Behind Decde·Hyper·Kabuto, brilliant lights gathered, and those lights condensed into a pair of wings. When he jumped up with a knight kick, it seemed as if he had given birth to wings.

The end is dazzling and brilliant!

Beyond Knight Kick!


Wrapped in a huge force that seemed to break through everything, he attacked directly towards Koichi Murasaki. Kado Yaji was not a soft-hearted person, not to mention Koichi Purori was not a kind person. He was world-weary and spread the zombie virus through the 'Doomsday System'. A huge biochemical crisis will spread to the entire world, causing countless people to die and countless happy families to be broken.

Koichi Wisteria is the sinner of the world.

Kill him...

Kado Yashi said that just like killing those reincarnations who are rampant in various worlds and do all kinds of evil, he would not have a single thought of mercy in his heart. If there were any...Then, he is not him anymore

‘Boom! '

A moment.

The layers of armor on Kado Yaji's body slowly turned into debris and fell away. First came Kabuto's knight armor, followed by Decde, thus revealing his true appearance.·


He pressed the shutter and used his Polaroid camera to record the scene. At the same time, behind Kado Yashi, a deafening explosion sounded, and strong winds raged.

He is still like that, calm and calm.

He was still so indifferent.

Real men never look back - Explosion!

This is Kadoya Shi. destroyer of worlds...,


Afterwards, everything calmed down, and the dark underground laboratory had become messy. Only the original shadows could still be vaguely seen from the scattered experimental equipment.

And here...He is the only one.

Koichi Wisteria, died!

A passing Kamen Rider said:"Done, let's call it a day."

He clapped his hands. but...

To be honest, at the last moment, he still underestimated the enemy. This also reminded all the 'brothers and sisters' in their group that these time-travelers, rebirthers, and reincarnations carrying golden fingers are not just ordinary people. Seniors, they are hiding their trump cards. It would be a bit funny if the explosion caused the boat to capsize in the gutter, and Kadoya Shi himself was almost there.

But luckily.

He happens to possess Hyper.Kabuto's transformation card. With his strength beyond Kato, it is not easy to turn back a little bit of time!

Chief Tiandao:"The Kamen Rider on @路, pretend you didn't see the car rollover scene."

Dagu made soup:"Pretend you didn't see it, +1."

Dagu took over the conversation.

Passing Kamen Rider:"......",

Men Yashi curled his lips.

Fake news, next! at the same time.

He began to murmur in his heart that these were the superficial brothers, Tiandao and Gu, who were not ambiguous at all when they were trying to make trouble.

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"Brothers on the surface.jpg" has been practicing Qi for three thousand years:"This is a good word."

Qin Mo smiled softly.

Keeping pace with the times, I can only say...

As expected of the Heavenly Master

【Tip: 'Passing Kamen Rider' closed the live broadcast room]

Kado Yaji then also closed the live broadcast room.

After all, the purpose of opening the live broadcast room was to broadcast the scene of his pursuit of Koichi Ziteng. Although he almost overturned, there was a near miss, and the final result was good.

His live broadcast this time was actually completed perfectly.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"@All members, how is the battle going on your side?"

Qin Mo asked aloud.

This is routine.

After all, if Qin Mo wants to know, he can just scan it with his spiritual consciousness. There is no need to do so many bells and whistles. All members of Aite also want to serve the public.

It can be said that there is no group owner more dedicated than him in this world.

Busujima Saeko:"It's over."

Angel Yan:"I'm here too."

The Spirit of Time:"Ah la...I’m here too"·

Bed host city.

The top of a tall building.

Tokisaki Kuangsan was standing there motionless in spiritual clothes, with a faint smile on her beautiful face. She was holding a flintlock gun in her hand. This time, she The harvest was quite fruitful. She originally used the Time Eating City to absorb it with the intention of giving it a try, but she did not expect that the time of these dead bodies could actually be absorbed.

0······Asking for flowers···········

Moreover, it is longer than ordinary humans!

This was an unexpected surprise.

Seventeen-year-old girl:"o."

Demon boy Nezha:"ojb."

I am not the god of death. Elementary school student:"???"

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"@魔头宁咒, kid, don't talk nonsense."

Devil Boy Nezha:"Oh..."

Nezha responded.

Very well-behaved!

In the world where the Demon Boy of Nezha comes into the world, he is a demon king. Very few people can suppress him. He is not afraid of heaven or earth. This is a true portrayal of him. However, among the group, Qin Mo is the 'big demon king'. Regardless of his strength and bearing, or the silence buff, he was deeply impressed...................··

Nezha said that if he doesn’t obey anyone, he will obey the group leader!

King Gray Wolf:"@岛冴子, I have almost collected the data here, and I will send it to you when the serum is researched."

Busujima Saeko:"Well, Saeko, thank you, Mr. Gray Wolf."

King Big Gray Wolf:"It's a small effort.

" stop.

Big Big Wolf continued diving without saying a word, but as the only 'black technology invention master' in the chat group, he must have been thinking about the experiment, after all....Now he has no shortage of sheep. at this time.

Group alert sounds

【Tip: The group mission is completed, the world of Academy Apocalypse is successfully redeemed, and the illegal time traveler 'Wisteria Koichi' has been executed.】

【Ding! Whether to recycle the 'Doomsday Advent System'’?】


Qin Mo recited silently

【Ding! The recycling system is successful, and 10,000 points for each member participating in the task have been successfully distributed. 】

Gao Yao:"Ten thousand points for free prostitution is very nice."

Shi Huangdi:"Yeah."

I am not the god of death. Elementary school student:"Ten thousand points...I can definitely become stronger!"

Conan also took a deep breath and said.

He longed for power.

After all,...

The men in black organization was like a sharp sword hanging above his head, so terrifying!...... ps: Please subscribe, please donate monthly! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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