Time flies. Time flies.

The word time is actually a word of caution engraved in the hearts of the entire world of cultivation. The road to cultivation is long, and everything they do is to become stronger. At the same time,...

It is also for the sake of achieving immortality.

This is a long-cherished wish.

The lifespan of ordinary people is only a hundred years, and the lifespan of monks in the Qi Refining Stage is already over in two or three hundred years. People yearn for immortality and yearn to climb a higher mountain.

Almost every cultivator has two ideas.

1. Immortality!

2. Strength!

Apart from that, there is nothing else. Qin Mo once read a cultivation novel in his previous life. It said that some cultivators were so lazy that they even practiced Turtle Breathing Technique hard because they were too lazy to breathe, thus achieving the goal of only breathing once or twice a month. Achievement. but.

In the world of Jiuzhou cultivation, the road to cultivation is long and full of thorns. The cultivators go through the thorns and thorns just to set foot on the road to heaven and ascend to the immortal world.

In this world, even the life span of a tribulation period has its end.

However, Xian is not.

True immortals are of course just breaking through the limit of lifespan and taking the first step into the fairyland. In terms of strength, they are not as free as Da Luo, who can roam all the worlds with one thought. Flowers bloom with one thought, and the world is destroyed with one thought, for eternity. However, true immortals are a turning point.

True immortal... immortal!

This is the evolution of the level of life. The monks in the Tribulation Stage are very strong, and perhaps their bodies are also very strong. Their lifespans have been extended for thousands of years through practice, but they are still human beings.

There is no doubt about it!

If they are unable to make another breakthrough on the basis of the Tribulation Period, then dying of old age after thousands of years will be their final destination.

However, there are special circumstances.

Such as Qin Mo.

Having lived for three thousand years during the Qi Refining Period, he is already a freak of other species. Even Qin Mo’s ascended master, the only man in the Four Regions of Kyushu who suppressed an era as a casual cultivator, also expressed his specialness towards Qin Mo....

Shock! at the same time.

In the fairy world that connects the hidden Tongtian Road to Jiuzhou, there is a cave filled with spiritual energy. A figure is sitting there. He suddenly sneezed and was stunned:"This...True immortals can also get sick~?"

True Immortal Stage!

The monks who have reached this realm have all passed through the legendary thunder tribulation, and have broken through to the True Immortal Stage since the Tribulation Stage. Moreover, this big brother is different.

In Kyushu Middle...

He also has another identity, a talented and amazing casual cultivator in the past.

Qin Mo’s master.

The realm of true immortality.

On the journey of cultivation, when you reach this realm, your life level has undergone a true transformation, transcending the differences between ordinary people. In the second era, you are called gods, and now you are called immortals.

Moreover, let alone a fairyland, cultivators in the qi refining stage will suffer from mortal illnesses. In fact, this is normal. The reason for illness is that there is a problem with a certain function of the body, but qi refining cultivators need Various elixirs and medicated baths are used to stimulate physical fitness and the meridians in the body. Physical fitness has long surpassed that of ordinary people.

It can be said!

In the four vast regions of Kyushu, the gap between ordinary people and refining is like the gap between the Qi refining stage and the Nascent Soul stage. Under normal circumstances, this situation is irreversible, okay?...Qin Mo is the exception

"Wait for me to calculate the hexagram."

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes and said nothing.


The result he obtained from the hexagram prediction was that it was unpredictable!

It stands to reason.

This kind of hexagram is very strange and does not seem to appear under normal circumstances, but this The Taoist was not surprised. Instead, he had a skillful smile on his face.

"That kid knew it was him."

He said to himself.

I don't know.... how's it going!

To be precise, he was the one who led Qin Mo on the road to cultivation. He was considered a genius at that time, but his disciple Qin Mo was the only one he couldn't see through.

There seemed to be a hazy aura emerging from Qin Mo's body, covering up everything about him. he is...

Like a son of the Great Dao, he is still in the true fairyland and the answer is still the same after calculation.

It can be said!

Except for things in the Second Era that he didn't know much about, most things in Kyushu could not stop his calculations under normal circumstances, with the exception of one person.

Qin Mo! his...Disciple. now.

He probably already knows who it is, but he also doesn’t know, what level of cultivation has that kid reached now?


It will be done soon. time flies.


After Qin Mo left the Penglai Mountains, it was said that the young master of the Ice and Snow Sect was getting married. However, Qin Mo didn't care about this. He didn't stay too much in the Northern Territory and stayed at Hongye Peak. Isn't this nice? and!

Qin Mo is no longer what he used to be. Before, he might still feel bored, or might be extremely troubled by matters related to his cultivation level.

But now.

He joined a chat group that connected all the worlds and became the leader of the chat group. The group members were all from different worlds and bragging in the group every day was a great feeling.

It once reminded Qin Mo of the time he spent in the Blue Star Celestial Dynasty before traveling three thousand years ago.

Now, Qin Mo has also broken through the Qi refining stage.

He became an unparalleled powerhouse in the realm of 'Half-Step Golden Pill'.

His (Zhao Zhao Zhao) long-cherished wish has long been fulfilled.

On the Red Leaf Peak.

Other courtyard.

Qin Mo was lying on a reclining chair. The sea of ​​true energy surged in the Zi Mansion, and the gradually condensed golden elixir began to rotate slowly. Under these dual effects, Qin Mo recovered the memory he spent that night on the bluestone of the Penglai Mountains. Feel.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth enters the body automatically.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment.

This feeling is amazing. but!

He suddenly thought of what happened to the idle online game he had played before?

This is full of déjà vu.

Shaked his head.

Qin Mo didn't think too much anymore. He hung up and practiced online. At the same time, he was in Shuiqun in the Zhutian chat group. It was simply the best match, a perfect match! Both cultivation and entertainment are perfect, which is perfect for Qin Mo...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Life is Like a Play' for your generous reward support! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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