Koichi Wisteria looked at the figure of Decade with a gloomy face. He had traveled from another world. It happened that the world he was in had Naruto and One-Punch Man. Naturally, there was also...Kamen Rider!


Koichi Purpleto is not a great fan of knights, or he has never seen it, but Decade is an unforgettable knight that he recognizes.

In other words, he only knows D~ecade. , faced with the inquiry of Koichi Zito


One step, two steps!

Decde's magenta body was completely exposed to Wisteria Koichi's field of vision. Kadoyaji slowly walked out of the shadows, raised his right hand slightly, and then pointed...-ceiling.

The signature move of Souji Tendo.

Pointing to the sky for abuse!

Speaking of which, Kado Yashi has been with Tendo for a long time, so he will naturally get some habits.

"Just a passing Kamen Rider."

Kado Yashi said slowly.

He is very classy.

This action.

These lines....

The combination of the two not only does not appear abrupt, but also has an unspeakable tacit understanding. This sentence and this action seem to have been like this from the beginning, and they match each other perfectly.

Kasumi Shiko:"It's done, copy Ninja Decade!",


I am not Lin Fengjiao:"Kakashi Hatake: You are hinting at me crazily again."

A seventeen-year-old girl:"At this time, I should @ the big fat sheep of the ninja world."

After all, Kakashi is from Konoha.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Don't Aite, I'm just a melon-eater who has no feelings."

After refining qi for three thousand years:"Kakashi said that he fainted in the toilet from crying."

Gao Yao:"It's so true...." basement.

Purple Fuji Koichi's face was full of disbelief.

At that moment, faith collapsed...

Before the appearance of Dcade, Koichi Zito swore that he was absolutely safe. After all, he was using a one-time space channel that was built at a great cost. certainly.

This is not because Koichi Wisteria doesn't want to set up a permanent and sustainable 'teleportation array', it's just that...The system he owns is the 'Doomsday Advent System'. As the name suggests, its main function is to bring the doomsday to come. As for the other functions, they are auxiliary functions. For example, Koichi Zito's own strength can be regarded as a superman in the daily world, but it is just that.

"you...How did you get here?",

Zito Koichi's voice trembled slightly.

It was also a little scary.

He was not surprised.

He was only frightened!

"you guess."

Under the mask.

Kadayaji's lips slightly raised. He looked at Koichi Purple Fuji with Decade compound eyes and said jokingly. These two words made Koichi Purple Fuji very angry. If he could have guessed,

Kamen Rider Purple Fuji Koichi would not I am familiar with, or even don’t know, the man who walks the path of heaven and is in charge of everything. Decad, e has only seen a photo on the Internet. As for a deep understanding..., it’s better to wash up and sleep.

There is everything in the dream!

Thor is not a fat nerd:"This, you guessed it, is very spiritual."

A seventeen-year-old girl:"Ah, Mr. Shi is really naughty."

Little Dragon Girl:"+1"

Thor, God of Thunder:"+1..."

Kado Yashi said nothing.

How did he get here? it's actually really easy.

When they discovered Koichi Koichi's presence on the playground of Fujimi Academy, they had a brief discussion in the group, and the final result was that he decided to go and deal with Koichi Koichi. and!

He directly took out the Decde driver to transform, used the Knight Control Card of Kaito, and used a magical skill called 'c, 1ock.up. clck.up is to control the passage of time by manipulating light particles, and then use , the magical skill of high-speed movement. exactly...

That is manipulating time particles to make one's own time go faster, but it has no effect on other people, and there will be no feeling of stagnation for a moment. If you are around, it will feel like a phantom or a gust of wind passing by.

This is fundamentally different from the 'turbidity' phenomenon in the world of Kamen Rider Drie. ·

Under clok.up, Decde is very fast. , and.

In a panic, Koichi Purpleto didn't notice. actually...

In the final analysis, Koichi Wisteria's 'Doomsday System' attributes are too low, and are completely suppressed by the chat groups of the heavens. In addition to being able to control the wind and rain in the daily world like Academy Apocalypse, in a world with a slightly higher level, its effect is just that Very small.

When Koichi Wisteria opened the space insect bridge, Decade used super high speed to enter with him. Decade had dimensional armor on his body, which allowed him to protect himself even in the turbulence of space.

Kado Yashi has this confidence.

He said he would never do anything he was not sure about.


‘After clock.up' was displayed, the speed of Decade was indeed too fast, almost to the extreme. Perhaps it was just like what we joke about in daily life.--.............,·

Everyday world.

The so-called light skill of water floating is actually taking advantage of the air and running over it quickly without paying attention.


Purple Fuji Koichi scratched his hair in anger.

He can't understand!

Xia Shizi:"He's anxious, he's anxious."

The live broadcast room was very lively. after all...

Watching the excitement is never a big deal.

Seventeen-year-old girl:"The current situation is completely a blunder. Even if Hiroshi Hiroshi is bald by his hair, there is nothing he can do."

NEE Ji:"After all, not everyone is Saitama-sensei." , became bald, and became stronger.

Teacher Saitama... unique!

Bald Caped Man:"Bald...Heartbroken."

Teacher Saitama said silently.


He has become stronger.

However, on the road to becoming stronger, he will always lose a lot of things. His fear and other emotions are slowly disappearing, but That's not important to Saitama-sensei, the important thing is hair...

The setting, like the small tornado, and Conan's ten thousand-year-old elementary school student setting, are terrible.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you to 'Light of September' for your monthly ticket support! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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