Going east from the Kingdom of Fire, there is a small island that was once the Kingdom of Uzumaki. It was inhabited by the Uzumaki tribe, but it was destroyed before the Second Ninja War began.

The country of whirlpool is not large.

Even more depressed now... at this time.

A figure with a gloomy expression and an ordinary appearance, who looked like cannon fodder to the street, suddenly appeared on a coast. What he saw was a coast full of rocks and cliffs, and in front of him was a lush forest.

Deserted and deserted

"This is the country of whirlpool..."

The man murmured softly.

Hitomi Hirakawa, his name.

The rebel ninja in Konohagakure.

The reborn.

In the past, he was also a civilian ninja in Konoha. His appearance, family background, and talent were all mediocre. However, he was lucky and survived until the Fourth Ninja War.

He died in battle.

The fourth battle was simply a fight between gods. Madara Uchiha came out, and all kinds of filth were reincarnated. Only a Kage-level strong man could save himself. He was the cannon fodder among the cannon fodder. Standing in the ninja alliance, he was just an inconspicuous little transparent one. , maybe no one will be sad if he dies.

It just proves that statement.

On the thirty-eighth year of that year, on the battlefield of the Fourth War, everyone stood like ants.

He is not willing to die or be ordinary.

Then he was reborn.

Back to the third battle!

Moreover, he obtained a system called 'Murderous Ghost'. As long as he kills people, he can unlock the power template and gain more powerful power. He is very calm after resurrecting because he knows that there are more people in the world who are stronger than him.

Obscene development.

Until today, he finally unlocked the power beyond the shadow level, so he chose to defect because the system gave him a new task to merge with the bloodline left by the Immortal of Six Paths and become a new Immortal!

"Hey, those people are really persistent."

He said to himself.

The only difference in the development of this world from what he remembered is probably that the Third Ninja War ended earlier. The fourth Hokage was Tsunade, not the 'Golden Flash' Namikaze Minato..The words fell.

At this moment, several figures appeared one after another, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the fourth generation Hokage Tsunade, the hero of the third war Namikaze Minato, and some Konoha Anbu wearing masks.

He squinted his eyes

"Why keep chasing after me? My strength is comparable to that of Uchiha Madara in his heyday. How can you be my opponent?"Hitomi Hirakawa had a particularly cold smile on his face, holding a shining silver sword in his hand. A pair of three magatama sharingan appeared in his eyes, which he installed seamlessly with the help of the system and could be closed freely. Rinnegan.

Tsunade looked at him coldly, with a serious look on her face.


This guy's strength is terrifying. Tsunade is able to compete with him 50-50 only because she borrowed the points from the group to strengthen her strength. Tsunade is also the first to enter the super shadow strength. , one rank higher than Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato who are declining in strength.

In the live broadcast room.

The Spirit of Time:"Ara ala...It seems that as a reborn person with a system, the mission goal is very confident."

I have been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Am I the only one who feels that he is about to rush to the street?"

Little Dragon Girl:"+1"


NEET Ji:"At this time, @Uchiha Dance King, Mr. Madara should fuck him."

Uchiha Dance King:"......"


Uchiha Madara covered his forehead and temporarily withdrew from the chat group. Uchiha Obito wearing a whirlpool mask was standing in front of him.

"Let's go."

Uchiha Madara stood up.

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito nodded, and the only exposed eye turned into blood red. The magatama condensed into a kaleidoscope pattern, and instantly displayed the spatial ability of the kaleidoscope sharingan - the power of the kaleidoscope. One. A strange vortex appeared, and the surrounding space was distorted, absorbing Uchiha Madara and Obito together. The country of whirlpool. The coast.

A sense of chilling appeared, and neither side took the lead.

A strange vortex emerged behind Hitomi Hirakawa


Tsunade suddenly grinned.


Who is here? What

Tsunade suddenly said made Hitomi Hirakawa and everyone in Konoha behind Tsunade equally confused. Only Minato Namikaze, who was proficient in the Space System Flying Thunder God Technique, narrowed his eyes. Narrowing his eyes, he murmured:"Space Ninjutsu..." at this time.

The vortex disappears.

Instead, there were two figures, one with an Uchiha fan on his back and wearing red armor from the Warring States Period. He had an indifferent face and the kaleidoscope in his eyes flickered faintly. The other was wrapped in a robe and wore a one-eyed vortex on his face. Mask, revealing a Sharingan.

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment.

For some reason, he felt that the figure looked familiar.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned!

Throat rumbling


Isn't he dead?


At this time, there is no other sound at all. There is only the sound of the breeze blowing through the woods, only the sound of the waves lapping on the coast, and there are people...The sound of swallowing saliva.

Uchiha Madara?

Moreover, he was still the young Uchiha Madara, with this aura of indifference that danced all over his body, and the aura that made him involuntarily want to make people 'worship the king' just by standing there, was extremely powerful.

Hitomi Hirakawa frowned, feeling a little depressed. how come?

As long as the Fourth Hokage is Tsunade, how could Madara Uchiha still be alive? Could it be that the masked man who appeared during the Five Kage Conference was really Madara Uchiha? Not right either...The one next to him is


As a reborn person, Hitomi Hirakawa had rich experience and forced himself to calm down.

At this time, Uchiha Madara slowly spoke.

Every move and every move has the aura of forcing the king.

The temperament is really good

"Junior, I heard that you have seen me in my heyday?"

"Do you want to dance too?"


Pretending to be holy, he asked three questions in a row.

Hitomi Hirakawa was stunned.

In Tsunade ob's live broadcast room.

The sand sculpture group members sighed.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"This picture is so strong, burp~"

Tiandao General Secretary:"I admire Mr. Madara's skill in showing off."

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Uuuuuuuu, you are all the kings"...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'The good name was taken by a pig' for the big reward and support! Tip: Don’t order it yourself, it’s purple.

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