【Ding! The group leader 'Refined Qi for Three Thousand Years' uploaded a large memory copy of"Detective Conan"》!】

I'm not the Grim Reaper primary school student:"Detective...conan."

The world of Detective Conan.

At this time, after school in elementary school, he returned to the home of Kogoro Mori, who was boarding.

On the floor.

Conan was thoughtful.

He read the names of many memory copies in the group,"Naruto"》、《dragon ball》、《resident Evil》、《Pokemon》...These are more or less directly related to one's own world.

The memory copy of the world he lives in is not circumstantial, but very direct.



NEET Ji:"@连气到了三千千亿, Thank you to the group leader, 嘤嘤嘤..."

Another large memory copy, a new episode that I haven’t seen yet!

Horaishan Kaguya felt very excited.

Bald-headed cloaked man:"The new memory copy, not bad."

Xia Shizi:"Today is another day of staying up late!"

Big Bones made soup:"No, it's all night."

Ben Zina:"......."

I want to become a Pokémon master:"So, have you all forgotten that there is a newbie? @草草heroXuxian"

Demon Boy Nezha:"Hmm...That seems to be the case?"

Refining Qi for three thousand years:"→_→"

A seventeen-year-old girl:"@草野heroXuxian, the new guy speaks."

King Big Big Wolf:"Hero of the grass, is the new guy a forest hero?"

Big Gray Wolf guessed.

Xia Shizi:"[Picture], at this time, teacher Xia Shizi brought out the idiom dictionary."

Xiao Longnu:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Introduced on the picture.

Wild hero: a Chinese idiom that in the old days referred to famous figures among peasant uprisings or bandits who haunted the mountains and forests. From"The Romance of Hong Xiuquan".

In addition, the heroes of the grassland and the heroes of the green forest are synonyms.

Brilliant Girl:"So, what Mr. Big Big Wolf said is right? Doubt.jpg"

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"So it seems, yes."

Qiao Feng:"Heroes of the Green Forest?"

Tianlong World.

Beggars gang.

Qiao Feng was sitting on the stone bench, no one was around, but there was an inexplicable pressure on Qiao Feng. This was not Qiao Feng's initiative, but something he could not help but exude.

Probably, it's because as the leader of the Beggar Clan, he has also practiced the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon to a very advanced level. The"Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" contains the word dragon in this set of palms. It seems so simple.

Seeing the speculation about the identity of another newcomer in the group, Qiao Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up. In his life, he liked to make friends with the world's heroes the most, but if the character of the"reckless hero Xu Xian" was not good, Qiao Feng would not bother to make friends with him.

Therefore, we still need to wait and see for details.

If this Xu Xian is really a hero, we must have a drink together when we have the chance.

Qiao Feng thought to himself.

Xiongba:"@草马英雄Xuxian, are the newcomers here?"

Qin Mo's mouth twitched inexplicably.

What a reckless hero!

The truth should be...

Grass python hero.

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"Xu Xian...Why does this name feel so familiar?"

The old Heavenly Master said that he had discovered something strange.

Gao Yao:"So, I seem to have seen it in a fairy tale book. Is it really that person? But if it was that person, the word"reckless hero" should have changed. Angel

Yan:"The eyes of adults are funny.jpg"

Ordinary Zhang Zhiwei:"Actually, Nezha and Thor are both archetypal background characters in mythology. The addition of Xu Xian doesn't seem surprising?"

Demon boy Nezha:"Who is calling me?" What's the matter?

The old master continued:"Nothing.""

The devil boy Nezha said:"Oh..."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I have an intuition that you must be driving now."

NEET Ji:"Zi Lao...I support Yakumo Purple's words."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"...???" at the same time.

The Song Empire.

Yuhang County.

At this time, Xu Xian was still young. Xu Xian, who was working as an apprentice in a drug store, was looking at a virtual screen in front of him with a confused expression. He felt as if he had hit a ghost. who I am? where am I? wake up...

The world has changed!

These words are the most realistic portrayal of Xu Xian's state at this time. To describe it with a sentence that often appears in the Zhutian chat group, it is probably"the fruit of the stupid tree is on the stupid tree, and you and I are under the stupid tree."

Xu Xian was a little scared. after all...

In his era, ghost legends were widely spread among the people, and they also believed in ghosts and gods. ghost?

Or met a god? when he wakes up. ear.

Several beeps sounded in succession

【You have joined the Zhutian chat group. 】

Immediately after...

The sound of many 'di-di-di' sounds sounded again. Just when Xu Xian was stunned, in his mind, the chat interface of the All-Heaven Chat Group opened autonomously, and a virtual light screen that only he could see was projected in front of his eyes. on the screen...

A lot of information kept scrolling very quickly. In Xu Xian's opinion, there were many completely different names. At this time, Xu Xian looked at his name again, his eyes even more astonished.

Xu Xian! this...There is no doubt that it is his name, but what is the prefix of the reckless hero? He is just an ordinary apprentice in a drug store. Apart from being kind, honest, and honest, he probably doesn't have many great advantages.

Such him.

How could he be called a 'reckless hero'?

This must be a dream.

Xu Xian thought! after all...

He had never heard of such a weird scene, and it probably only appeared in dreams. Xu Xian often heard about things like gods and ghosts, but they were only spread among the people, but he had never seen it..

If you think about it according to dreams...

Nothing seems wrong!

Time Spirit:"Ah!...It seems that the identity of the newcomer is a bit confusing, so at this time it should be..."

Qiang Yan:"@狠气了狠了三千千里"

The two of them have a tacit understanding of each other's cooperation.

Angel Yan naturally took over Kurumi’s jokes.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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