Bai Yujing.

This is a hidden sect located above the Penglai Mountains. Their origins are not recorded in the world of cultivation, but they are obviously much earlier than when Qin Mo was born in the world of cultivation. After all, in the Northern Territory, there was the"White Jade Capital in the Sky" long ago. 'The legend is gone.

The Penglai Mountains are surrounded by a barrier that looks like water. It looks like a mirror and a moon in the water. From the outside, there is no clue at all. However, in fact, it is a floating island.

This sounds horrifying, but it's true.

To this.

Qin Mo didn't know clearly, he just had a rough idea. Obviously, as an ancient hidden sect in the world of cultivation, Bai Yujing's methods are extremely high. After all, Bai Yujing and even the Zhengqi Taoist Alliance whose members are all over the four regions of Kyushu also have no idea! at the same time! above the sky...

Naturally, it’s not the Heavenly Court, it’s the Bai Yujing rumored to be hidden in the floating island in the water mirror sky, the four regions of Kyushu.

‘The white jade capital in the sky, the five cities on the twelfth floor.'

This poem is not false!

It has to be said that Bai Yujing above Penglai, a place with various immortal family names, does have its own uniqueness. The aura scenery is better than the Baiyun Mountains where Daozong is located. This point, even if Qin Mo sees , you have to admit it. at this time.

They were discussing something.


Qin Mo! but.

Qin Mo didn't know about these things for the time being. If he did, he would probably just laugh it off. After all, after guessing Bai Yujing's existence, Qin Mo suddenly felt a little boring.

Qin Mo has been waiting for Bai Yujing's people to come to him. If not, he will probably have to wait until he finds Moon Well first.

After all, for Qin Mo, Bai Yujing is dispensable.

And Moon Well...

That smells so good!

In the continuous Penglai Mountains.

Fairy spirit.

As if he were in the realm of immortals, worthy of the name"Penglai", Qin Mo walked alone in the mountains. It gradually became dark, the snow stopped, and everything seemed to become beautiful.

At this time.

An inexplicable sentence popped up in Qin Mo's mind:"The sky is sunny, the rain has stopped, Erzhu...’, well, fortunately, Qin Mo stopped there and did not overly persecute the innocent Erzhu.

Speaking of which, nowadays, the plot of Naruto World has already gone viral.

Konoha Village no longer has the third-generation Hokage and the Nakage Danzang with a few cheaters to take charge of the overall situation. With the assistance of Uchiha Madara, Konoha Village led by Tsunade is developing in a prosperous direction.

This way.

The tragedy of the Uchiha clan would naturally not have to happen. Uchiha Madara agreed with this. Although he had already 'severed' relations with this family, Uchiha Madara would not refuse if he could avoid an unwarranted tragedy.

After all, it was the family he once belonged to.

Warring States Period.

He and his younger brother were all fighting bloody battles for this family. for...Protect 'Uchiha's Glory'!

At night.

A bright moon appeared in the sky of the Penglai Mountains. The moonlight shone down and once again covered the land covered with ice and snow with a layer of silver gauze. It looked very beautiful.


Qin Mo raised his head, and he noticed some differences. Perhaps it was due to geographical reasons. Even during the day, it was no different from other places even when the sun was shining, but at night, there were clues.

In the Penglai Mountains, look up.

The moon is extremely big!

It's as if you are standing in the vast universe, watching closely. From some places, you can even clearly see the veins on the moon. They are not ordinary, they seem to be the ruins of a palace.

It seems like we are in the right place.

Qin Mo thought to himself

"Moon Palace..." at this time.

Yan Miaozhu murmured softly, with a sad expression. She obviously recognized the place, but the Moon Palace, like the underworld, had become this depressed after the last era. At the same time, the memories of the Moon Palace came to her mind again and again. It emerged that Yan Miaozhu was a very happy time when he was with sister Xiyue.

A heavenly moon fairy.

A daughter of Yama from the underworld. therefore.

They became sisters who talked about everything.

Yan Miaozhu sighed quietly.

Lost in memories.

In this case, Qin Mo naturally would not disturb her. Instead, he sat down cross-legged on a clean bluestone next to him. The sea of ​​true energy and half a golden elixir in the Zi Mansion rotated independently, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth converged towards this place. Come, automatically transform with Qin Mo's own power.

Probably because of Qin Mo's special nature, Qin Mo was very casual when practicing. However, even so, Qin Mo's realm did not increase much, but his strength increased 'scratch'.

Of course, Qin Mo wouldn't sit here and lose his mind.

Instantly connect your consciousness to the chat group.


No new people joined, but it seemed that after some time, someone had read the new memory copy. The chat group that had been silent because Qin Mo uploaded the new memory copy became lively again.

The water group is very nice at this time.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"[Picture], yo, good evening everyone."

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Good evening, leader."

At this time.

Tsunade slowly replied to Qin Mo that the time flow rate in the world of each group member was different, but Qin Mo seemed to be lucky this time, and it happened to be night in the Naruto world.

The Spirit of Time:"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha, I'm getting ahead of you."

Ganwu Girl:"(⊙o⊙)…"

The big bones were boiled into soup:"wc! Why is the moon there so big?"

Li Xunhuan:"Not only is it big, there seems to be an abandoned palace on the moon!"

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"Chang'e...Fairy? Murong Bai:"


The group members began to speculate.

Qin Mo smiled.

She has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"I am in the Penglai Mountains. There is a road to the moon here, but I haven't found it yet." A seventeen-year-old girl:"At this time, it should be @NEET Ji"

NEET Ji:"Eh? Penglai Mountains ?"

Penglai Mountain Kaguya was a little surprised.

She is the Princess of the Moon.

Yiyi also has the word Penglai in his name. From this point of view, it is quite a coincidence........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to '03xx90' for your monthly ticket support!

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