There was nothing in front of Yasuo.

There is no hindrance!


At this moment, Yasuo's elegant figure paused, as if there was an invisible invisible wall of air in front of him, blocking his progress at this moment and making him stagnant.

Of course, this is just speculation.

The real situation is naturally not like this.

Yasuo holds the sword in his hand.

Building momentum!

On Yasuo, a very powerful and terrifying power is slowly accumulating. That kind of power is somewhat like the sword power of Yasuo's wind-controlling swordsmanship. The faint wind elements are gathered on it. It's really quite a bit like that. smell.

But obviously not...,

Qin Mo was stunned. suddenly.

A very peculiar temperament suddenly emerged from Yasuo's body. After changing his 'middle-level' temperament, he became quite handsome when he became serious. He seemed to truly interpret that sentence one by one.

‘"The people on the road are like jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world."

All right. these words...A little bit more heart.

Yasuo is a prodigal.

Be wild and wild.

However, 02 is extremely inconsistent with the image of a handsome young master passed down from ancient times in the Celestial Dynasty. In the chat group of the heavens, Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City who has a good relationship with Yasuo, is very consistent.

Qin Mo doesn't count. after all...

Qin Mo has the appearance of an"immortal", like a banished immortal descending. Compared with ordinary people like Ye Gucheng and others, Qin Mo is too bullying. Qin Mo has traveled to the Kyushu cultivation world for more than three thousand years.

Except for realm, Qin Mo said that he has never lost in other aspects.

Appearance is naturally included in this.


"Um? Yasuo's state..."

Qin Mo's eyes lit up.

Talk to yourself. at this time!

The momentum building has ended. Yasuo's sword is swept by a breeze. Yasuo can use this wind to set off a storm. This does not rely on any external forces such as magic or chakra. It relies on the wind-controlling swordsmanship to control it. Following the wind of nature, or to put it another way, this is called taking advantage of the momentum.

However, that's not all

‘On the basis of"Wind Control Swordsmanship", Qin Mo also saw the shadow of Ye Gucheng's sword.

Flying fairy from heaven!

This move...

It is the essence of the swordsmanship created by Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City.

Like the blue sky and white clouds, flawless and unsullied.

This move strikes from a high position, and the downward strike of the sword is brilliant and swift. It possesses a sword energy that is cold to the bone marrow. The edge of the sword is so terrifying that it cannot be resisted! A ray of sword light flew diagonally, like a startling light and lightning, like a rainbow across the sky.

This arbitrary change of swordsmanship is the supreme state of martial arts, and it can be regarded as a swordsmanship unparalleled in the world.

Ye Gucheng's own brilliant swordsmanship, Tianwai Feixian, is no less than Yan Nantian's original powerful swordsmanship, Divine Sword Jue. This move is so powerful that it can be described as perfect with the combination of man and sword, heaven and man.

The man and the sword seemed to have merged into one. The sword's light was like a flying rainbow, and it pierced straight through. The sword's light was brilliant and swift, without any change, not even a back move. All the power of the whole body was integrated into this sword. No change is sometimes the best change.

This sword is formed before the move is made, and the spirit remains after the move is made, so that the hardness becomes the softest, and the unchanged becomes change.

No one can describe the brilliance and brilliance of this sword, and no one can describe the speed of this sword. It is not just a sword, but the wrath of the God of Thunder and a strike of lightning.

This is the state in which Ye Gucheng uses this sword.

Like an immortal, like a god!


Ye Gucheng, in terms of swordsmanship, has long transcended the world, but Ye Gucheng cannot be truly transcendent because he was born in a world of low martial arts. His sword is stunning, but its power is limited by the world level.

One can imagine!

If Ye Gucheng had been born in the world of cultivation, I'm afraid that given time, another giant of swordsmanship would rise up. What Qin Mo had learned was mixed, including swordsmanship, formations, and alchemy....Qin Mo perfected himself every step of the way. Qin Mo was a man favored by God. Apart from going further and further in the Qi refining period, he was a true pride of God in other aspects. wrong!

Qin Mo's strength is also terrifying. With more than 60,000 levels of Qi refining period, Qin Mo has long transcended the restrictions and imprisonment of the word"Qi refining".

But that's the case. in kendo...,

Qin Mo said that if he were from the same starting point, Ye Gucheng, who specialized in swordsmanship, might have a higher achievement in swordsmanship than him.

In the group.

A swordsman, a swordsman, Yasuo and Ye Gucheng have a very good relationship, and they often compete in duels, learning from each other and confirming each other's sword skills.


Ye Gucheng once said in the group that he has learned Yasuo's wind-controlling swordsmanship, but learning different swordsmanship is naturally used as an aid. Ye Gucheng's path to swordsmanship has long been finalized. Even if he can break through the limitations of the world at this time Climb the peak step by step, but the path of kendo cannot be changed just by changing your mind. In this regard, he is different from Busujima Saeko.

Busujima Saeko has practiced the Busujima family's swordsmanship since she was a child.

But that kind of swordsmanship..., optional. after all!

Before the outbreak of the dead body crisis, the world of Academy Apocalypse was just an ordinary, everyday world. There was no existence of supernatural powers, let alone 'Wind Control'.

Therefore, Busujima Saeko’s kendo path was actually gradually finalized after learning from Yasuo.

‘The same is true for Asuna Yuki in Sword Art Online's 50th World. certainly.

The two of them were now displaying their wind-controlling swordsmanship in an impressive manner!

This is enough to show that the two of them did not choose the wrong path for the future.

Of course, Yasuo also learned from the Flying Immortal.


This trick is difficult!

Compared with Yasuo's special move - Breathless Slash, the difficulty is several times higher. However, Yasuo relies on his talent in swordsmanship and the forced enlightenment function of the Enlightenment Platform, which allows Yasuo to fully master it. But combined with the 'Wind Control Swordsmanship', it's also quite impressive, at least...

It's starting to take shape.

Yufeng·Flying Fairy from Heaven!

Combining the two styles.

Ling Space...

There seemed to be a flash of blue-white light, which was the sword light filled with wind. The wind created by the wind sword technique, combined with the sword energy of the flying fairy from the sky, looked a bit like the wind attribute chakra enchantment in the world of Naruto.

One blow fell. diffusion!

Gather! subsequently...Gradually, a wave of large-scale slashing attacks was formed, directly cutting the dead bodies within the range to pieces. This was a group attack.

Qin Mo pursed his lips with a smile on his face.

Fairyland...So! ,...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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