He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Athena?"

Qin Mo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

If he remembers well, Athena in the world of Ten Cold 2, as the goddess of war and wisdom, is not bad in terms of appearance and is very durable, but Athena’s character...With Thor added in, there will be a fight, right?

Moreover, Athena believed in love at first sight. Just like she and the River God, it was like an electric shock at first sight. She may not necessarily like Thor yet, which is very realistic....

Thor is not a fat nerd:"@雷神thoor, I seriously suspect that you are messing with me."


Thor rolled his eyes, and said, this little heartless guy is still single, and he has worked so hard to be a matchmaker, and to be the matchmaker for his 'surface brother' Thor, isn't he tired?

Time flies!

Kyushu Cultivation Realm, Northern Territory, Penglai Mountains.

A speechless night!

In the water and practice, time can be said to have passed very quickly. On the horizon, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and a rising sun slowly rose from the east.

The huge full moon also disappeared.

Day and night alternate, the sun and the moon rotate!

Most worlds follow this rule, and the Four Realms of Kyushu are obviously the same. However, the world of cultivation is not a ball like the earth, but is more similar to the saying of"the sky is round and the earth is round".

Qin Mo opened his eyes, and in a pair of red eyes, a frightening light could be vaguely seen, which was shocking....

Panic. pity!

In this desolate Penglai Mountains, which seemed like a no-man's land, no one was seen and admired. The only sword spirit beside Qin Mo was Yan Miaozhu, the sword spirit of the Yama Emperor Sword.

Regarding Qin Mo's strength, Yan Miaozhu felt that it was normal.

This is the strong one!

In Yan Miaozhu's eyes, no one in the four regions of Kyushu can compare with Qin Mo in terms of strength, temperament, or the particularity of being 'favored by the great road'.

Even in the second era, none of the cultivators in the world, the gods in heaven or the underworld, can compare with Qin Mo. He seems to have transcended the confinement of this world. He is the real immortal, 'Relegated Immortal' 'Arrival


At this time.

After Qin Mo stretched, he jumped down from the bluestone he had been sitting on all night. It was a pity that this bluestone had not experienced the vision of heaven and earth when Qin Mo broke through. Otherwise, it might be able to be born like the Star Grass and the Red Maple Formation. out of true consciousness. but...

The birth of consciousness is not as simple as imagined. Although the legend of"all things in the world are animistic" has been circulated from ancient times to the present, it is older than the legend of Bai Yujing.


Things are far from being as simple as imagined. In the world, everything has its own destiny. Just like human beings, as the"innate Tao body" recognized by spiritual practice, it is easier to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth when it comes to spiritual practice. This is why different paths lead to the same goal. Even after the monsters transform, they will involuntarily evolve towards the appearance of humans. for the sake of.

The same is true for red leaves and fireweed taking shape.

This is the essence of heaven and earth!

Too...Due to the truth of the natural flow of the universe, Qin Mo did not delve into the situation, nor did he want to find it. To him, these were just unwarranted things and did not take him seriously at all.

He is not a seeker of 'truth'.

He just wants to become stronger!

All heavens and worlds!

There are so many strong people, I don’t know how many. Although Qin Mo’s strength in the qi refining stage is completely able to defeat the monks in the tribulation stage, and he has now become a strong man in the 'half-step golden elixir' realm, but Qin Mo can No bloat.

He is special.

Even the immortals in the immortal world are not his opponent, and because the level of his world is very high, the Jiuzhou cultivation world was originally just an ordinary world of immortals. Even if he can achieve enlightenment and ascend to become a real immortal after passing through the tribulation, if he wants to Comparing it with other worlds is impossible, after all, there is no reference line.

Just like the battle between Naruto and Pirates...

You can see the leopard in the tube!


The world of Kyushu cultivation is not as simple as it appears in front of you. Let alone the three known eras and the great catastrophe that can destroy all civilizations, the legend of 'Daluo' that has been passed down since ancient times is enough to prove it..

This world is not that simple.

Mythical Da Luo...

It is described in the legend that Daluo means eternal freedom in all space, gold means immortality, and has the meaning of immortality, that is, the immortal immortal who is eternally free in all time and space, transcends time and space, radiates multi-universe planes, and has cause and effect. Non-contact, omniscient, omnipotent, or, it can be called a saint.

This is like a saint in ancient times. omnipotent!

He is not arrogant enough to think that he can be an opponent of such a state. Qin Mo is not arrogant, or in other words, he has a deep understanding of his own strength.

No matter which world he fights in, he has thought about it carefully and considered it carefully!

And prehistoric...

In a sense, the level of the prehistoric world is undoubtedly very high. In this way, the Jiuzhou Cultivation World is also included in this list and has become one of the highest level worlds.

Shaked his head.

Qin Mo shook off these messy thoughts, stretched out a white hand, and rubbed the center of his eyebrows helplessly. Let's not talk about world-level matters for the time being. At least Qin Mo has not had the opportunity to come into contact with Da Luo yet. For such legendary existences, the most important thing in the Kyushu cultivation world is still about the great catastrophe of the third era.

For Qin Mo, this is the most important thing. besides...

There are probably only some things in the world of the group members, but now, since the last time pseudo-reincarnators appeared in Alice's world, things like being invaded by another dimension have not happened.

Qin Mo looked inside at himself.

In Zifu.

It was an incomparably vast amount of true energy and a golden elixir that was as strong as half the setting sun, but Qin Mo could clearly feel that the golden elixir had grown a little stronger, which was the result of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and practicing last night.

The speed of practicing in the Penglai Mountains seems to be a little faster


At this time,

Qin Mo squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky. In the water mirror sky-like formation, ripples like water splashes gradually spread........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Buddha·Xiaose' for your monthly ticket support!

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