
"Absolutely impossible!"

"You are just making a fuss."

"There are only 18 correct answers, how can there be 20? Just mark it wrong." The other examiners said impatiently.

And this examiner hissed, "What's even more exaggerated is that he gave three solutions."

All the examiners felt like they were going crazy.

It's just a joke. Your Luo Mengshu has 20 lines, which is already exaggerated, and you even gave three solutions.

It's just a big joke.

Even Yuan Hu thought it was ridiculous. These 18 lines took the genius of the Dark Academy more than ten years to solve.

You just came up with 20 lines? And there are three solutions, which must be wrong, even insane.

The examiner said, "But I looked at it several times, and he seems to be right."

"How is it possible?"


Three examiners, as well as other examiners, rushed forward.

Dozens of people stared at the last question of this test paper.

For a long while.

Another examiner trembled and said, "It seems that he is really right."

"What's more outrageous is that he actually gave three solutions, and all of them are correct."

"It's too exaggerated. The arithmetic world is going crazy."

All the examiners in the audience looked at Master Yuan Hu.

"What should we do? He seems to be right, but it's different from the standard answer."

Yes, I have never encountered such a situation before.

The last question of the Confucian classics is still idealistic, and the standard answer is just a reference.

But this is arithmetic, and the standard answer is fixed.

But it seems that there is really an answer that is more awesome than the standard answer.

Master Yuan Hu felt his scalp tingling.

I really doubted my life.

Although he was not proficient in arithmetic, he knew how difficult Luo Mengshu was, and how awesome the geniuses of the Dark Academy were.

But now such a demon genius suddenly appeared, and raised Luo Mengshu so much at once? He directly knocked the ultimate answer of the genius of the Dark Academy to the ground.

It was too sudden.

I was totally unprepared.

I thought Fu Tieyi was still the best, but this guy turned out.

This surprise was too much, it almost turned into a shock.

For such an awesome person, you should at least give us a preview so that everyone can have a buffer.

Lord Yuan Hu closed his eyes and thought for a long time.

What should I do now?

I can't set the next test paper as 101 points, right? This is too child's play.

After a long while, Lord Yuan Hu said, "I will bear any consequences alone."

Then, he pointed to Fu Tieyi's test paper and said, "Although he arranged 18 rows, which is exactly the same as the standard answer. But our school city is to seek truth from facts and climb to the top. Since a new extreme answer has come out, let's take the new answer as the standard."

Shen Wuque's test paper once again overturned the standard answer and became the new standard.

"So this test paper with 18 rows will be deducted one point!"

Fu Tieyi's original full-mark paper was once again ruthlessly deducted.

Then, he pointed to the 20-line test paper and said, "This test paper has full marks!"


Two hours later!

Lord Yuan Hu, Lord Li Wenchang, and Lord Du Wenlong stayed in the small secret room again.

Opening the arithmetic test papers of two people.

After opening the name-covering paper of the 99-point test paper, it was Fu Tieyi.

After opening the name-covering paper of the 100-point test paper, it was Shen Wuque.

The three examiners were extremely surprised and shocked, but they didn't seem to be too surprised.

This feeling is very complicated.

I guessed it vaguely, but I was still extremely shocked, and even a little doubtful about my life.

"What has Shen Wuque experienced in these years?"

"I know that he is actually very smart, but he has been a bootlicker for those years and his brain is not normal."

"He was fooled by Fu Caiwei and didn't learn any of the subjects he should learn. He went to study astronomy, geography, and ancient history. But he didn't take any exams in these subjects."

"He had a falling out with Shen Gongao and left home, leaving his newlywed wife behind. It was also Fu Caiwei who secretly pushed him. He actually spent several years looking for a treasure for Fu Caiwei and became the shame of the Shen Gong family, the world's number one bootlicker."

"I didn't expect that he would come back this time and stage a king's return? I am very curious. When the real list is released, what will Fu Caiwei's reaction be if she knows it?"

After hearing the gossip of the two examiners, Lord Yuan Hu has irreversibly turned to women. If he continues to talk, he may talk about the sex affairs of Mi Shaojun and Fu Caiwei.

"Okay, stop talking about these nonsense." Lord Yuan Hu said, "But I am really curious about what Shen Wuque's policy paper looks like."

Li Wenchang said, "Fu Tieyi waited for six years, but he lost the first place. He capsized in the gutter."


After marking the arithmetic examination papers, they should have rested for a few hours.

But... Lord Yuan Hu simply ordered no rest, whoever was tired could rest.

And this time, he and the two deputy examiners also marked the papers together.

Policy paper examination paper.

This time he didn't want to wait for other examiners to hand it in, he wanted to see Fu Tieyi and Shen Wuque's policy papers as soon as possible.

Because he was really, too curious.

Fu Tieyi's policy paper must be invincible.

Because it was probably written by Mi Daoyuan himself.

How high is Mi Daoyuan's level? How accurate is his grasp of the high-level trends of Sky Book City?

Of course, as the candidate elder of Sky Book City, Lord Yuan Hu is also extraordinary.

He only needs to glance at these policy essays to know the level.

So his marking is also very fast, even cruel.

He only needs to read nearly a thousand words of policy essays for three minutes.

Some even take one minute.

"Pah pah pah pah..." He read the policy essays quickly and threw them on the ground quickly.

The test paper thrown on the ground was directly dismissed.

In the school city exam, policy essays are the most important. If you fail this subject, you have no hope.

It's really tragic!

Dozens of examiners threw the test papers on the ground.

The policy essay questions this time were too difficult. Almost 80% of the candidates made mistakes in the first step.

All of them are written about filial piety, and they always say that the world should be ruled by filial piety.

This kind of article has been everywhere for a long time.

So out of ten test papers, eight or nine were thrown directly on the ground.

Only one or two of ten could be left on the table.

Lord Yuan Hu kept throwing test papers on the ground.


He opened a test paper and looked at the policy essay on it.

"On the New Kingly Doctrine!"

Seeing this title, he was shocked.

Accurate, too accurate.

His mind calmed down, and he began to read with great expectations.

He read very slowly.

The whole policy essay was about a thousand words, and it took him a quarter of an hour to finish reading it.

Then he read it again and again.

There is no doubt that this is Fu Tieyi's test paper.

This policy essay was written by Mi Daoyuan himself.

It is magnificent and well-cited, like the spirit of Mount Tai, blowing in your face.

And he has an extremely accurate grasp of the new direction of Sky Book City.

It was clearly a bold and drastic move, with swords and knives slashing and chopping, which looked magnificent and majestic from a distance. But when you look closely, it was like a knife carving, meticulous and precise.

Yuan Hu took a deep breath.

This was a perfect policy essay with no mistakes at all, and the level was so high that it crushed everyone.

Shen Wuque had already won the previous two subjects.

He wanted to win this policy essay, but it was impossible.

Shen Wuque didn't create a miracle or turn the tables after all.

Because once the policy essay was deducted, it would not be a matter of one or two points, and his total score would still lose to Fu Tieyi.

And after reading Fu Tieyi's policy essay, he was a little tired.

I don't want to read it anymore, Master Yuan Hu is going to rest.

But I don't know why he was a little disappointed in his heart, because no miracle was born, he was really a little disappointed.


However, at this moment,

Du Wenlong, the examiner next to him, was silent and trembling. He handed over a test paper and said, "Master Yuan Hu, please take a look at this test paper."

Yuan Hu said, "Excellent?"

Du Wenlong nodded and said, "Not only excellent, the key is emotion."

Yuan Hu took it instinctively and saw the title of this policy paper, which was also called New Kingly Doctrine.

The answer was also extremely accurate.

It's amazing. The judgment of the high-level trends of Sky Book City was also correct. Is this considered to be in sync with Mi Daoyuan?

But Yuan Hu felt that no matter how excellent this person was, he could not surpass Fu Tieyi's article.

After all, no matter how high his level was, could he be higher than Mi Daoyuan, the head of Tianshui Academy?

And Elder Yuan Hu's energy had been exhausted on Fu Tieyi's article, so he was a little uninterested.


He took over this policy paper and only read a few lines.

Instantly, he was excited.

He felt hot all over and his hair stood up.

That's right, it's emotions!

The first part of this policy paper is a criticism of the Dark Academy.

It is full of endless anger and endless hatred.

Moreover, this criticism goes deep into the soul.

The fire of hatred goes straight to the sky.

Some words are really powerful. Just like the Internationale, just a few sentences can make people's scalps numb and their blood boil.

And these hatreds and criticisms come from Mu Yuanai's lifelong anger.

His entire family died because of the frame-up and involvement of the Dark Academy.

This anger is a raging flame.

Mu Yuanai, a great scholar, spent his whole life thinking about and criticizing the evil of the Dark Academy.

He directly criticized the Dark Academy from the root and said it was a tumor of civilization and a stench in the world.

It is against the world, against human beings... human beings, against human nature, and against the ethics of heaven and earth.


The second part of the policy paper.

The argument is that some powerful forces, powerful formations, and powerful theories have nothing to do with the Dark Academy. They were invented by the ancient sages of the Sky Book City. The Dark Academy just picked up the wisdom of the ancestors and took it for itself.

This second part has too much information.

Moreover, it seems to be completely ironclad.

Every sentence has an allusion and a historical source.

Every word is as good as gold.

Every sentence can be placed in the hall of the Sky Book City as a magnificent statement.

I can't believe how much information this candidate has consulted, how many ancient books, and only then did he find evidence that these powerful forces belong to the Sky Book City, not the Dark Academy, in the vast books.

There are many things that even Master Yuan Hu doesn't know.

But after reading it, Master Yuan Hu directly judged in his heart that what this article said should be true, it was too convincing.

This is a well-cited article. Every word is full of power, and every paragraph is supported by ancient books.

Not a single word is self-expression, and not a single word is conjecture.

This point is too important. To prove that these powerful forces belong to Sky Book City, not to the Dark Academy, is to confuse right and wrong and call a deer a horse.

And this policy paper actually gave the most authoritative argument.

Every word in this part really seems to be carved out of gold.

Every argument is worth a fortune.


And the last part of the policy paper is to make a final conclusion on this theory and to sublimate it philosophically.

To know the world through the pursuit of knowledge, to unite knowledge and action!

Seeing these eight words.

Lord Yuan Hu was numb.

He was terrified.

The blood in his body was flowing faster.

Found it, found it!

This is the article that Sky Book City wants.

This part is only more than 200 words. But it is indeed the essence of Mr. Wang Yangming's life.

In an instant...

Lord Yuan Hu was conquered.

Knocked down.

I can never get up again.


Note: Here comes the second update. Those who have monthly tickets, please don’t be jealous of me. Can you vote for me?

I beg for your support. Thank you very much.

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