My best friend Madara:"@UchihaDanceKing,???"

I have been refining my energy for three thousand years:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Kyushu cultivation world.

Baiyun Mountains.

Red Leaf Peak!

As the formation spirit Hong Ye's cultivation becomes more advanced, the red maples once planted by Qin Mo on the Red Leaf Peak become increasingly bright red, looking like a fire burning, surrounded by green mountains and green waters. In Baiyun Mountains...


Look from afar.

Look up and down, left and right.

This is true!

It's just a little bit of red among thousands of greens.

Let’s not mention these for now.

On the Red Leaf Peak, there was peace, and the red atmosphere hovered in the sky, as if auspiciousness was coming. As a breeze blew by, it danced like a fire phoenix, which looked extremely beautiful.

In another courtyard.

Qin Mo lay on a recliner.

Moon Rabbit huddled in his arms.

Qin Mo...

Very special!

Even though, now, he can automatically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body in Zifu, due to his own special characteristics, the power of true energy in his body has also undergone special changes.

His true essence is more advanced than the thick liquid spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

It can even nourish the soul.

Most of Yan Miaozhu's cultivation also relied on Qin Mo's true energy.

That's probably why.

Yue Rabbit is very close to Qin Mo.


Sometimes, a little shy


Thinking of this, Moon Rabbit's body couldn't help but feel warm.

Qin Mo's attention was still on the group.

Or on the new members.

In fact!

Like most of the members in the group, he had already guessed the identity of the newcomer. The nickname"My Best Friend Madara" and the name he mentioned, Uchiha Madara, were enough to explain everything.

Senju Hashirama! his name. only...

According to the nature of the chat group, people who join the same world must be from the same period, but in the period where Tsunade and Uchiha Madara are now, Senju Hashirama has already passed away.

And for decades. parallel world? soul?

If it is a soul, relying on the mystery of the chat group in the heavens, it is very possible to bring a soul body into the group. After all, it can be done to connect the heavens and the world. In the Qin Dynasty, under the busy work of the First Emperor, the world It has also been transformed into a real fairy world.

Maybe further up...

It is the Immortal Dynasty. certainly!

This does not mean that the world of Qin Shi has surpassed the Kyushu cultivation world where Qin Mo is located. This is ultimately the difference in world level. Kaguya Otsutsuki in the Naruto world is also immortal, but compared with the Dragon Ball world, his combat power is second-hand. Into slag.

Uchiha Dance King:"@My best friend Madara, your question mark is a hammer."


I'm hot-tempered and irritating, and I'm annoying people online.

Uchiha Dance King?

Is this a name?

Okay nickname!

Uncle Madara was very angry. He already knew the identity of Senju Hashirama, his 'wife'. In the world of Naruto, it can be said that the two of them are true love, and Uzumaki Mito was just an accident.

Uchiha Madara's energy comes from nowhere. perhaps...Is it because Senju Hashirama didn't discover his identity? You know, the phrase 'Do you also want to dance?' was his old mantra.

My best friend Mada:"...???"

Senju Hashirama was stunned.

Question mark was sent again.

Just like the effect of other new members joining the group, a mysterious mechanical synthesized sound sounded in his ears before, saying that he had joined the chat group of the heavens that connects the heavens, blah blah blah.

However, he believed it.

It's not easy to see a member of the Uchiha clan, but he's still a bad-tempered person?

"It is somewhat similar to Madara."

He murmured in a low voice.

At the same time.

Konoha Village!

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade has a headache at this time. The uncle and the uncle are having sex. What should I do? Waiting online, it's quite urgent.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:" @My best friend is spicy, Grandpa Zhujian?"

My best friend Mada La:"Well...Who are you?"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Tsunade."

My best friend Madara:"It turns out to be Xiao Gang, are you okay now?"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"It's okay."

Uchiha Dance King:"Of course it's okay. Tsunade is now the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village and the head of the village."

Mr. Ban said in a pitiful tone.

My best friend Mada La:"......"

Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched.

The outline is...


A real man, right?

Senju Hashirama was inexplicably worried about the future of Konoha.

My best friend Madara:"@UchihaDanceKing, by the way, your personality is similar to Madara."

UchihaDanceKing:"I am Uchiha Madara! Idiot...[Picture]"

Veins on Uchiha Madara's forehead jumped sharply.

He showed off a selfie by the way.

He was quite arrogant.

My best friend Madara:"Madara...You are indeed not dead."

Senju Hashirama smiled slightly.

You're fine, that's good.

Uchiha Dance King:"Hey, idiot."

Uchiha Dance King:"@My close friend Madara, where are you?"

My best friend Madara:"Underworld." he already... died.

Underground in Mist Ninja Village.

Uchiha Madara was silent. He had known this information for a long time, so he called a White Zetsu clone, and took out the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama that he had stored before, and formed a seal with his hands.

"From this point of view, the ninjutsu of that guy from Senju Tobirama is not that unbearable...." he said to himself.

S-level forbidden techniques -

Reincarnation from the dirty soil!

This is a forbidden technique developed by the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama. It can summon the souls of long-dead ninjas back to the world and resurrect them in physical form. However, it requires a living sacrifice. There are countless White Zetsu clones here in Uchiha Madara. No more going out to find a ninja.

Uchiha Madara quickly formed a seal with his hands


Put your hands together! then.

Uchiha Madara suddenly slapped the ground and shouted:

"Psychic · Reincarnation of the Dirty Land!"

This move is similar to the psychic technique, except that the reincarnation of the dirty earth summons is not the psychic beast in the psychic world, but the soul of the dead ninja in the underworld. In front of him.

On the ground..A coffin slowly rose, and above the coffin, there was the word '一'

‘"Crash" - a loud noise.

The lid falls.

A figure was revealed.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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