"Wow wow!".

The cry of a baby was heard among the primitive tribes.

Wildflower was a little helpless as she held the baby in her arms.

As a member of the tribe.

Her daily task is to help grind stones and collect wild fruits.

This baby was discovered by accident in the jungle when she wanted to go a little further and collect more wild fruits.

For the Horde.

Population is an important resource.

Babies are the future of the tribe.


Without hesitation, she took the white baby back.

But she has not yet been a mother, but she doesn't know what to do when she encounters a child crying.


It's already a tribe here.

If it's in a primeval forest.

She was afraid that she would throw the baby away—the cry of a child would summon a ferocious beast!

"Give it to me!".

The tree, as the leader of the tribe, carried the baby over.

"Hold him gently. "

Then shake it gently. "

"Wildflowers. "

"You're going to have children in the future, too. "

"Now you can learn it. "

The tree teaches and practices at the same time.

Before Wildflower could look at him with adoring eyes.

The baby's cry was a little louder than before.

The others around suddenly snickered.

"Ahem. "

"Maybe the kid is hungry. "

"Wildflowers. "

"You don't have milk, take a little slimy stuff and give it to this child. "

The tree looked at the wildflower and said in disguise of embarrassment.

Although it is a primitive tribe, in order to allow more babies to survive, many people who can give birth are pregnant in winter and give birth in autumn, so that there are abundant materials to have a higher survival rate.

It was only spring, and there were no lactating people in the tribe who could only feed the baby and other things.

As for the origin of the baby.

Trees don't care.

Just like Wildflower thinks - population is the most important resource in a tribe!

The wildflowers were busy with the arrangement of the tree, and soon a bowl of food mixed with wild fruits and a little minced meat was brought to the baby.

They didn't think about whether the baby could eat it, because if they couldn't, it would only be the baby's life.

There are no more options in the primitive tribes.

Under the careful feeding of the wildflowers, the baby actually ate the slimy food bit by bit.

Wait until you have eaten a small half bowl.

The baby then stopped eating.

Looking at the baby's swarthy eyes, purring and turning, as if looking at the world.

Wildflower's face also showed a happy smile.

She took the child from the tree's hand, held him carefully but gently, and kept introducing the tribe to the child, as if she could get closer to the child.

The tree looked at the wildflower, sighed, and said, "Wildflower, if you want to raise him, you won't be able to get pregnant this winter." "

Wildflowers are already twelve years old, and in this primitive society, where the average age is only twenty or thirty years old, it has reached the age suitable for childbearing.

However, due to the extra baby, if you get pregnant rashly, even with the help of the tribe, the life of the wildflower will be very difficult.


It's not a year or two thing.

Before this child is two or three years old.

Wildflowers are distracted to take care of him.

By the next time she is suitable for pregnancy, she will be a fifteen-year-old girl!

I'm afraid those men won't be happy to have offspring with such an old girl!

"It's enough to have him!".

Wildflower said, looking at the baby in her arms.

She didn't want to get pregnant in the first place - the screams and cries during childbirth, and the possibility of death at any time, made her full of fear about it.

If it was before, as a member of the tribe, she would naturally have to make a full contribution to the tribe, and after choosing a strong man, she would wait for herself to go to death.

But now that she has picked up this baby, she can be regarded as a contribution to the tribe, even if someone is willing to take over her to take care of the child, she is not willing to give the child to others!

"Then wait until you're fifteen. "

The tree didn't say much.

He asked Wildflower to bring the baby back, and relieved her of her work during this time, allowing her to concentrate more on taking care of the baby.

Wildflowers are very happy.

With the baby in her arms, she returned to her home, a small broken place that was worse than a tent, and a home for their future life.

"You're going to call me mom from now on!"

Wildflower said happily as she held the baby.

But she didn't notice a look of helplessness in the baby's eyes.

Wait until nightfall.

Wildflowers, who had been busy all day, were too tired to fall asleep.

The baby lying next to her.

It's a complicated look around.

"Others will either become royalty and nobles, or they will become the children of the gate valve. "

"The worst. "

"At least it can be the king and hegemon in troubled times. "

"Just I traveled to this primitive society that has not even been recorded in the history books?!".

Ning Shen looked at the tattered ceiling and thought helplessly.

If he travels to other eras, not to mention anything else, Ning Shen still has the confidence to have no worries about food and clothing, but in a place like primitive society, he is lucky to be able to live past thirty, and he can't do more at all.

And perhaps the greatest achievement of his life is to find a place to bury himself, preserve his remains completely, and wait for a few years to be archaeological research by future people.

When I think about it.

Ning Shen shuddered suddenly.

This is destined to be a cage without any changes.

It made him full of fear for his future life.

Even if.

He was able to lead the people of the primitive tribe to live a life without food and clothing.

But that's about it.

His children will also struggle in the wind and snow in the future, and may die under the claws of the beast at any time, and in his previous life, he would rather be single than married, just because he didn't want his children to experience the hardships he had encountered.

But compared to the hell that was jokingly called on the Internet in later generations, the beginning of hell born in the toilet of the secondary school, the primitive society may be more terrifying than hell, right?!

"No matter what. "

"At least. "

"Survive first. "

"And then think about how to break free from this cage!"

Ning Shen made a decision in his heart.

After all, he is only a baby now, and he can only rely on this Lori mother, who is eleven or twelve years older than him, to live in a primitive society, and only by living can it be possible to change this tragic future.

Even if it can't be changed, it can only be decided when the body is strong enough to decide not to let future generations suffer these hardships.

And now, as a baby, all he can do is to eat and sleep, wake up and eat, and no matter how much he thinks, it will only increase his troubles.

The years go by.

Under the careful care of wildflowers.

Five years.

It's fleeting.

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