Hokage Building. office.

Tsunade was sitting in the office. She had already planned Shimura Danzo, but she had not yet implemented it. However, due to the appearance of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, Shimura Danzo, who had been eyeing the position of Hokage, was there. During this time, he also lurked.

Perhaps, he has always had a plan, but in the face of the absolute power that is enough to suppress the ninja world, he can't help but fall silent. This is a very realistic thing. Shimura Danzo has always thought highly of himself, and even directly ordered the ape to the Senju Tobirama. Hiruzen was brooding over the fact that he was the Third Hokage. He always wanted to ask Senju Tobirama: 'Why not me?

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see this issue very clearly.

It’s a matter of ability, that’s all!

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was a bit indecisive and made many wrong things during his tenure as Hokage, when Senju Tobirama decided on the candidate for the third Hokage, he was the most suitable one.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was born in Konoha 8 years ago.

The son of Sarutobi Sasuke, a well-known ninja during the Warring States Period, was born with supernatural powers. He was talented since he was a child and was very talented in ninjutsu. He was also a heptagonal warrior with all attributes, and he was one of the first and second generations of the two. Disciple of Lord Hokage.

With all this, Hiruzen Sarutobi's strength is indeed very strong!

At least...

In the era when he began to grow up, no one could surpass him, the"Ninja Hero of a Generation". When he was young, Hiruzen Sarutobi could indeed bear this title. Even in the ninja world at that time, Hiruzen Sarutobi's strength was Those who can be ranked.

The current Konoha Village Elders Group F4, except for the other three members of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu and Mito Kadenen are completely suppressed by Hiruzen Sarutobi and cannot match them at all. aside.

Shizune was wearing a long black gauze dress, standing next to Tsunade, helping Tsunade handle the daily documents of Konoha Village. In this regard, if we really want to choose the most suitable candidate for the fifth generation, it must be Shizune. , after all, Shizune is doing most of the things that Tsunade should do.

However, in addition to this, the position of Hokage also depends on strength.

Shizune's strength is far from enough. at this time.

The original look of gloating on Tsunade's face had almost disappeared at this time, and was replaced by incomparable confusion. Shizune was not surprised by Tsunade's reaction.

After all, Shizune was aware of Tsunade-sama's changes. As early as when Tsunade was about to return to Konoha Village to succeed the Fourth Hokage without any warning, Shizune discovered it, and a series of subsequent events Shizune was surprised at the beginning of the change, but later she became completely accustomed to it.

An accident can surprise people.

After a few accidents, it won't happen.

This situation is like a 'crying wolf' situation. You cheat again and again, tell too many lies, and when you tell the truth again, no one will believe you! Even if Tsunade tells Shizune now that she is not like this, Shizune will probably regard it as a joke and nothing more. but...

Tsunade naturally wouldn't do that, because her changes were not fake. After joining the chat group of the heavens, the changes that occurred in Shizune's eyes were the most real changes in Tsunade.

Originally, she was Princess Tsunade, the famous 'Medical Saint' in the ninja world, the big fat sheep in the story. Although she had some 'female' attributes, she was still a goddess in the eyes of most people in the ninja world.

However, after joining the Zhutian chat group, Tsunade successfully completed the transformation that most members in the group would complete one by one.

‘Sand sculpture'.

This is a fact! at this time.

Tsunade's eyes were on the chat group, which happened to be the interface of 'Fishing in the World'. Fishing only cost 2,000 points per time. She was not short of points here, so fishing didn't cost much.

Although, before this, Uchiha Madara and Li Xunhuan's fishing had definitely proved something, the new function in the group - 'Zhutian Fishing', indeed inherited the consistent style of the Zhutian chat group. penguin style╮(╯▽╰)╭

In one word, pit.

With his 'Little Li Flying Sword', Li Xunhuan became one of the top masters in the world of the Sentimental Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword. After joining the chat group, Li Xunhuan even learned the superior immortal cultivation technique - the Art of Controlling Objects. With this, Li Xunhuan finally One day he can reach the pinnacle. Of course, his other martial arts are also very powerful, but Li Xunhuan's main practice is still flying knives.

‘Xiao Li's flying knife never fails!

Li Xunhuan felt..., he cannot live up to this name.

The knife he uses is in the shape of a willow leaf.


Li Xunhuan then went fishing in the sky, but the result was a Lancet model.

Heartbroken.jpg! the second...

Uchiha Madara!

He comes from the world of Naruto and is known as the 'Uchiha Dance King'. He has always been in love and killed Senju Hashirama. If Flying Thunder God really wants to say that, he is also inextricably linked to Uchiha Madara.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato...

This is love between gay friends.

This is the inheritance of the predecessors and the descendants!

And she...

As the third person in the Zhutian Chat Group to use the Zhutian Fishing function, Tsunade also felt full of malice. Most of her consciousness was placed in the Zhutian Chat Group and the Zhutian Fishing interface.

Tsunade looked at the woman who looked exactly like her in front of her, stunned.

Same style!

However, the only difference from her own is that it is inflatable.

Trembling tornado:"Picture, Papaya..."

One punch the world.

The small tornado was floating all over the body, with telekinesis floating in the air.

The aura was cold and severe.

Wood... papaya?

Co-author, she used 200 points, and ended up getting this thing back? She uses her points to strengthen her superpowers. Isn't that nice? And she looked at the papaya thing(● ̄() ̄●)

A flat river.

Got offended!

Radiant Girl Lux:"(⊙o⊙)…"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"@李的twirling scrolls are actually pretty much the same."

Naruto World.

Tsunade couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

They are best friends!

At this time.

Tsunade couldn't help but find a feeling of 'sympathy'. Compared with the objects caught by the small tornado, her luck was incomparably better.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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