I have been painting skin in the cemetery for fifteen years

Chapter 93 Perfect Nirvana! Mission accomplished!

Master Luo Meng looked at Wu Que and said slowly: "This sentence is so old."

Then, she raised her head and asked: "Do you think the Dark Academy is strong?"


Of course it is strong, the Dark Academy is so strong that it is outrageous.

In fact, the Dark Academy is so strong that it is unimaginable how it lost.

Luo Meng said again: "Since the Dark Academy is so strong, how did it lose?"

This is a mystery.

Countless people want to know the answer.

"Because of betrayal." Master Luo Meng said.


Master Luo Meng said: "Yes, because of betrayal. If it weren't for the betrayal, the master of the Dark Academy, Ji Xin, would have ruled the whole world and created his ideal dark empire."

Wu Que said: "Who betrayed Ji Xin?"

Master Luo Meng said: "Me, Ling Xiao, Lian Chengbi, Sauron."

Who are these four people? !

Master Luo Meng said: "We are the four kings under Ji Xin, and his most trusted confidants. At the critical moment, we turned the tables and caused Ji Xin to fail. At the critical moment, we stood on the side of the Sky Academy."

When these words came out, Wu Que was stunned.

Actually... there is such a history?

These four kings should be the highest-ranking people under the Dark Emperor Ji Xin, second only to one person and above ten thousand people.

As a result, all four of them betrayed.

Master Luo Meng said: "You may want to know why I betrayed?"

Wu Que probably knew.

Master Luo Meng said: "The first reason, did you see my daughter just now?"

Wu Que said: "Then, is that really your daughter?"

Luo Meng said: "Of course, my biological daughter. Ji Xin experimented on me and made me give birth to such a daughter, that... is actually a quadruplet."

Suddenly, Wu Que felt his scalp tingling.

That monster just now, was it born?

Wu Que thought it was some kind of evil magic, or a woman parasitizing on the monster.

Unexpectedly, this monster was born like this.

Her lower body is a monster with countless tentacles, but this is not the most terrifying thing.

The most terrifying thing is that she has four faces on her head. Wuque thought it was just a kind of evil magic, but he didn't expect it to be four real people, just completely grown together.

"This is the product of Ji Xin's experiment. He wants to create various war monsters. My daughter is one of the experimental subjects." Master Luo Meng said: "Moreover, this daughter is also his biological daughter."

Suddenly, Wuque lost all his illusions about the dark emperor Ji Xin.

This is a devil.

This is a real dark king.

This is a person who regards his life as an ant and the world as a playground.

Really born evil.

Master Luo Meng said: "There is another reason. That is Jiang Yi, the new saint of Sky Book City at that time. He described a brand new world to us. He said that Sky Book City was still corrupt and needed reform and a new look. He said that many things in the Phantom Academy were advanced and just. So he wanted to reorganize the entire Sky Book City and let a large number of former direct descendants of the Dark Academy enter the highest level of Sky Book City and lead the civilization innovation of the whole world."

Suddenly, Master Luo Meng fell into some memories.

"You really can't imagine that there is such an infectious person in this world. Every word he says is as warm as the spring breeze. His eyes are as hot as the sun, and his whole body seems to be radiating light."

"It is because of the appearance of the new saint Jiang Yi that we see the hope of world innovation, so we betrayed the Dark Emperor Ji Xin, and the Dark Academy completely failed."

Then, Master Luo Meng fell into silence.

"In that great battle, Jiang Yi and Ji Xin faced off."

"Dark Emperor Ji Xin was damaged by our betrayal, and was defeated by Jiang Yi and turned into ashes."

"Sky Book City won the final victory."

"So, we waited for Sky Book City to innovate, for our wisdom to be recognized by the world again, and for us to enter the Supreme Elders Council of Sky Book City together."

"But we didn't wait, but waited for Sky Book City to hunt us down and settle accounts. Jiang Yi didn't keep his promise to us, but went on a killing spree."

"So, we were killed to pieces, one by one Defeat."

"The dark realm has become our only place to live. I entered the Demon Spirit Sea and stayed here for a thousand years."

Master Luo Meng said slowly: "Shen Wuque, do you know what the greatest gift from heaven is?"

Wuque said: "Life."

Master Luo Meng said: "Yes, it is life. But what do you think can best prove the existence of life?"

Wuque said: "Death."

Master Luo Meng said: "Yes! If there is no darkness, there will be no light. If there is no death, then life seems to have no meaning."

Wuque understood what she said.

Master Luo Meng said: "So, I stayed in the Demon Spirit Sea for a thousand years. How painful is it? Fortunately, I have arithmetic, which allows me to spend endless years without feeling the passage of time while solving various difficult problems."

Wuque said: "Even in the Demon Spirit Sea, you can die completely."

Luo Meng was silent for a while and said, "I want to die completely, it's easy. I just need to tear open the Aurora Wall, walk out, and I will be reduced to ashes. But even though living is very painful, I am unwilling to die. Even though I can't find the reason and goal to live, I don't know why, I just want to wait, wait, and wait, and I don't know what to wait for."

Wu Que said nothing.

Master Luo Meng said: "Just now you said you wanted to form an alliance with me and conquer me? More than a thousand years ago, someone also said this, and he succeeded. He conquered me with his ideals, and made us change our allegiance and betray our master Ji Xin. You have seen the result, so there is no need to say such words again."

"In this world, there is no longer any ideal, no longer any goal that can conquer me."

Wu Que said: "Then I want you to have something."

Master Luo Meng said: "What?"

Wu Que said: "Dark energy."

Master Luo Meng said: "You have learned the star-absorbing technique of the Dark Academy, and want to break through your cultivation?"

Wu Que said: "The so-called martial arts cultivation is actually not worth mentioning in my heart. I want powerful dark energy to achieve a goal."

Then, Wu Que took out a portion of iron powder.

In an instant, the iron powder was directly sucked to the ground.

Wu Que exerted magnetic control, and the iron powder floated in the air.

Wu Que injected more and more energy into the magnetic control.

In the air, the iron powder began to move violently and began to rub violently.

The temperature was getting higher and higher.


When the temperature reached only 800 degrees Celsius, it stopped rising.

Because this has reached the limit of Wuque's cultivation.

Wuque said: "I need to improve my cultivation, so that I can use magnetic control to make the iron powder move faster and the friction more intense, and finally reach 1,500 degrees Celsius, so that they can be melted into molten iron."

Master Luo Meng said: "It is very simple to melt iron into molten iron, just heat it directly. Using magnetic control to generate heat by friction and melt iron powder, isn't it too extravagant?"

Wuque said: "Because I need to use this method, and achieve the effect of four ounces to move a thousand pounds without God or ghosts knowing."

Master Luo Meng said: "Then what?"

Wuque said: "In this way, I can not only make three million taels of silver directly, but also make my enemies suffer heavy losses and almost go bankrupt."

Wuque's plan has always been the most vicious.

This time, he definitely not only wants to make three million taels of silver, but also to return the favor, making the enemy heartbroken and doubting life.

If you want to hurt someone, you have to hurt him to the limit.

Master Luo Meng said, "You want the Demon Spirit Pearl, right?"

Wu Que said, "Yes."

Demon Spirit Pearl.

For other people in this world, it is completely fatal. Once touched, the soul will be scattered and become a walking corpse.

But for Wu Que, it is an invaluable power. He can directly upgrade his cultivation by swallowing it with the Star Absorbing Technique.

Master Luo Meng said, "You should know how the Demon Spirit Pillar was born, right?"

Wu Que said, "Living people enter the dark realm, are killed alive, and refine their souls and vitality to condense into Demon Spirit Pearls."

Master Luo Meng said, "Yes, do you think many people have entered the Demon Spirit Sea in recent years?"

Not many!

This place is too scary.

No one will come.

Master Luo Meng said, "Lin Sisi and the others are also demon spirits. How about I refine them into Demon Spirit Pearls and let you swallow them?"

Wu Que shook his head. He couldn't do it.

These are all young ladies who have been hurt, and each of them has done a favor to Wu Que.

Then, Master Luo Meng opened the box.

Took out three Demon Spirit Pearls.

Luo Meng said: "My daughter, or four daughters to be exact, was transformed into a war beast. Deep in her soul, there is a terrible dark desire to destroy everything. So every once in a while, I need to satisfy her with a demon spirit bead, otherwise she will fall into the dark abyss forever and become a real devil."

"This demon spirit bead needs the lives of hundreds or thousands of people to refine it, and it is the soul of a strong man. I only have three in total, each of which is extremely precious. Why should I give it to you?"

Wu Que said: "Trade."

Master Luo Meng said: "What are you trading with me?"

Wu Que said slowly: "Master Luo Meng, what is the most important thing to you?"

Master Luo Meng said: "Arithmetic."

Wu Que said: "For you, the most painful thing is infinite time. If it weren't for arithmetic, you would go crazy. Only by immersing yourself in the world of arithmetic can you forget the passage of time, feel happy, feel fulfilled, and feel the meaning of life."

This is absolutely true.

A person sentenced to life imprisonment cannot go out in this life, and will never be able to step out of the prison gate, and there will be no entertainment.

So if you give him a photo album of bikini beauties, how much money would he be willing to exchange for it?

10,000 yuan? 100,000 yuan?

If you give him a computer and install a few games.

Then, he would probably be willing to exchange his entire fortune.

Wuque continued: "A thousand years have passed, and you have almost solved all the arithmetic problems, right? You are about to fall into endless emptiness, and you can no longer think of new arithmetic problems, so you are about to fall into endless emptiness, endless pain and darkness."

After that, Wuque took out a piece of paper and handed it to Master Luo Meng.

This is the most famous arithmetic puzzle on earth.

Four color theorem.

Then, he took out a second piece of paper.

This is another classic mathematical problem of the earth, Fermat’s last theorem.

Then, he took out another one.

Poincare conjecture.

Without exception, these are the jewels in the crown of mathematics for thousands of years of civilization on earth.

It is the crystallization of thousands of years of wisdom of all humans on earth.

When Master Luo Meng saw it for the first time, he was immediately obsessed with it.

It feels like someone who has been thirsty for a long time in the desert and sees an oasis.

It's like a pervert who has been abstinent for many years has found a club.

Her eyes opened as wide as they could.

She was breathing rapidly.

Then, she raised her hands and said: "Okay, okay, don't give me any more. These are enough for me to use for hundreds of years. I will give the rest later to give me more thoughts for the rest of my life. I surrender, I surrender." ”

Master Luo Meng raised his hands.

Place the box containing the demon spirit beads directly in front of Wu Que.

Then, she was completely immersed in the classic mathematical problem of the four-color conjecture.


Great, great.


Wuque sighed inwardly.

Mathematicians are the most difficult to deal with, but also the easiest to deal with.

Their world is too simple.

Looking at the demon spirit beads in the box, there were only three.

After hesitating for a moment, he only took one, then closed the box again, and handed the rest back to Master Luo Meng.

These demon spirit beads are as important to Master Luo Meng's monster daughter as insulin for diabetics. If you just take one, it will be a waste.

Holding the demon spirit bead in his hand, Wu Que looked at the light carefully.

It really seemed like there were countless souls wailing inside.

To a certain extent, these demon spirit beads really seem to be alive.

Beads made of life and soul.

This is the most luxurious power.

Wuque put it in his palm, used the star-absorbing technique, and began to devour it.

Suddenly, Master Luo Meng said: "Shen Wuque, this thing should be stopped in moderation. It will drag people into hell, making people more and more unable to stop, and eventually they will completely fall into the abyss of darkness and lose their sanity forever."

Wu Que was stunned.

Master Luo Meng said: "All the shortcuts in this world have a price. How bright, righteous, and pure was Ji Xin, the former leader of the Phantom Society? In the end, he turned into the evil and terrifying Dark Emperor and fell into eternal darkness. , just because of this thing.”

Wu Que was stunned.

Master Luo Meng said: "Dark energy, it is evil. This is not dialectical thinking, nor does it correspond to light. This is the objective fact, it is dark and corrupt."

Wuque was silent for a moment and said, "I understand."

Then, he used the Star Absorbing Technique and began to devour and devour.


The vast sea, Alcatraz Island.

This is the base of the Pirate Queen Jade Rakshasa.

It can be regarded as one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in the world.

The Jade Rakshasa has been entrenched on Alcatraz Island and building the Alcatraz City for ten years.

In these years, no one has seen her face.

Because she always wears a devil's mask on her face.

But her fame spread thousands of miles.

She is the overlord of this sea area, making countless maritime merchants afraid of her.

She dared to rob any caravan or fleet.

She doesn't know how many times she has been surrounded and suppressed, but she has never lost.

Over time, almost all caravans succumbed to her majesty and obediently paid protection fees every year.

This time, the Mi family, Fu Jianzhi, and other forces have spent an astronomical price to get the Jade Rakshasa to attack the Shen Gong family's fleet.

Now, Lishan Hou Miqi went to the waters of Alcatraz with an astronomical amount of gold.

His boat looked ordinary on the outside, but it was extremely luxurious on the inside.

There is everything to eat, drink and have fun inside.

Although it is not a battleship, its displacement exceeds a thousand tons, which is much larger than ordinary battleships.

The entire Alcatraz Island sea area was completely shrouded in thick fog.

Mi Qi's fleet looked at the thick black fog, took a long breath, and then gave an order.

The fleet sailed into the thick fog.

Completely entered the waters of Alcatraz Island.

After a while!

Mi Qi's fleet was surrounded.

This is the demon fleet of Jade Rakshasa.

On the bow of every warship is a terrifying demon statue.

The sails of every battleship are fire-breathing demons.

"General Li Huamei, long time no see." Mi Qi said loudly.

A huge battleship emerged from the fog.

Standing at the bow of the ship is a fit, sturdy, and beautiful female pirate leader.

With a wheat complexion, his whole body is full of explosive power.

I have never seen a woman with such long legs.

With just one glance, Mi Qi respected him immensely.

If you fantasize about being clamped by such a long leg, you will probably lose your mind.

This is the general under Jade Rakshasa, Li Huamei.

This time, it was Li Huamei who led the attack on the Shen Gong family fleet and sank more than twenty warships.

Li Shanhou said: "General Li Huamei, I have prepared fine wine and food for you on the ship. Why don't you come up and talk about it?"

Li Huamei said coldly: "Where is the gold?"

Lishan Hou Miqi waved his hand.

Suddenly, several strong men carried out dozens of boxes.

All is gold.

Two million taels of silver can be exchanged for about 180,000 taels of gold.

The box opens.

Inside every box is golden gold.

Mi Qi said: "Where are the goods?"

Li Huamei waved her hand, and several ships appeared, piled with wooden boxes.

Mi Qi said: "Bring it up."

The warriors of the Mi family carried these wooden boxes up.

A total of six thousand two hundred boxes.

Mi Qi said: "General Li Huamei only has 6,200?"

Li Huamei said: "We only salvaged so much, and the rest is missing."

Mi Qi frowned, then smiled.

Six thousand two hundred, just six thousand two hundred.

Then, open the box.

Inside are all exquisite clocks.

The clock in Zhaixing Pavilion.

The clock made by Xie Fan is simply a work of art. After the Jade Rakshasa's fleet sank the Shen Gong family's ship, they fished out these clocks from the bottom of the sea. Of course, only most of them were fished out.

Although it sank to the bottom of the sea, it was wrapped in layers of tarpaulin, so no water entered.

The Mi family is a thousand-year-old Chinese clan, and Mi Qi was canonized as Marquis of Lishan.

However, the competition within the Mi family is also extremely fierce.

Mi Qi has paid countless prices in order to compete for the clock business.

It can even be said that he personally has given everything he has.

He first found a way to seduce Bi Xiaoxiao, the senior sister of Ji Fan, and marry her as a concubine.

Then, a huge cost was spent to build a workshop for her and recruit craftsmen.

She spent a lot of money to do the laboratory and made batches of clocks.

It took several years, and with the drawings leaked by Chu Chu, the clock of Time Pavilion finally reached 95% of the level of Star Reaching Pavilion.

And it took several years to produce only 3,000 copies. (I was wrong in writing three hundred in the previous chapter, and I have corrected it)

How much money has Mi Qi invested over the years?


But this time, in order to invite the pirate queen Jade Rakshasa to take action, a huge price was paid.

Mi Qi personally spent almost everything, and even borrowed a lot from Tianxiahui, but it was all worth it.

It will soon be harvest time.

The astronomical amounts of gold and silver invested in the past few years can be earned back at the Golden Bell Conference.

Because, Mi Qi decided to increase the price.

A luxury product like a desk clock should become more and more expensive.

Ji Fan is still too naive, a typical artist.

She felt that three hundred taels of silver for each clock was already very expensive.

It's so naive.

The price of this kind of luxury product should be increased every year, so that it can attract the attention of wealthy and aristocratic people all over the world.

Moreover, every few years, it needs to be upgraded and new products released, even if it just changes the appearance?

In a sense, Mi Qi's idea is correct.

Luxury goods on earth are like this, their prices increase every year.

Chanel's small size CF has increased from 38,000 to nearly 60,000 in just two or three years, and it is still hard to find a pack.

The price of Audemars Piguet Royal Oak watches has increased by dozens of percent in just two or three years, making them increasingly difficult to buy.

Patek Philippe’s entire series of complex chronographs has a one-time price increase of 20%.

Whether it's to impress or to make money.

Mi Qidu decided to increase the price of each type of clock from three hundred taels to four hundred taels.

Those previous clocks that imitated the Zhaixing Pavilion were all stupid, trying to attract customers to buy them at low prices.

It's really ridiculous. Even if the price is reduced, a clock is only one hundred taels of silver.

Do people who are willing to spend a hundred taels of silver to buy a clock care about the price? What matters is style.

So, what should you do if you want to surpass Star Reaching Pavilion in terms of competition?

Of course it's a price increase.

The Mi family is much nobler than the Shen Gong family, so the Time Pavilion is certainly more powerful than the Star Reaching Pavilion.

"Master, there are a total of 6,200 clocks, and there are no faults." The retainer came to report.

"Let all the craftsmen hurry up and replace the disk." Mi Qi said.


Hundreds of craftsmen on the ship began to work.

Remove the casing of the clock in Xifan Zhaixing Pavilion and replace the clock dial.

The disk surface of Zhaixing Pavilion was replaced by the disk surface of Mishi Time Pavilion.

The biggest difference between the two disks is the brand logo.

One is a golden seal-engraved font: Zhaixing Pavilion.

One is a golden seal-engraved font: Time Pavilion.

In addition, there are few differences on the twelve o'clock scale. The emblem of the Shen Gong family has become the emblem of the Mi family.

After replacing the disk, reseal it and cover it with a crystal glass surface.

As a result, the 6,200-piece clock in the Zhaixing Pavilion was transformed into the clock in the Time Pavilion.

No flaws.

Just a few hours later.

All renovations completed.

The dial of the Zhaixing Pavilion clock was disassembled and directly thrown into the fire and burned.

From then on, there was no evidence of death.

These clocks belong to him, Miqi, and to the Time Pavilion.

Inside the cabin.

There are 9,500 clocks arranged neatly.

Among them, 6,200 are the modified clocks of Zhaixing Pavilion.

The other 3,300 were produced by Mi's Time Pavilion itself. It took three years to produce so many.

Although Bi Xiaoxiao is already very good, he is still not as good as Xie Fan.

Thinking of Xie Fan's stunning face and proud figure, Mi Qi's body felt hot.

Soon the Shen Gong family will be finished, and Zhi Fan will have nothing.

No matter what, I have to get this woman.

Not only for her beauty, but also for her talent.

Golden Bell Conference, here I come!

After so many years of preparation and paying an astronomical price, it is finally time to harvest.

Golden Bell Conference.

This is the death knell for the destruction of the Shen family.

After the Golden Bell Conference, I, Mi Qi, officially soared to the sky and became an indispensable part of the Mi family.

Shen Wuque, Fu Tieyi lost to you.

Bai Yuchuan also lost to you.

Now, I, Mi Qi, will rise on the bones of your family.

This bell business is in the hands of my Mi Qi, and it will not be a million silver coins every year, but several million taels.

By then, how much power can my Mi family expand, how many troops can it raise, and how many fleets can it expand?

"Zhi Fan, you will eventually get on my ship!" Mi Qi stretched out his hand and grasped the void.

It seemed that the genius Zhi Fan was in his hand.


With an order, this fleet with a luxurious lineup marched towards Piaoling City.

Piaoling City, where the Golden Bell Conference was held.

This fleet includes the fleet of the Mi family, the Southern Navy of the Empire, and the escort fleet of some pirates Yu Luosha.

Such a powerful surface force, no one in the entire Eastern world dares to offend.

Only the Mi family has such a big face to use such a large military force to escort nearly 10,000 clocks.


Inside the Demon Spirit Sea.

Two full hours have passed.

Wu Que felt his body, one after another violent.

This demon spirit bead is indeed the purest dark power in the world.

After being swallowed by the Star Absorbing Technique, it first poured into the Dantian of the Qi Sea.

At this time, the power is still dark.

At this time, once he is caught by the people of the Sky Book City and inputs internal force, the tendons and acupoints of his whole body will bloom with black light.


After these dark forces entered the depths of the Qi Sea, they first condensed to the extreme.



It exploded suddenly.

These dark forces turned directly into colorless light.

Then, it surged out like a tide, flowing through his limbs and bones.

Wu Que broke through.

From the eighth level, he was promoted to the seventh level.

But, it's not over yet.

He soon broke through again.

From the seventh level, he was promoted to the sixth level.

Then, he had to be promoted and broken through again.

But, the energy of the demon spirit bead was exhausted.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he had to break through again.

And at this moment, the door of the stone house opened.

Lin Sisi rushed in.

Kissed Wu Que's mouth.

Transferred the energy in her body into Wu Que's body.

Wu Que was still using the Star Absorption Technique at this time, instinctively devouring the energy of the demon spirit Lin Sisi.

In an instant.

The light in Lin Sisi's body seemed to be sucked away bit by bit and drilled into Wu Que's body.


Wu Que finally broke through again.


And at the same time!

Ning Piaoli, the most beautiful woman in Tianshui Academy, the illegitimate daughter of Elder Ning Daoyi and the wife of Bai Yuchuan, received a mysterious letter.


Note: Here is the first update. Please support me with monthly tickets. Thank you all for your support.

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