returning to the police station to assist in the investigation, even Yang Standard, the boyfriend who wanted to continue to reconcile with Wang Zhenzhen, could not have imagined.

Wang Zhenzhen actually did a pimping business, which shocked Yang Standard's three views.

After Wang Zhenzhen entered the detention center, Yang Standard disappeared, leaving his parents with a letter and ran away from home.

"What? Wang Zhenzhen really has something to do with that matter? There is also Standard Brother, he is so old that he will run away from home capriciously? Aunt Lan and Uncle Yang did not mention this when they called me yesterday. thing.

No, you will mention Li Mufeng to me. What does this have to do with him? "I heard that Li Muyao felt that there was such a circumvention. When in Pinglan County, Li Muyao did not dare to guess Wang Zhenzhen in the worst aspect, even with some information from Li Zhuo. Li Muyao felt that Wang Zhenzhen herself was a girl, so she shouldn't Will do something that breaks the conscience.

It's just that Li Muyao still misjudged people's minds, which are the most difficult to figure out, and even in the face of things like money, how many can really stand the temptation|confusion?

Originally, Li Muyao thought that Wang Zhenzhen was at best deceiving Yang Standard about her previous job and the child's miscarriage. As a result, she was also involved in such a big case. Being a pimp is nothing short of death.

As long as the evidence is conclusive, Wang Zhenzhen won't be able to get out in a few years.

"Ah... Didn't the Uncle Yang tell you? Then this... forget it, let me tell you, the idiot Yang Standard left a letter and said he went to Li Mufeng. As for where to find it, I didn't even say it. He contacted Li Mufeng without explaining why. However, Uncle Yang and the others didn't tell Yaoyao about you, so they probably don't want you to worry about it.

However, if this is the case, Yaoyao, you don't know. Anyway, Yang Standard is also a big man in his twenties, and he can never live under the protection of his parents forever. He ran away from home. Without him, I think Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan and their husbands and wives would be more comfortable. I heard that Uncle Yang and the others recently had the idea to go to an orphanage to adopt a little girl back.

Uncle Yang and the others are ready to give up the big size of Yang Standard, so you don't need to worry too much about him, Yaoyao. Let me mention it to you now, that is to let you know about this, don't Yang Standard suddenly contact you some day, and you are deceived by him. "

Li Zhuoyao, like Li Muyao, did not expect that Yang Zhihong, Wu Xiaolan and his wife would move so fast. They often ran to the orphanage, working as volunteers, and observing the close-knit children.

They have even seen eyebrows recently. Obviously, Yang Standard's own son really hurt their parents' hearts.

"No wonder, Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan said that when I go home next time, I will have one more younger sister, which turns out to be the case. But, Brother, can you not use the words like a large trumpet and a trumpet?

I have listened to all of your words. Even if Standard Brother comes to me, I won't believe it easily. Don't worry. When we get there, let's get off the bus first. "

Li Muyao took Li Zhuoyue into the house, took him to the guest room, and then asked him to wash up. Only then went out for dinner and went to the company again. When he arrived at the company, Li Muyao followed Huang Yuying who worked overtime for a meeting, and Li Zhuozhu directly took a rest in Li Muyao's office.

By the time Li Muyao was almost busy, it was time to leave work in the afternoon, but because today was the first day that cosmetics, cosmetics and skin care products were launched nationwide, everyone did not mean to leave work on time.

Of course, Li Muyao didn't need to take care of dinner, Wu Yuanyuan had already arranged it. After all, recently, it is normal for everyone to work overtime, and the same is true for eating takeaways in the company. However, Li Muyao's food subsidy is high. Everyone looks like takeaways, but the actual meals are packaged and delivered in the opposite high-end restaurant.

"Yaoyao, if your company eats this kind of takeaway every day, I am willing to work overtime for you every day. The salary is really high and the treatment is very good. If I didn't pass the National Defense University, I would really like to come to you and try to work. I just wandered around and chatted with your employees. I found that the front desks with the lowest wages in your company are much higher than the wages of professionals like ours who have graduated and worked for several years."

When it comes to wages, Li Zhuozhu has discovered so clearly for the first time that his junior sister Yaoyao is really rich and generous. The front desk of the company is over 10,000 yuan, which is a five-digit number!

Not to mention that the sales department and other departments have various incentives and travel subsidies. There are many people who have exceeded the six-figure and seven-figure figures.

An investment company pays more than 10 million yuan a year in salary.

Obviously, Li Muyao's investment company is not many people, just less than 50 people, but he is issuing such a high annual salary, it is simply!

"Senior brother, don't you want people to just walk around? Just talk to people like you are a professional person. There shouldn't be anything in our company that you don't know anymore, right?

Okay, don't be sour. In the future, if you have no money, just tell your sister and me.

However, brother, I still admire you very much. I have admired since I was a child, and have strengthened my beliefs and goals. Come on, I am optimistic about you! I believe you can be the person you want to be the most! "

Li Zhuozhu’s goal is to become an excellent guard team member like Master Li Dajian. Of course, he is more special than ordinary guard team members. The dangers brought by his profession are also escalated, but that is Li Zhuoyuan’s dream!

"Hey, I also believe that I can become that kind of person! With Yaoyao’s blessings, I’m sure it’s fine. Don’t worry, I won’t use my profession on your employees next time, mainly because occupational diseases will change for a while. Don't let it go." Besides, Li Zhuoyue didn't plan to change it. This is his sister Yaoyao's company, so he didn't bother to'talk' with the employees?

The employee's character Li Zhuo still wanted to help Li Muyao check, but after Li Zhuo went around and inquired, he discovered that half of the employees in Li Muyao's company were actually introduced by Huo Jiling.

Well, Li Zhuo believed very much in the people introduced by Huo Jiling. In addition, Li Zhuo also discovered that two of them were retired security guards and came from the same place. The one who used to be Li Dajian was staying. The old base camp.

Discovering this, Li Zhuozhu was purely accidental, but he felt very reasonable. After all, Master finally sent Huo Jiling to junior sister Li Muyao, and sent a few more people to the junior sister’s company to do security work. Isn’t that normal?

With his own people, Li Zhuo was indeed relieved a lot.

"Brother, you are still a student now, how come you have an occupational disease? Is it okay to pay attention? Otherwise, if you go out on a mission and come back in the future, don't you have to be able to live a normal life like the TV show?

If you are like this, I still have to ask Aling to help you get a psychiatrist in advance, otherwise...well, you still have to pay attention to your physical and mental health anyway. "

Li Muyao didn't think much about it, but told the truth, mainly because of the TV show.

"You little girl can think too much, and I don't know how Huo Jiling's boyfriend can stand a girl like you. If you know, you know, you don't care about me, anyway I have any problems and I will ask Huo Jiling for help.

I contact him quite frequently. Don’t worry, I’m not the kind of person who will make myself suffer. I’m the same in every aspect. So, I will definitely treat myself well.

Instead, it’s Yaoyao yourself, do you have enough working time while studying? Can you afford to study? I can tell you that college is not like a junior high school or a high school. You have to study hard and don't let it go. Don't get a college diploma at that time, but it's a shame. Anyway, you can make money anytime, but learning is not. You must be clear about these two points. "

Making money, Li Zhuo had never thought about it, but now seeing that Li Muyao's investment company is open, the beauty shop is also open, and there are two younger brothers to take care of, but she has to learn by herself.

Li Zhuoyue hopes that Li Muyao can still focus on studying and caring for her two younger brothers, and not neglect her studies because of the idea of ​​making money.

"Understand, understand, I work hard every day at school, don't worry, I will definitely be able to graduate with you. I decided to finish the credits ahead of time. I have never dared to relax with my studies!" Not everyone can be as lucky as Li Muyao to have a chance to come back, this Li Muyao knows better than anyone.

Naturally, she will not relax her study because of work, in order to make money, and her two most important younger brothers.

Even without Li Zhuoyue's reminder, Li Muyao would always warn herself like this.

Besides, there is Huo Jiling's housekeeper, who has more boyfriends in charge of Li Muyao than his two younger brothers. Not to mention always reminding Li Muyao to study hard, at least three to five days, I will mention learning things sideways, and ask Li Muyao if he has any problems or difficulties in learning.

That's right, Huo Jiling still retains some of Li Muyao's habit of repeating senior high school, that is, from time to time, he will find Li Muyao to spot check homework or the focus of schoolwork knowledge.

Even if Huo Jiling is short on time and heavy tasks, and often can't even contact him, as long as he is online, he will continue to ask Li Muyao the last question.

Poor Li Muyao, even if he became a college student, still couldn't get rid of being stared at by Huo Jiling's boyfriend. Fortunately, Li Muyao has also maintained good study habits! After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751.html After rebirth, I have the full text of Koi Transport. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/After rebirth, I have the koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 953 Detained Detention Center), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! Like "I Have Koi Luck After Rebirth" Please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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