
As a sound breaking through the air suddenly sounded, Qin Mo did not make any unnecessary movements. He just followed the source of the sound and turned his head slightly. He did not have an 'overreaction' because Qin Mo's sword heart did not predict it. Danger.

A book, supported by some kind of spiritual power, fell in front of Qin Mo, and Qin Mo took it in his hand.

There was no one around, which was strange for a powerful Sutra Pavilion. However, sensing the fluctuations similar to those at the ancient secret space gate, Qin Mo probably knew that this was a small world of its own.

Like a beehive!

To put it simply, there are countless microscopic spaces in Bai Yujing's Sutra Collection Pavilion. After everyone enters the Sutra Collection Pavilion through the gatekeeper elder, they will be automatically transported to a space, and then the Shuling will serve them."One hundred sixty-seven" if compared with other words.

Qin Mo thought for a while. perhaps...

This is somewhat similar to the hive in Raccoon City, the Resident Evil world where Alice is located. It is similar to a bee's nest, a large building with countless small rooms.

The Raccoon City Hive is led by the artificial intelligence Red Queen. All affairs in the Baiyujing Sutra Pavilion are handed over to the countless book spirits in the Sutra Pavilion who were born one by one!

This is quite convenient.

Qin Mo picked up the book, and there was a word"Moon" on the cover. If ordinary people looked at it, it would be absolutely baffling. However, most people come to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for various cultivation methods, specifically looking for this kind of classics. Not much to see. and

‘Qin Mo believes that not many people in Bai Yujing know the name Moon Well. At least when Bai Yujing was mentioned in the hall before, Sikong Changfeng was completely confused.

Qin Mo is also an old man.

Very discerning.

Looking at the vast world of cultivation, Qin Mo is confident that no one can deceive his sword heart. The cultivators in the four regions of Jiuzhou all practice spiritual consciousness, even Sikong Changfeng.

This is just like the realm of cultivators. It has been passed down from ancient times to the present and has long been a given.

Start by building the foundation and practice your spiritual consciousness!

This... is also a type of fixed number. but.

Three thousand years ago, the appearance of Qin Mo had already broken this 'conformist' rule. As we all know, there were nine levels of Qi refining, and there were people on the thirteenth level of Qi refining in ancient times. They were already rare geniuses.

However, Qin Mo has been directly looking forward to three thousand years of Qi Refining, reaching the 66,800th level of the Qi Refining Stage. This is very scary. Speaking of which, at Qin Mo's level, he is no longer a simple Qi Refining Stage monk.

As we all know!

During the Qi refining period, spiritual cultivation is not possible. The Foundation building period is the beginning of the path to immortality and immortality. However, Qin Mo was not discouraged. Perhaps because of the special nature of being a time traveler, Qin Mo was favored by God. His Breakthrough is as simple as eating and drinking water, just...Other cultivations are different. The breakthrough they are talking about is not the great realm, but the Qi refining period.

That's why.

Qin Mo has condensed a sword heart that can destroy all illusions, and no illusions can get close to Qin Mo. As for the so-called demons and monsters in the four regions of Kyushu, they are even more unbearable.


Qin Mo murmured to himself.

This name.

It does have some connection with the place that the 'Moon Well' teleportation array leads to. Most people can't contact it. However, Qin Mo came here for the Moon Well, so he will naturally connect it subconsciously.

At this time!

Next to Qin Mo, Yan Miaozhu's shadow appeared. The Yama Emperor Sword belonged to King Yama, the master of the fifth palace of the underworld in the previous era. In addition, Yan Miaozhu sacrificed his own blood to the sword, so there is no need to say more about its grade.

As long as she wanted to, even the great monks in the tribulation period would not notice that she had manifested the body of a sword spirit, or she could let the most ordinary mortal in the secular world of cultivation see it. actually...

The sword of Emperor Yama, which comes from the second era and the age of myth, is inherently superior to many. undoubtedly.

This is a very huge gap.

Qin Mo smiled slightly.

Look through it.

Yan Miaozhu, like Qin Mo, watched carefully. According to the book spirit of Baiyu Jingzang Sutra Pavilion, the things recorded in this book are related to the moon well and the moon palace in the past. therefore!

Yan Miaozhu is also watching. This is what Qin Mo means. Maybe Yan Miaozhu can use this to remember some things about the previous era. Yan Miaozhu's memory is also a very important part.....

If she could recover some of her memories, it would naturally be much easier for Qin Mo and the others to search for the catastrophe of the previous era.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Passed quietly through the fingers.

In the Jingxuan Palace of the State of Zhao in the Southern Territory, Du'e, a muscular demon monk from Hanshan Temple, is fighting with evil spirits; Li Rou, whose body was taken away by the demon in Netherworld City, secretly transformed Netherworld City into the base of evil spirits in the four regions of Kyushu, and issued orders one after another; in the North In the domain, Ning Xue, who was dressed in a white dress and looked better than the snow, held the sword of ice and snow in her hand and came to the ice and snow city through the teleportation array of another city.

What surprised her was that the legend of Qin Mo, the ancestor of a sect, was circulating in Ice and Snow City.

This... surprised Ning Xue. She didn't know this.

At this time, Ruan Ling'er, the spirit behind her, smiled softly.

Not much to say!

However, he said something mysteriously, and he was still like this, exuding an intoxicating charm like a poppy.

Ning Xue seemed to understand. actually...

She and Qin Mo had only met twice.

A sect.

Qing'e held the sword in her hand and walked out of the Baiyun Mountains. After building her foundation, she left the sect and began her own travel journey, looking for ways to become stronger 4.5. She wanted to one day be able to truly help Qin Mo is busy...... at the same time.

Bai Yujing.


In one of the spaces, Qin Mo closed the book. With the support of the book spirit, the book was accurately returned to the place where it should have been. Qin Mo closed his eyes.

Then, slowly open your eyes

"At the foot of Penglai Mountain..."

"Moon well!"

He murmured softly

《The book"Moon" does not completely record the prosperity of the Moon Palace in the past. What makes Qin Mo pay attention to it is...Moon Well coordinates, Qinmojiao rises slightly...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Huangquanyang' for your monthly ticket support!

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