He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"@trembling tornado, little tornado, what's wrong?"

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment.

Then, he asked aloud. after all...

There are very few times when Tatsumaki takes the initiative to attack him in the group. Could it be that there are time travelers, rebirthers or reincarnations in the world of One Punch, or is it an invasion from another world like Kasumi Shiko's world?

Qin Mo thought to himself.

Generally speaking, everyone in the group is gossiping and making jokes while changing the future of their own world. They are such a happy bunch, and this is why the term"ghost group friends" comes from.

Qin Mo opened the group task column and took a special look, but the task bar was not refreshed.

Think about it carefully.

Saitama-sensei didn't budge either. Tatsumaki and Saitama are in the same world. Saitama's strength is obvious to all. Even in the chat group of the gods, he is enough to be regarded as the forefront!

Normally, Saitama-sensei can solve it with one punch.

If you encounter something that Saitama can't solve...

In the group, tasks will definitely appear.

But no.

Trembling Tatsumaki:"Well...The group leader took a look at the private chat, (⊙o⊙)…"

Oriental White:"...???"

The Eastern leader was confused. this...

What happened?

The big bones were boiled into soup:"There are fruits on the tree, and you and me are under the tree."

Xiao Longnu:"o(╯□╰)o..."

Qiao Feng:"@trembling tornado, can we help?"

Trembling Tornado:"It's okay→_→"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"This way...Probably guessed it."

The Hokage's office.

Tsunade held the tea and took a sip. At her age, it was normal to soak goji berries in a thermos cup. She silently watched the series of operations of Tatsumaki in the group from the beginning to the present.

She The corners of his lips are slightly raised, indicating that he has seen through everything.

It all comes from one word...

(● ̄() ̄●)!

The Spirit of Time:"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, are you okay? I just want to have a private chat with the group leader. Please forgive me for not being able to accept this."

Date Live World.

A rooftop.

Looking at it, the city is peaceful at this time. There are no new elves appearing to cause space shocks. Looking up, the sky is blue and white clouds, which looks comfortable.

Looking at the scenery sometimes is a kind of enjoyment.

Kuang San stood there quietly in her school uniform. She tied her long black hair into two braids, hanging happily on her shoulders. Her slender limbs made people feel as if they would break with just a little force. Her waterfall-like bangs The left half of the astonishingly beautiful face was covered, leaving the burgundy right eye and lips as delicate as cherry blossom petals on the other side.

Kuang San narrowed her eyes, her expression was filled with a strange feeling.


Spiritual power emerged, and the space around her body seemed to begin to vibrate at that moment. This was the prelude to the space earthquake. In fact, at any time, at any place, with just three crazy thoughts, she can cause space earthquakes.

A moment.

The vibrations in the space around Kuang San returned to their original state in the blink of an eye, as if nothing had happened. She had already been able to perfectly control her abilities and just follow her heart.

Angel Yan:"emmmm..."

Gale Swordsman:"This..."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"It's dark, it's dark. Now everyone in the group has become dark."

Yakumo Zi couldn't help but sigh.

NEET Ji:"Smile.jpg"

Kaguya thought of something.

About the old lady Zi...

In the Zhutian chat group, not to mention the chaotic dating method, Yakumo Purple's age can also be ranked in the top three. In addition, Yakumo Purple has many firsts in the group. For example, he ranks first in bans and driving....

Radiant Girl Lux:"(;_)"

Seventeen-year-old girl:"...@NEET Ji, I feel like you are cheating on me behind my back."

Eternal Pavilion.

In a large room, Horaiyama Kaguya wrapped the quilt around her body, moved slightly, found a comfortable position and started her journey to the water group again, quietly complaining to herself about Yakumo. Purple, this is very nice.

Kaguya thought.

However ,...

At this time, Yakumo Zi suddenly fell in love with her.

Princess Kaguya was stunned for a moment!

Oh My God!

Is Yakumo Murasaki's reaction so sharp? This is not consistent with the title of 'Purple Old Woman', Horaishan Kaguya secretly complained, but it is impossible to admit it, never possible.

NEET Ji:"..? ? ? I'm not, I don't."

Shaking his head crazily.jpg!

Seventeen-year-old girl:"→_→"

The corner of Yakumo Purple's mouth twitched. she expressed...

Believe it or not!

"Private chat?"Qin Mo has rarely opened the private chat window of the chat group, because he often stays in the group. As for private chat, it can be said that there is almost no such thing.

Generally speaking,

Tatsumaki and Tsunade, Dagu and Tiandao, Thor and the care dog, Ye Gucheng and Yasuo...

These pairs of 'cp's have the most private chats.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment.

Somewhat confused, Qin Mo directly opened the private message interface of the chat group. As expected, Tornado sent him some messages. Qin Mo was very careful and read them carefully. then...

Qin Mo's expression was:╮(╯▽╰)╭...

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"No."

The shuddering tornado said:"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"..."

Tornado means fainting from crying in the toilet. at this time.

A sect.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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