Thor:"These words...Forgive me for smiling unkindly."

Thor is not a fat man:"Forget it!"

Thunder God Thor:"Impossible, wow~. Tsundere.jpg"

Demon boy Nezha:"It's so interesting in the group."

Li Mansion.

Nezha, who was half-lying on the wall of the courtyard with his legs crossed, said to himself. He looked at the barrier outside the courtyard wall. He tried countless ways to escape before, but now he doesn't want to leave at all. Anyway

, the chat group is much more interesting than the outside. They don't care about their identity as 'little monsters', and are still worried about their own safety, just like his parents. This may not be the right description, but Nezha feels that's pretty much it. Meaning.

And outside...

Li Mansion and Chentang Pass seem to be two worlds.

Those people feared him like a ghost.

Nezha is still young.

But now he has understood the warmth and coldness of the world. Perhaps he and Murong Bai share the same feelings. Perhaps this is why they both joined the group at the same time.

"Zha'er, Zha'er..."

Just when Nezha was thinking wildly, two calls sounded outside the courtyard, followed by the sound of the door being opened, and Li Jing and his wife, still wearing armor, walked in.

Nezha was stunned.

His consciousness temporarily withdrew from the chat group, and a faint smile flashed across his face.

In the chat group.

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"It's actually nothing, don't worry."


Thor, who was about to leave for Earth, breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief. Then he checked his current situation and was quite satisfied. Still so handsome, the cheese and fat house almost falling into the water can't affect his figure at all

"That fat picture must be p."

Thor whispered to himself.

He has the blood of Odin in his body.

As for him going to the earth, it was not because he was arrogant and arrogant that he was beaten into the world by Odin, the father of the gods. He had already changed after joining the chat group. What is arrogance? He is obviously taking a stupid route. This time, Thor applied to go to Earth on his own. During his time in Asgard, some layouts have been taken care of. He went to Earth out of curiosity....He always felt that many interesting things would happen there.

There was a pause.

He set his sights on the chat group again.

Thor is not a fat man:"That's good."

Xia Shizi:"You are happy too early."

Thor is not a fat man:"???"

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"In your world, there will be a Purple Sweet Potato Spirit, director of the Universal Family Planning Commission in the future. In order to reduce the population burden of the universe and balance the universe, half of the population of the universe will be wiped out with a snap of his fingers. That's probably it."

Thor is not a fat nerd:"...hiss!"

Thor's eyes widened in surprise.

Damn it!

This is nothing. With a snap of his fingers, half of the population of the universe was gone. Isn't that scary enough? Thor didn't doubt Qin Mo's words. In his opinion, the group leader is omniscient and omnipotent. Isn’t it normal to know this information?

Big bones make soup:"wc! Is it so scary? Dagu expressed that he was surprised.

I want to become a Pokémon master:"Take a deep breath, I don't know what to say."

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"Terrible!" It's really scary!"

Ordinary man Zhang Zhiwei:"Universal Family Planning Commission...This villain is also extremely talented.

Angel Yan:"Huh?""

Super God Universe.

Merlot Heavenly Court.

Royal Palace.

Angel Yan was stunned for a moment. A slightly shocked wave appeared on her face, which was always calm.


On the majestic throne, divine Kesha's slender fingers gently slid across her white thighs. As the most beautiful life form in the known universe, Kesha's every move seemed to be full of charm. She looked at her expression. The changed Yan shouted

"Queen Keisha."

Angel Yan took a deep breath and shouted respectfully

"What's wrong?"

Kesha asked.

Angel Yan replied with a serious face:"Queen Kesha, it's because of the matter of a group member world, Yan felt a little shocked."

"oh?"Kesha raised her eyebrows. She knew that Yan had joined the 'All Heavens Chat Group' that connected the heavens. The heavens and worlds were too shocked, so she made a promise to be crowned for a hundred years. She looked at Yan smiled slightly and said,"Tell me about it?"

Angel Yan nodded.

He organized his words and spoke softly.

Kesha was also a little shocked.

"A man who wiped out half the universe with the snap of his fingers?"

This matter...

Why does it sound a bit fantasy?

So scary?

Lord Baiyun:"Hiss..."

Kasumi Shiko:"Sure enough, being weak limits my imagination."


Busujima Saeko:"+2"


Thor is not a fat nerd:"No, group leader, Are you scaring me?"

Thor panicked.

This thing...

He asked himself that he couldn't do it, and neither could his father Odin, known as the father of the gods.

Thor:"Don't worry, I will help you when the time comes."

【Ding! The group leader 'Refined Qi for Three Thousand Years' uploaded a large copy of the memory,"Avengers Series"]

Kasumi Shiko:"A total of four!"

NEET Ji:"There's a new one? I love it."

She has been diving for a long time Kaguya bubbled.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"The Avengers"...I decided to put the trip to Earth on hold for a few days and read the memory copy before making any plans."

Who is the powerful man who can easily destroy half of all life in the universe? He cannot help but not pay attention to this. According to human nature, generally speaking, he is concerned about things that have nothing to do with him. However, when it involves himself, he pays more attention to it than anyone else.

Purple sweet potato essence... who is it?

Thor's eyes were deep.

Red Leaf Peak.

After Qin Mo uploaded a copy of his memory, he temporarily withdrew from the chat group. Uploading the Avengers was not just a whim, but more of a shot in the arm to give Thor a shot in the arm.

Otherwise, Thor, the fat man, would be too decadent, right?

Qin Mo rubbed his eyebrows.

Looking into the distance...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks '15xx09’,‘?’Big reward support!

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