In the evening, Wuque checked into the Shen family's villa in Yingzhou City.

At this time, there are still six hours before the city's big exam!

This villa is about five miles away from the examination room. It is not large in area, but it is definitely luxurious and comfortable.

Hundreds of warriors from the Shen family guard every part of this courtyard.

Wuque is making a last-ditch effort.

The last 50,000 words of the Eleven Sutras have been recited.

At this time, I was reading Sutra.

Of course he understands everything, but he needs to know more about the problem-solving rules of arithmetic in this world. He can't just immerse himself in Arabic numerals and Latin letters.

While Xu Enzheng was busy writing, he first decided on the policy topic, and then wrote a policy essay himself for Wuque to recite.

For this big exam, Xu Enzheng has already memorized a hundred policy papers, and he has memorized them all.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, I went to bed completely and had no dreams all night.


Everyone got up around four o'clock the next morning.

Wen Daozi personally prepared breakfast for Wuque and then watched him finish it.

At the dinner table, Jiumogang stopped talking.

He wanted to ask how sure he was of Wu Que.

But every time he wanted to ask, he was stopped by Wen Daozi's stern eyes.

Wen Daozi said that Wuque could not be put under any pressure.

But Wuque suddenly said: "50% sure."

Suddenly, Wen Daozi and others looked up at Wu Que.

Wuque said: "If you want to win against Fu Tieyi, you have to win first place in this school city exam. I'm 50% sure."

"There are two variables among the five subjects. One is the policy theory subject, and the other is the martial arts subject."

Xu Enzheng said: "I have seen Fu Tieyi's policy analysis. The level is extremely high. This guy's talent is really amazing. At his age, my level of policy analysis is probably not as good as his."

Xu Enzheng was among the top three in the palace examination back then, and he said such things, which shows that Fu Tieyi's level is indeed high.

Wuque said: "As long as I beat him in the strategy section, even if it's just a draw, then in the martial arts section, I'm about 70% sure to beat him."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

70% sure? !

Wuque, you are only at the eighth level of martial arts, and Fu Tieyi has broken through to the seventh level at the age of twelve. How high is his martial arts at this time? Only God knows. But there is no doubt that Fu Tieyi's martial arts skills are much higher than Wu Que's. How do you beat him?

Your level of eighth-grade martial arts cannot even pass the martial arts examination.

There is no opportunism in the martial arts exam, and the requirements for martial arts are very rigid and demanding.

There was no specific explanation, and few people present did not ask.

"It's almost time, let's go to the examination room." Wen Daozi said.

Several people saw Wu Que to the door.

Wen Daozi suddenly said: "Well, that examination room is not very auspicious for the teacher. I am worried that it will affect your luck, so I won't send you to the examination room."

When he said this, Wen Daozi looked very embarrassed. He, a powerful man in the school city, actually said such superstitious words, which showed how much he valued this exam in his heart, to the point where everyone was fighting against him.

How confident was Wen Daozi back then? How calm?

But after experiencing the failure ten years ago, he regarded Tianshui Academy as an ominous place and did not dare to set foot there, fearing that it would be detrimental to the Wuque exam.

"Then, should I go or not?" Xu Enzheng suddenly asked.

Wen Daozi said: "You are the second best person in the Imperial Palace Examination, a person like Wen Quxing. Of course you should go to increase Wuque's luck."

Xu Enzheng said: "But, but...I have done dirty things in Tianshui Academy. Will it affect the feng shui of the exam?"

Wen Daozi was shocked and asked: "What dirty thing?"

Xu Enzheng said: "I, I once had an affair with the wife of my mentor Lin Yiheng, and committed adultery once! She seduced me, and I... couldn't control it all of a sudden, so I did such a scandal."

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Is there such privacy? It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Xu Enzheng is a completely moral role model. Before, he was synonymous with purity and purity in Tianshui Academy.

He even had an affair with a married woman.

He had been harboring this scandal for the rest of his life, but today he was really afraid that it would affect his perfect feng shui for the college entrance examination, so he told the scandal.

"Then you'd better not go." Wen Daozi said.

Jiumogang said: "I'll send him off. I've killed countless people in my life, and no monsters or monsters can get close to me."

Next, Jiumogang, Mo Zhong, Fu Baoshi, Men Jiefu and others went out and saw Wuque off.

Wen Daozi said: "Don't feel any pressure. Just let everything happen. I believe everything is the best arrangement."

Xu Enzheng said: "Yes, do your best and obey fate."

Before leaving, Men Jeff suddenly asked: "Brother Xu, how does it taste?"

Xu Enzheng asked: "What does it smell like?"

Men Jiefu said: "Lin Yiheng's wife."

Xu Enzheng said: "I swallowed the dates without knowing the taste of the meat."

Several instructors sent Wu Que to the examination room. After hearing the news, they immediately rushed into the room, opened the box, and took out dozens of Buddha statues and gods.

No matter which sect it is, no matter which plane it is. "

Several tutors sent Wuque to the examination room, and after hearing about Daozi's legendary gods, they bought them all.

Then put it on the table.

Then, dozens of incense sticks were lit.

Suddenly, the entire living room was filled with smoke, and no one could be seen.

Wen Daozi and Xu Enzheng knelt down and said solemnly: "Buddha, Taoist, the ancestors of the academy, no matter which kind of gods, please bless my disciple Wuque and let him pass the exam smoothly."

Xu Enzheng said: "Gods and ghosts in heaven and on earth listen to me, please bless my disciple Wuque in the big exam, let him know everything and guess all the answers correctly."

The two masters were as superstitious and ignorant as old farmers in the countryside at this time.

Suddenly, Xu Enzheng discovered that among the many statues there was even the Virgin Mary of the Western Church, and was immediately shocked: "Why did you invite even the gods of the Western Church? It will be bad. Are you going to have a war between the gods of the East and the West?"

Wen Daozi said carefully: "This is what I think. A large part of alchemy came from the Western Church. If we don't invite the gods of the Western Church, what if something goes wrong in the alchemy exam?"

Xu Enzheng thought for a while and nodded: "Well, it makes sense. The headmaster is still thoughtful."


It was still dark at this time. The road leading to the examination hall was densely packed with candidates, holding lanterns in their hands, dotted with stars.

For this big exam, candidates from more than a dozen academies in three southern provinces, a total of eight or nine thousand people, were all in the Yingzhou examination hall.

This is a big test of fate.

Basically, one out of thirty is selected. Once you pass the exam, it means that you have jumped over the dragon gate.

How many poor children have become pillars of various countries and members of the ruling class by passing the big exam of the academy city.

Wuque was among the candidates.

Except for being more handsome, he was not much different.

"By the way, do you know who is the most special candidate in this exam?" said one of the candidates.

"Of course it's Fu Tieyi, a child of destiny, destined to be the first."

"Fu Tieyi is of course like the stars in the sky, shining brightly. But if we talk about specialness, there is another person."


"Shen Wuque, the third son of Shen Gongao."

"Shen Wuque? That humble licking dog, he actually came to take the exam? Back then, he was the last in every subject in Tianshui Academy, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

"The licking dog licked to the end, and had nothing. Fu Caiwei just got married this year, married to Mi Shaojun."

"Shen Wuque, the licking dog, licked Fu Caiwei for several years, and he didn't even touch Fu Caiwei's fingers. But Mi Shaojun can easily play with every part of Fu Caiwei, so this world is really unfair."

Wuque was not angry when he heard these words, but smiled.

Seeing him so handsome and flawless, but never seen before, others could not help but ask: "Brother, I am unfamiliar with you. May I ask your name?"

Wu Que politely saluted and said: "Seniors, I am Wu Que again."

Everyone was stunned.

One of the candidates said: "You, you are the one..."

"Yes, I am the licking dog." Wu Que smiled.

Everyone was stunned and looked extremely embarrassed.

At this time, a serious voice came to his ears.

"Candidates, please be quiet and line up to enter the examination room in turn."

Thousands of candidates lined up in several rows and entered the examination room after being searched by the examiners.

If it were in ancient China, the body search in the examination room would be very strict. But in this world, it is not necessary, because there are special three-eyed magicians at the entrance of the examination room, and any contraband will not escape their eyes.

So the body search is just a ritual.

Soon it was Wu Que's turn.

"Untie your hair." The examiner looked at Wu Que expressionlessly.

Wuque untied his hair, took off his white jade hairpin, and asked the examiner to check him.


Wuque was stunned. Because of the three-eyed magician, the body search didn't need to be so serious. Although many candidates around him were stripped and searched, they were very few. Why was he checked?

But after hesitating for a moment, Wuque still did as he was told and took off his outer robe.

"Take off your underwear too." The examiner said coldly.

Wuque narrowed his eyes. This... is it deliberately embarrassing me? Who instructed you?

This is deliberately making Wuque look bad.

"Are you embarrassing me? Who instructed you?" Wuque said slowly.

The examiner shouted coldly: "Who do you think you are? How can I make things difficult for you? This is the examination room discipline. Do you want to take off your clothes? If you don't, you will be suspected of cheating and I can expel you from the examination room."

Wu Que smiled and said: "What's your name?"

The examiner sneered: "What do you mean? Do you want to retaliate against me?"

Wu Que said slowly: "My father is Shen Gongao. If you say one more word, I will... kill your whole family!"

Wu Que said this with a smile, but the examiner's face trembled and he wanted to be fierce.

But... he didn't dare to do it after all.

"Go in." The examiner waved his hand. He was instructed to embarrass Wu Que a little, but he didn't dare to resist. In the end, he used a roller to make himself look not particularly cowardly.

Wu Que smiled and said: "Wait a minute, I forgot to take something."

After that, he left the team and waved.

Immediately, the shadow of the warrior master of the Shen family stepped forward and bowed, saying, "Third Young Master."

"Please keep this hairpin for me." Wuque said, "Remember the face of the examiner who just embarrassed me and check his identity. If there is any evil in his family, find a way to kill his whole family."

The shadow was slightly stunned and said, "Yes!"

Then, Wuque went back to line up and entered the examination room. When he passed by the examiner, he smiled at him, very gently and kindly.


Note: The second update is here. Brothers, do you still have monthly tickets and recommendation tickets?

Thanks to Kuangfeng Mingyue Kanshu, Captain He, Canruoxinghe and other brothers for the tens of thousands of coins reward, thank you.

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