What happens?

He was confused. really!

He just sat on the rooftop of a nearby high-rise building and"waited for the chance" for a while. As a time-traveler who had obtained the system, Koichi Wisteria said that he already had a chance to win.


The imagination is full and the reality is very skinny. The sudden reality undoubtedly gave him a critical blow.

A series of combination punches immediately stunned Koichi Zito. who I am? where am I?

I want... do what? at this time.

Hiroshi Zito held the 'Doomsday' Notebook tightly in his hand. After the inexplicable surprise in his eyes, there was a very fierce light instead.

He organizes the world.

Take control! he doesn't allow it...Nothing beyond his control is allowed to exist.

Koichi Wisteria stared at the playground of Fujimi Academy


A low voice.

This is wrong!

His gaze just now was completely attracted by the white light that suddenly appeared, so that he did not notice that there were two people standing next to the white whirlpools.


This Koichi Wisteria is very familiar with the two of them, Busujima Saeko and Alice. Among them, Busujima Saeko is one of the heroines in the world of Academy Apocalypse and the eldest lady of the Neon Kendo celebrity Busujima clan.

He also said about the other person. I know.


Koichi Wisteria is convinced that Alice from Resident Evil does not belong to this world because he is a time traveler. Both Resident Evil and School Apocalypse are film and television works from the world he lived in before crossing over, and he has a doomsday system. , has the ability to bring the 'end of the world', and he is extremely familiar with these characters.

At this time, Koichi Murasaki had some doubts about life. Is this world other than the world of"The Walking Dead" that he descended through the doomsday system, or a fusion world of the Academy Apocalypse world and the Resident Evil world?

These dead bodies were actually infected with the T-virus leaked from Raccoon City. really!

Koichi Wisteria knew that the Resident Evil movies had neon scenes.

But why hasn’t he heard of the Umbrella Company? and!

Just relying on Busujima Saeko and Alice, they killed thousands of dead bodies in Fujimi Academy. Isn't this too fantasy? Even if Koichi Koichi has become a superman through the system's auxiliary enhancement and has canceled the buff that the system gave him to be immune to zombies, Koichi Koichi doesn't have the confidence to clear out Fujimi Gakuen directly. In other words,...

"No, that's not right! Not like that~.

Purple Fuji Koichi shouted.

He didn't believe it.

The T-virus was perfectly integrated into Alice's body, and she evolved superpowers. Her physical qualities are several times that of ordinary humans. Saeko Busujima is proficient in swordsmanship, and has the characteristics of a 'murderer', so she can face the dead without any ambiguity. , but the fighting power shown by the two of them shouldn't be enough to empty out Fujimi Academy silently, right?

Then, there is only one truth, it must be the fault of those white whirlpools.

Purple Fuji Koichi found a result that he could accept and started thinking wildly.

Fortunately, Qin Mo didn't know.

Otherwise, I would be very speechless.

All right...

Almost all the time-travelers, reincarnations, and rebirths they encountered were exactly the same. Because they were familiar with the plot of the original world, as bosses, they liked to make up their minds.

Either I'm thinking about it, or I'm on the way to thinking about it. at the same time.

Fujimi Gakuen. playground.

Gradually, as time passed, the special effect of the heavens chat group opening the dimensional channel began to dissipate, and the white vortex gradually disappeared, replaced by silhouettes.

They dress differently.

Both ancient and modern ones!

Thor:"This smell is really uncomfortable, wow~"

Thor...Thor surrounded the dog, frowning, and then said in the group that Thor, the god of thunder from the world of Ten Cold 2, is a dog, although he has the same shirt and uniform as Thor, the fat man in Asgard. Hammer is still very powerful, but even so, it still cannot change the fact that his body is a dog, such as his appearance, and he is also very sensitive.... nose.

I am not Lin Fengjiao:"Dead body"...Pindao is now sure that apart from thunder spells, fire spells and purple thunder talisman, only external skills can cause harm to these guys."

Uncle Jiu said.


He takes back what he said in the group before he came. Dead bodies are different from zombies. Creatures such as dead bodies rely entirely on viruses and mutations to grow, but zombies are different from evil things. They can They absorb the essence of the sun, the earth, the sun and the moon to practice, and constantly become stronger. Since they are inherently 'evil', Maoshan Taoism can cause considerable damage.

Vampires in the West are afraid of the sun, and werewolves are afraid of the moon.

The dead body is probably afraid of only Headshot!

Ordinary Zhang Zhiwei:"Isn’t my thunder method from Longhu Mountain good?"

Pindao Zhang Sanfeng:"Pindao's Nine-Yang Magic is already thirsty and thirsty!"

Old Heavenly Master and Master Zhang also came out to join in the fun.

Busujima Saeko:"@ Gray Wolf King, Mr. Gray Wolf, about the dead body...sorry to bother you."

Big Big Wolf King:"It doesn't matter."

Big Gray Wolf replied.

Studying dead bodies?

He's familiar with this.

A passing Kamen Rider said:"@Tiandaosongsi, are you interested in a battle of armor clock.up?"

Tiandao General Secretary:"Grandma said that only those who chase two rabbits can win both."

My best friend Madara:"@UchihaDanceKing, Madara, fighting side by side after a long absence, my blood is boiling!"

Uchiha Dance King:"..."


Demon boy Nezha:"Master, I'm looking forward to it too."

Nezha transformed directly.

Riding on Hot Wheels!

Holding a fire-tipped spear.

He looked quite handsome, completely different from the two- or three-year-old child model he had before, as if he had suddenly transformed from a child into a teenager.

Qian Wumei:"The Expeditionary Army of the Heavens, assemble!"

Xia Shizi:"What a good title for the second grade...."

The Spirit of Time:"Ara ala...I just don’t know if there is time for the dead body to absorb it?"

Next to Qin Mo, an elf wearing a powerful spiritual outfit, the third level, murmured to himself.

One of her abilities...

The city of eating time!...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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