Academy Apocalypse World.

Fujimi Gakuen. on campus...

A bloody fight was still going on, and time passed bit by bit. However, the number of people in the live broadcast room still did not decrease at all. After all, except for a few people, most of the group members were very 'idle'.

Three hours later.

With the unremitting efforts of Busujima Saeko and Alice, all the dead bodies in Fujimi Academy were cleared away. Bedmaster Ichi and the others did not know what they looked like for the time being, but there was no abnormality in the school.

The only change is probably that they did not discover the real protagonist group of this world. The changes in Academy Apocalypse are obvious to all, and are not changes caused by Saeko on her own initiative. After she joined the chat group, she has been preparing for the coming doomsday. , so she basically didn’t do anything else except to practice enough every day.

She has no worries except her father, who is far away abroad. therefore.

Busujima Saeko was exceptionally calm.

In the desolate campus.

Bloody and bloody.

On the playground, in the corridors, and in the classrooms, dead bodies could be seen everywhere, lying on the ground in a mess, as if they had just experienced a war. Busujima Saeko put away the 'sheathless sword', and there was still a sharp cold light on it. It is silvery white in color and spotless.

An unsheathed sword is never stained with blood.

She looked around with an indifferent expression. She seemed to be indifferent to 673's life and death. She had the characteristics of a 'murderer'. During the battle with the dead body, not only did she not feel scared, but she was very excited.

【Tips: The chat group detects that a member of the chat group,"Busushima Saeko", appears in the world of illegal time travellers, Yu Tamada, who traveled through time and became the supporting character of School Apocalypse, Koichi Murasaki, awakened the doomsday system, and dominated the world of School Apocalypse as the mastermind behind the scenes. 'Resident Evil', and merged multiple apocalyptic worlds to prepare to turn the world of Academy Apocalypse into a paradise of hell】

【Ding! The following is a brief introduction to the target]

Name: Wisteria Koichi (Tata Yu)

Type: time traveler

Mission goal: kill the illegal time traveler Toda Yu, recover the 'Doomsday Advent System', and save the world of Academy Apocalypse

Time: 10 days

Number of people: unlimited rewards (chcg): Participate in the mission, each person can get 10,000 points.

Note: All members participating in the mission can go to the mission world without traveling through the talisman. After refining Qi for three thousand years:"@all members, the mission is coming,"

Qin Mo directly liked all the members.

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"Hiss"..."

Demon boy Nezha:"Mission? I'm already hungry for my fire-tip spear and hot fire wheel."


Nezha's eyes lit up. Ever since he learned spells from Master Taiyi, he had rarely had the opportunity to take action. After all, although Chentangguan was occasionally haunted by monsters, it was not considered a place where monsters were rampant.

Busujima Saeko:"Alice-sister"..."

Alice:"Picture, points are refunded."

Alice knew what Saeko was going to say.

When Busujima Saeko said her first words, Liz knew what she wanted to say, so she directly took a screenshot and sent it to the group. Nothing happened at Fujimi Academy for the time being. Qin Mo's wave of Aite All members of Psychic' also temporarily withdrew from the live broadcast room. After all, the dead bodies in Fujimi Academy were completely eliminated.

Today, Fujimi Academy should be regarded as one of the few pure lands in the entire bed master city.

There is not much danger at the moment. therefore!

They set their sights on the group. The group leader generally doesn't like all the members of Aite, and now the plot of Academy Apocalypse has just gone off the track. Could something have happened?

Thor, God of Thunder:"Eh? Points refunded? It seems that this chat group in the heavens is very humane, wow~"

Thor Dog expressed shock!

Honzina:"This should be relatively normal. After all, it is a truly large-scale group mission."

Yuuki Asuna said weakly.

Seventeen-year-old girl:"Correct answer!"

I am not the god of death. A primary school student:"Hey, didn't you notice the mission?"

I am not Lin Fengjiao:"Of course I noticed it."

Zombie World.

Renjia Town.


The place he was guarding was free of demons, monsters, monsters, and monsters. It could be said to be peaceful. The only thing that made Uncle Jiu feel a little worried was his two incompetent disciples.

Learning Taoism is worrisome, but getting into trouble is a skill.

Ten thousand points...

He wants it.

Cultivation requires a wealthy couple. The word wealth is placed first, and the wealth in the chat group of all heavens is naturally points. This is not like the money in different worlds, which are different. In the chat group, points are Real hard currency, the kind that will never depreciate. and.

Lin Jiu still had a doubt in her heart and wanted to give it a try. dead body...

That is, zombies. What is the difference between zombies?

He practiced the Heart Sutra of Supreme Purity and Merit.

This is a technique passed down by the great masters of the Sanqing Dynasty.

I just don’t know whether the Taoist techniques passed down from ancient times in China can cause harm to monsters of different systems? However, he didn't have high expectations in his heart. After all, the memory copy of the 'Zombie World' showed that the Maoshan Taoism he used could not cause effective damage to Western vampires. And the old man Ren from the musical zombie, the Chemical agents also block Taoist damage.


Zombies are mostly biological mutations caused by virus leaks, which are similar to chemical agents.

Qian Wumei:"This time, I want to participate too!"

Xia Shizi:"Me too."

Xia Shizi said immediately.

Ten thousand points...

For people like them who come from the everyday world, this is undoubtedly a very rare opportunity, and this is also what they need to do as they grow and mature.

I want to be a Pokémon master:"My Pikachu will definitely dazzle you!"

I'm not a Shinigami primary school student:"You..."

Ben Zina:"Count me in."

My best friend Madara:"@Uchiha Dance King, Madara, we can finally fight side by side again!"

Konoha Village.

Senju Hashirama looked excited.

Uchiha Dance King:"......"

The corner of his mouth twitched.

The word 'disgust' is written all over his face...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to Qiu Gaojie’,‘Gnawing the Princess' Poison Apple' Big monthly ticket support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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