"Penglai Mountains..."

Qin Mo stopped.

He raised his head and looked at the continuous mountains in front of him. The soft sunshine was involuntarily falling from the sky, accompanied by the falling snowflakes. The ice and snow did not melt, but brought a touch of warmth.

One thing to say!

There are no cities around the Penglai Mountains, not even residents. The Northern Territory is quite different from the Southern Territory and the Western Territory. This is probably because of the special geographical environment of the Northern Territory. Snowflakes are flying, and strange things sometimes appear in the deep mountains.

Therefore, most ordinary people's residences are built against the city, and this is also the case for sects in the cultivation world such as the Ice and Snow Sect. This is already the norm in the Northern Territory, so just get used to it.

Probably because of this...

Qin Mo walked all the way.

Except when passing by the city, it was deserted, but Qin Mo had never encountered the legendary 'weird' thing.

He stood here quietly. at this time.

This is probably his state

‘A lonely shadow on the cold river, an old friend in the rivers and lakes...’

Think about this.

Qin Mo couldn't help but chuckle, this was interesting.

Inside the Zi Mansion!

Both the true essence and the residual pill are rolling.

Qin Mo's consciousness spread out.

This time, Qin Mo did not use the ability of the sword heart. In fact, the effect of the 'sword heart' was stronger than that of divine consciousness. No demons, monsters, demons or obstacles could deceive Qin Mo's sword heart.

This is not false!


The sword's heart also has limitations, the range of perception is too small!

Used for searching, very deadly.

Qin Mo came here to find the 'Moon Well', so it was more practical to use his spiritual consciousness after a long absence. Qin Mo's expression was very calm, unlike some newbies who had just broken through the foundation building stage and obtained spiritual consciousness, and were eager to experiment. Countless times, I wish that everyone in the world would know that it has been some time since Qin Mo entered the realm of 'Half-Step Golden Pill'.

Shaked his head.

Qin Mo didn't care about this, packed up all the strange thoughts in his mind, threw them out, and calmed down to look for the moon well. a long time.

Qin Mo withdrew his consciousness and frowned.

At this time.

Next to Qin Mo, an illusory red figure appeared again. It was naturally Yan Miaozhu who was preparing to practice in seclusion in the Yama Emperor Sword."Sword Master? What's wrong? Didn't you find it?" As soon as

Yan Miaozhu came out, there was a wave of questions..

Qin Mo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, a little dumbfounded. By the way, what is the name of the sword master? But it's quite appropriate. Qin Mo has already refined the Yama Emperor Sword, so there's no big problem. It's just that Yan Miaozhu suddenly changed his name, like fried fish, which confused Qin Mo.

In an instant, Qin Mo came back to his senses.

He nodded. after all...

This is a fact. There is an old saying that"facts speak louder than words." Now that Qin Mo has lived for more than three thousand years, he has already seen thoroughly the common things in the world of mortals, eh...In a sense!

"What to do? Yan

Miaozhu asked with some embarrassment. It was all her fault that even though he remembered the monkey who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld in the second era, he did not remember the exact location of the teleportation array leading to the Moon Palace.

In fact, Qin Mo didn't care..This world!

It has experienced more than one epoch catastrophe, and the world map has experienced countless changes. It has changed a long time ago, and Yan Miaozhu's memory has problems after becoming a sword spirit. On this point, It is already very valuable that she can still remember the approximate location of Moon Well in the Northern Territory.

Hearing this,

Qin Mo showed a mysterious smile.

"However, there are other gains."

Yan Miaozhu: Meow meow meow?

She is a little confused.

The rest of the harvest?

She also imitated Qin Mo and spread her consciousness. Although she is a sword spirit, Yan Miaozhu has experienced a strange world since then. After the baptism of Xiang, the true path of cultivation for the sword spirit was opened.

In this way,

Yan Miaozhu naturally gathered his spiritual consciousness.

In an instant!

Yan Miaozhu's spiritual consciousness spread out, and Qin Mo could clearly feel the emerging wave. In the second era, as the daughter of King Yama, Qin Mo had reason to believe that Yan Miaozhu was very powerful. However, after becoming a sword spirit, she was restrained in the Yama Emperor Sword. Her appearance allowed the Yama Emperor Sword to gain power. achieved considerable growth.

But relatively...

Yan Miaozhu can only use the power that comes with the Yama Emperor Sword, but he has become a blank slate. Fortunately, he has recently restarted his practice. The practice mode of sword spirits and ordinary people is different. However, Qin Mo roughly calculated Yan Miaozhu's strength. He was probably in the Nascent Soul stage. If the power of the Yama Emperor Sword is used, it will definitely reach a level comparable to the early stage of infant transformation.

To this.

If it had been earlier, when Bai Yunzi had not made a breakthrough, Qin Mo would have definitely gone to a sect leader's peak and said to Bai Yunzi, who had been stuck in the infantile transformation stage for more than 130 years,"Look, we All sword spirits have the strength of the infant transformation stage. If you don't work hard, you won't know what you will end up with in your life.'

It's just that Bai Yunzi is now a Mahayana monk, which makes Qin Mo feel regretful.


Just at this time.

Yan Miaozhu slowly opened his eyes and looked at his 'sword master' Qin Mo. Yan Miaozhu's expression was a little confused. A small question mark, do you have many friends?...

"How about it?

Seeing this, Qin Mo asked with a slight smile.

"gained nothing..."

Yan Miaozhu said.

To this.

Qin Mo had already predicted it, so it was not surprising. Yan Miaozhu did not immediately hide in the sword, but waited for Qin Mo to reveal the answer. He always looked forward to the unknown.

Except for the scary stuff, of course.

Qin Mo pointed to the sky.

Those red eyes were deep, as if they could see through everything. All the barriers seemed to be completely stripped away in his eyes. There were no secrets at all. The corners of Qin Mo's mouth raised slightly. seem...

Found something interesting.

Above the Penglai Mountains.

With a shielding formation, it is very hidden!

There, where?....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you. How dare you be poor?’,‘wxb1991’,‘Brother Chao's huge monthly ticket support!

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