After refining Qi for three thousand years:"Actually, it's nothing. One more thing, the level of this world is not as high as imagined. Everyone should pay more attention when fighting."

Qin Mo said.

Although they are already established here, they are still more accustomed to communicating with everyone in the chat group.

Maybe this is a habit they have developed in daily life. After all, they have always been in the water group when they have nothing to do.

People like Uchiha Madara, who hang out in the group all year round and pretend to be bad, are already at the level of the Great Emperor of Water. but!

Uchiha Madara is not alone. On the contrary, he has many like-minded friends, such as the monster sage in a certain fantasy land.

NEET-hime from Eternal Pavilion.

Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang. as well as...

The time elf from the world of Date A Live - Kurumi Tokisaki. certainly!

The ones listed here and now are all representative examples.

Uchiha Madara: I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!

This is what Uncle Madara is thinking in his heart.

Shaking his head crazily! admit?


That is impossible. Only crazy rejection can sustain Yazi's life.

Sun Wukong:"Huh?"

My best friend Ma Dara:"Ah ha, it's definitely not me. When I fight, although it will cause damage to the terrain, it will never reach the level I want. The one who should pay attention to it should be @宇智Wave Dance King."

At this time!

Senju Hashirama, who had been silent for a while, spoke, and if he didn't speak, he would...It’s Wang Zha!

Moreover, after Senju Hashirama hung out in the group for a while, he gradually became jealous and directly dissed his good friend. aside.

Next to Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, who looked exactly like him and was wearing a red Hokage Sengoku couple's armor, was speechless at this time.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

All right!

This guy has learned to diss him now. Madara Uchiha felt that he should not have used the Reincarnation of the Earth to summon him back then.

Otherwise, with Senju Hashirama's spirit body still in the underworld, he would never be able to participate in this mission.

Uchiha Madara thought to himself. but!

Although he was very speechless, he did not say it directly. after all...

No matter how you put it, Senju Hashirama's identity is that he is his gay friend after all.

Aren’t living things like gay friends meant to be pampered?

Although Uchiha Madara was angry, he would not regret it.

Uchiha Dance King:"……"

Facing the wave of Aite from Senju Hashirama, Uchiha sent out a few small points but did not respond directly.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Well..."

Cover your forehead.jpg!

On the other side, Tsunade and Xiao Longzhuan were together. Their relationship was very good, but after standing together,...The cutest contrast has obviously become the most beautiful one. certainly!

The little Tatsumaki who owned an 'airport' at a young age is obviously the backdrop.

Look around...

On one side, the plains are flat!

On one side, there are mountains.

Where to look?

Of course, this needs no further explanation, it can be seen directly.

Tsunade-hime, the princess of the Senju clan, Konoha, and the Land of Fire, has a very proud figure.

No matter where she is, she is very eye-catching.

Xiao Longjuan seemed to have noticed this situation and compared it carefully....

Well, Little Tornado, sinking quickly.


These days, although she never stopped her 'belief' for a moment.

However, the imagination is full and the reality is very skinny. Even the small tornado method that Tsunade taught her before has been used, but the effect is not good.


Very little!

There was no sign that her 'airport' was about to go bankrupt, and she was very upset.

Now, I have experienced a double blow and my life is difficult.

Trembling Tornado:"@世界大fatsheep, you big()woman!"

This time!

The small tornado also specially changed a kaomoji, but the effect is similar and can still be guessed, and the same is obviously true for Tsunade.

However, this is quite normal. after all...

From the beginning, Little Tatsumaki was not hiding anything. Ever since Senju Hashirama dissed his good friend Uchiha Madara, another pair of CPs in the group turned against each other in public.

···0 Asking for flowers 00

And this pair of cp, their name is called...

‘Size cp'!

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"???"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment.


Immediately, a wave of question marks counterattacked, and she looked at the small tornado next to her suspiciously.

What is this girl doing now?

I am not a primary school student of Death:"The gods fight again and again, the newbie is trembling, T﹏T"

I want to become a Pokémon master:"The newbie is shivering, 1!"

Xiaozhi said, that's right.

The devil boy Nezha:"⊙⊙..."............0

This side is a combination of elementary school students!

A primary school student in Zhutian Chat Group.




As for Sun Wukong, due to his Saiyan physique, he developed too quickly. Now Wukong looks exactly like an adult, and he has been kicked out of the 'group' at this time.

Conan looked at Xiaozhi who was holding Pikachu next to him with a speechless expression. His eyes seemed to be saying directly:"Does this really mean your conscience won't hurt?" '

I'm not a Death God primary school student:"@I want to be a Pokémon master, I believe you, you damn old man is very bad."

Xiaozhi's words gave Conan ten thousand misfortunes.

This is a rule of thumb.

Xiaozhi is very naughty.

He has been joining the Zhutian chat group for a long time. It can be said that... it has completely changed his life. Is he mentally retarded? Sorry, that's long gone. at this time!

Xiaozhi is young and has just gone on a trip at the age of 10, but he has already become a world-famous young researcher of Pokémon. The headquarters of the Kanto Region Elf Alliance has also cast an olive branch.


Xiaozhi said that his goal has not been completed yet. Getting rid of his identity as a"little retard" is only the first step. He still has a lot to do. genius? famous? champion?

Sorry, he wants it all......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to '锔殇人' for your monthly vote support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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