Resident Evil World.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

From here, you can fully take in the scenery outside the window. It's evening, the sun is setting in the west, the light is faltering, and the sky is inexplicably dark, as if something depressing is fermenting.

‘Wow one one wow one one...’ outside the window.

A large group of crows screamed strangely at the same time and flew into the sky.

Crow represents ominous

"resident Evil..."

Alice opens the memory copy. According to the description in the group, is this her future? Including her lost memories, including what happened to her world!

The lively group suddenly became deserted

"Those guys should have gone to see the memory copy."

Qin Mo shook his head and muttered to himself.

After he finished speaking, he slowly stood up.

A ball of red 'gas' slowly fell from the sky above the Red Leaf Peak, and barely condensed into a human shape in the red maple forest. However, compared to the last manifestation, this figure is undoubtedly much more solid.

At the same time, in the medicine garden of the other courtyard, a green aura also floated out, but this figure is obviously much shorter. The little girl is wearing Wearing a green dress, she also held an enlarged version of the Star Grass in her hand.

"Red leaves (fireweed) have seen fairy growth."

The two girls saluted respectfully.

Qin Mo smiled and nodded gently.

"If you are practicing well, I believe you will be able to transform into another form soon."

They are just phantoms now. They have not yet transformed!

Creatures like them can only have real bodies after transforming. However, it is rare for them to be able to project phantom-like incarnations like now.

Cultivation world...

Or the Third Age! Compared with the previous two eras, this era has greatly changed the rules of heaven and earth. It can be said that it is extremely difficult for creatures to transform according to the normal process. Not to mention the birth of spiritual intelligence, even if there are no accidents after the birth of spiritual intelligence. It also takes thousands of years.

At this time.

The sky was gray.

There is drizzle falling from the sky, and there is a very fresh smell in the air. Looking into the distance from here, the Baiyun Mountains where the Dao Zong is located is foggy and gives off a sense of haziness.

A breeze blew across my face.

Qin Mo stretched out his hand, and a small drop of water fell on the palm of his hand, which was ice cold. This feeling was extremely comfortable.

He narrowed his eyes.

Chat group...

Speaking of which, except for the naturally invincible protagonists like Tendo Souji, most of the members in the group have a somewhat unpredictable future, which can even be said to be miserable!

Qiao Feng, Xiao Longnu, Li Xunhuan, Dongfang Bai, Ye Gucheng... wc... etc!

Thinking of this, even Qin Mo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and he was a little scared when he thought about it. this...

Why are they all in the martial arts area?

The world of Tianlong.

Beggars gang.

Qiao Feng is in his twenties and has just become the leader of the Beggar Clan. He has not long been in charge of the Beggar Clan. At this time, he is very powerful and is still ranked high in the world. In terms of the strength of the world, it is obviously still far behind.

In the courtyard.

Qiao Feng closed his eyes slightly and immersed his consciousness in the memory copy. At this time, there seemed to be a strange sound in the world, which was naturally the exclusive BGM of Gang Leader Qiao.

Qiao Feng opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

In his eyes, a glimmer of light appeared

"That...It's Xiao...Qiao’s future?"

He said to himself.

His face was full of shock!

‘North Qiao Feng, South Murong'!

Qiao Feng studied under Master Xuan Ku of the Shaolin School and Wang Jiantong, the leader of the Beggar Clan. He has outstanding martial arts skills, is both wise and brave, has extraordinary courage, is heroic and courageous, and is not angry and self-confident.

He has been in charge of the Beggar Clan for eight years, leading his men to support the Northern Song Dynasty and fight against foreign enemies. He has become a martial arts master who is all-powerful and a leader of the community. It can be seen from what he has done that he deserves such a title.

However, this all changed eight years later!

Apricot Grove.

His life experience was revealed and he took the initiative to abdicate.

While searching for his life experience, he met Duan Yu, the prince of Dali Kingdom, and Xu Zhu, a monk from Shaolin Temple, and the three of them became sworn brothers. She met her confidant A'Zhu and fell in love with her, but she fell in love with Kang Min's plot and accidentally killed her lover.

Following A'Zhu's last words, he took care of his younger sister A'Zi and led A'Zi northward for treatment. On the way, he met Wanyan Aguda, the leader of the Jurchen tribe. He helped his sworn brother Yelu Hongji, Daozong of Liao Dynasty, to quell the rebellion of the King of Chu. He paid homage to the King of Nanyuan and was granted the title of Chu king.

He advocated peace between Song and Liao and did not want to live in ruins. He refused to be appointed as Generalissimo Pingnan and King of Song. He prevented and coerced Yelu Hongji to order"for the rest of his life, not a single soldier of the Liao army was allowed to cross the border between Song and Liao" and created decades of peace between the two countries. Afterwards, he committed suicide outside Yanmen Pass with a broken arrow at the age of thirty-three.

A generation of heroes has come to an end.

Qiao Feng looked complicated. life experience. hatred...

He stood up, took out a jar of wine from the room, and took a big gulp. The future shown in the memory copy had a considerable impact on him. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his worldview collapsed.

If he had not joined the Zhutian chat group, everything would probably have developed just like in the memory copy. He accidentally killed his loved one and regretted it for the rest of his life. The tragic ending in the end may be his destination. but...

Now that he has joined the chat group, he has become a person who knows everything.

He clenched his fists!

The future is not unchangeable!


The jar of wine was quickly finished, and Qiao Feng consciously entered the chat group.

Qiao Feng:"@千千千亿, Qiao, thank you group leader."

A prompt sounded in his ear.

Qin Mo entered the chat group.

Qiao Feng...

He was affectionate and righteous throughout his life, loyal to his love, and loyal to his country. His life was full of ups and downs and tragic, his mind was full of ambition, he advocated humanity and peace, and he self-destructed to save the world. He was a tragic hero who cared about the common people, had compassion for others, and whose ideological realm transcended national boundaries and nations.

Qin Mo was silent for a moment.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"No need, join the chat group of all heavens, this is your chance, this may be the meaning of the chat group's existence!"....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to '15xx80' for your huge reward support!

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