
The silence was profound! Under the reflection of the dim moonlight, one could faintly see the red maples on the Red Leaf Peak, which looked like fire. The aura of heaven and earth seemed to be turning into substance, all converging there, bringing waves of breeze, making the red maples rustle. at this time.

The black sky is dotted with countless twinkling stars, the moon is crescent, and everything looks so beautiful. However, at this time, the red light in the sky shined brightly. This color was more brilliant than the aurora and more beautiful than the twilight. It circled directly on the red leaf peak and finally condensed into a fire phoenix.

A natural phenomenon!

A sect.

The cultivators who were breathing and practicing in the pavilions and pavilions of various peaks also noticed the strangeness on Hongye Peak, but this time they seemed very calm.

Vision? where?

Red Leaf Peak.

Oh, Hongye Peak, the slightly surprised expression on my face gradually returned to normal at this time. The person living on Hongye Peak is the founder of our sect. His sermons that day were like the motto of a saint, and he broke through two levels at will. Isn't it normal for some strange phenomena to occur?

A closed stone room.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth enters the body.

In the sky, a red light shot out from the fire phoenix's eyes, which actually reflected into the stone chamber. Red lines appeared on Qin Mo's body, and his aura began to boil at this moment.

The aura on Qin Mo's body was terrifying, rising steadily.

"Condensate the true essence and transform into golden elixir..."

Qin Mo said to himself.

This is the basic step of cultivation. From the ordinary body refining to the Qi refining stage, it can be regarded as embarking on the road of cultivation in a true sense. The Qi refining stage breaks through the foundation building stage and condenses the true energy in the body into true essence.

The same goes for building a foundation to break through the golden elixir, condensing the true energy in the body into a golden elixir.

After that comes Yuanying...

At this moment, the red lines on Qin Mo's body were mixed with Dao patterns, and the colorful rays of light were gentle and more brilliant than the shooting stars.

Eight minutes flew by in a blink of an eye!

The vision dissipates.

Qin Mo slowly opened his eyes, and a hint of domineering aura circulated on his body. At the same time, the red lines on his body also gathered in the palm of his right hand, forming a flame totem.

Finally, disappear


Qin Mo pushed open the door of the stone room, took a deep breath and walked out.

A cool breeze blew.

The bright moon fills the night sky.

Qin Mo walked to the other courtyard and sat down.

Look within yourself.


This is the dantian of the human body, and it is also the place that contains various powers such as the true energy and true energy of a cultivator. It is said that if you practice to the extreme, you can even evolve a space in your body and form a world of its own.

Of course, this is just a legend.

Inside Qin Mozi's mansion.

The mighty true energy is dense and dense, looking extremely vast. Most people's true energy is condensed into a ball. To use Qin Mo's words from his previous life as a metaphor, true energy is like a spring of clear water, so true energy is like a piece of jelly.

However, during Qin Mo's Qi refining period, perhaps because he only received half of the gold finger, although he had a rare protagonist template and his strength gradually increased, his level was still stuck, compared to Bai Yunzi. It is even more terrifying that they have not broken through the infant transformation period for 130 years.

Three thousand years of refining Qi!

It is the 66,800th level of the Qi Refining Stage, and I will shed tears if I talk too much about it. Later, with the help of the Zhutian chat group, a breakthrough was successfully completed, breaking through three thousand years of obsession and long-cherished wish, and successfully building the foundation.

After building the foundation, although the true energy in his body is still vast, the bottleneck that he cannot break through until his death has disappeared, which means that as long as he accumulates enough, he can launch an impact towards a higher realm.

In fact, after the Qi Refining Period, the division of realms into different levels is not as clear as it was during the Qi Refining Period.

Inside Qin Mozi's Mansion...

The dense aura is as hazy as a thick fog, and above the 'True Essence Sea', there is half a golden object emitting a pale golden light, as if the super-god universe was struck by an ax from the Noxing God of War. Only half of the blazing sun star is left.

If you look closely, you can see the strange lines above, which seem to be filled with the truth between heaven and earth.

Foundation-building essence + half a pill...Golden elixir?

Qin Mo couldn't help but be stunned.

What kind of operation is this?

He was completely confused

"I am...A strong man with half-step golden elixir?"

Indeed, the breath is becoming more and more stagnant.

(⊙o⊙)… at this time.

To suit the occasion, there should be an old man in gray robe next to Qin Mo. He took a breath of cold air when he saw Qin Mo hissing, and said,"This child is so terrifying, we must not keep him here."

However, there is no Dou Di in the world of cultivation, and there is no fighter whose horse is faster than Dou Di.

Qin Mo shook his head again


At this time, a trace of red flame danced on his fingertips, as if there were fire phoenixes flying in it.

"Phoenix fire?"

Qin Mo was a little surprised.

He waved his hand to disperse the flames, and then said to himself:"God-given Phoenix Fire...It’s good to use it to make elixirs."

‘Huhu, one by one, the breeze blows.

Qin Mo put his slender white fingers on the stone table and tapped it rhythmically.

His eyes as deep as cold stars looked into the distance.


Qin Mo did think of something. Based on the currently known information, he speculated that the unknown first era, the destroyed second era, and...The third era is about to be catastrophic.

Ancient books record that the highest state of cultivation should be the Daluo state.

The legendary mythical Da Luo.

Detached from everything and unaffected by cause and effect, such a being cannot have any impact on him even if one part of the universe is destroyed. He is truly an immortal immortal who is eternally free in all time and space.

If so

"In the second era, the age of mythology, there is no Da Luo!"

Qin Mo's eyes narrowed.

So, what about the First Era?......

The gathering place of the human race is Kyushu, which is divided into four regions, southeast, northwest and northwest.

Among them, there were evil spirits in the wild lands of the Western Region!

Western Region. at this time.

A strange light pillar rose into the sky, seeming to illuminate the entire world of cultivation. At the same time, in the sky, the originally shrouded dark clouds dispersed, as if the sun was rising, and golden light appeared. then.

An illusory staircase appears as if the road leading to the heavenly palace appears.

The vision is strange.

Gone in a flash!

‘Roar - One by one'

Under the suppression of the Holy Religion of the Western Region, the suppressed demons roared loudly at this time, which was frightening.

And on top of the stairs, there was a terrifying feeling of oppression........ ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks 'Devil?'’,‘No dispute’,‘Devil May Cry-Dante's huge monthly ticket support!

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