Kamen Rider...

How does he know this place?

How did he get in?

What should we do now?

Purple Fuji Koichi is angry on the surface, but in fact he is panicked in his heart. He is worried about his 'future'. Today is a calamity in his life. If he survives this calamity, he will be reborn in Nirvana. If he cannot survive it, then he will be reborn. There is no future.

In addition to being angry, there is also heartache and fear.

He gritted his teeth.

Suddenly my heart became cruel!

Anyway, he is going to die anyway. Rather than stand here and survive, it is better to fight. Thinking like this, Shifu Koichi calmed down in a very rare way. This is a rare thing.

It cannot be said that Koichi Zito has a big heart, but it has to be said that as a time traveler boss, he maintains his mentality very well, but if you insist on saying so, this is more like pulling out the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron when facing death.

Koichi Zito had to switch over.

Because he only has two choices.

Other than that, that's... die!

The potential of human beings to burst out in times of crisis is very terrifying. Once, in order to save her child, the power that exploded at that moment was even able to overturn a moving truck.

On the surface, Koichi Wisteria is pretending to be with Decade, but his consciousness is connected to the 'Doomsday System', and he is preparing for a desperate fight. The 'Doomsday System' operates behind the scenes. With this system, he can completely control the situation in the daily world. Control thunder and lightning.

I'm really not good at fighting.

His enhancement of the human body...

It cannot even reach the mutation speed of zombies. Zombie viruses mutate too fast and are uncontrollable. In other words, the mutation of some slightly more ferocious viruses is uncontrollable.

Fast and irregular.

In this way, even if you want to control it through experiments, it will undoubtedly not work. but...

This time!

In the consciousness of Koichi Zito, the always cold mechanical voice of the system responded directly to his inquiry for the first time without any rebuttal. Koichi Zito didn’t know whether the system had intelligence. Maybe this time it was because the system was also communicating with him. He also didn't feel the danger of dying, so he reacted like this. He has no points or energy? loan...

This is also the first time that Koichi Wisteria discovered this kind of operation.

However, there wasn’t much time to think.

He was not an idiot, so he naturally guessed it.

Uchiha Madara, Saitama, these people..., obviously knew Busujima Saeko.

They seem to be from the same organization, Hiroshi Shito thought. otherwise!

Before, at Fujimi Academy, before Madara and others arrived, why was Alice in the Resident Evil world together with Busujima Saeko? The world of Academy Apocalypse is not too high-end. The deterrent weapons in the human world are nuclear bombs at best, but one-punch man Saitama is the pinnacle of personal heroism.

Saitama alone is a complete nuclear weapon. His setting is invincible. certainly...

The word 'invincible' is obviously aimed at One Punch Man. The level of that world can be said to be high or low....It doesn’t count. It belongs to the awkward position of being in the middle. It’s not as good as the top, and it’s not as good as the bottom...., more than enough.

If he came to the world of Kyushu cultivation where Qin Mo was, the world's barriers were so strong that Saitama's serious punch expression would definitely not be that terrifying, but the intensity of the Academy Apocalypse world was basically equivalent to that in front of Teacher Saitama. No.

Crisp as paper!

If Teacher Saitama suddenly had a whim, he would probably be able to give Blue Star a mid-part with one punch. The rest of the people are naturally not bad either. When he stepped into the one-time insect bridge in the space, he had a quick glance at Fujimi Academy and spread out. The battlefield is terrifying.

Then Decade caught up. , so Koichi Zito knows.

They came for him!

Smile to yourself.

If it weren't for the pressure of life and death, he could make two sly remarks, but now the pressure is too great, so the slutty part can be omitted directly.

Koichi Wisteria chatted with Decad. ,

Menya Shi is also very naughty.

There is no 'strike first'. otherwise!

Before his clock.up skill was over, just give Koichi Koichi a knight kick and it would be over. Why bother telling him what he had or didn't have? He even opened the live broadcast room.

"you...Where on earth come from?" asked Koichi Purpleto.

His tone was weak. He looked timid!

However, if this sentence is analyzed in another sentence, it means from the heart. If it is analyzed with the art of war, it means 'showing weakness to the enemy. '. Kadoya Shi didn't know what kind of state of mind Shito Koichi was now, but he didn't care. He fiddled with the 'Instant' camera with the logo, and Mr. Shi curled his lips. No matter what Shito Koichi thought, in terms of absolute strength, In front of him, all the conspiracies and tricks are just paper tigers.

What? He is not strong enough?

Kado Yaji said...,

Not to mention now, after he joined the chat group, he strengthened the Decade armor countless times. Even in the chaotic flow of time and space, with the dimensional armor on his body, he can easily withstand damage.


Behind him, there was another member of the chat group getting ready to go.

I look like I'm alone.

But behind me...

It's the entire army!

"We are from the Space-Time Administration."

Kadashi said

"hour...Time and space management?"

Wisteria Koichi's eyes widened. He was a little shocked!

However, there seems to be no problem? After all, he is a time traveler. If he settles down to be a copywriter or something, there may be no problem, but his system is anti-human. The thought of the world's destruction In the meantime.

It attracted the attention of the group of people, and there seemed to be nothing wrong?

Koichi Zito pushed up his glasses nervously.

Deep in his eyes, a glint of a vulture flashed.

At this moment!

Koichi Zito suddenly became confused. Shout out one by one



‘A crackling sound sounded instantly, and at the same time, a black substance covered Wisteria Koichi's body, like black thunder and lightning, and like the black karma fire of hell.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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