Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"@夫素子张志伟, look forward to +1"

The World of Heaven and Dragon Slaying.

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned.

He does know the function of the corpse-suppressing talisman, but even if zombies appear, with the strength of the old master in the world of one person, he can still be on his own, right?

To them, it is useless.

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"The Liu family in western Hunan are expelling corpses. I can use them to suppress the corpses, can't you?"

Xiao Longnu:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"Okay..."

Zhang Sanfeng's mouth twitched.



You can say whatever you want. Zhang Sanfeng can be said to be very speechless at this time. The Liu family in western Hunan? Fine...This family, in the world of one person, does possess a profound and mysterious secret technique of exorcising corpses,"Zero One Three", but what does this have to do with you, the old Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain?

The setting of Laotianshi is actually similar to that of Zhang Zhenren.

One person can suppress the world!

Golden light spell.

This is the most iconic method of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, apart from the Thunder Technique. This is a unique and introductory skill of the Tianshi Mansion, and is generally used for defense.

Bi Lian, Zhang Chulan and the others are also like this. but!

The old Celestial Master Zhang Zhiwei is different. His golden light spell has reached the point where he can do it as he pleases, and he can perform it almost as well as any known stunt. In the eyes of strangers who can see Qi, the Celestial Master's body-protecting golden light can no longer be called... The light and the thick crystallized golden package around him made any attack invisible.

Facing an opponent who is known for his speed, he just casually spreads the golden light on the ground, which is as smooth as a mirror. No matter how fast his feet are, it is useless. He can also compress the golden light to make two long whips, which looks ordinary. When swung, it has the power of wind and thunder.

Extremely destructive.

In the memory copy of the one-person world, during the battle at Tianshi Mansion, the one who caused the greatest damage to the landscape was the old Tianshi himself.

Can attack and defend!

There are endless changes.

This is the golden light spell of the old master, which is completely different from other people's, let alone other tricks. From this, you can see the leopard in the tube! Techniques are the same, but people are different. The same is true for Uchiha Madara...

Ordinary Zhang Zhiwei:"That's enough."

The old master spoke up, and then said slowly.

This is tsundere.

Qiao Feng:"This...Joe was confused.",

Xiong Ba:"Ahem, so is Xiong. Dongfang

Bai:"If you put it that way, plus Uncle Jiu, all of 'Zhutian Fishing' will be overturned, right?""

Little Dragon Girl:"(⊙o⊙)…"

The Lord of Baiyun City:"That seems to be the case."

Big Bones Boiled into Soup:"No! No."

Thor, the God of Thunder:"Wow?"

Thor is not a fat man:"@大 Bones into Soup, what do you mean?"

The Thor brothers were stunned. Click.

Big bones boiled into soup:"Picture" of Tiga's world.

Far East base.

In the battle conference room where the TPC victory team is located, the world of Tiga has become increasingly peaceful recently. The"days of monsters and aliens" seem to have gone away, and the earth has ushered in a long-lost peace. therefore!

Some members of the Victory Team were on vacation, and most of the members on duty at the base, like Dagu, were resting in the lounge. Dagu got bored in the lounge, so he came to the combat conference room to sit. certainly.

The main purpose is to serve the 'water group'.

There was an inexplicable smile on his face.

Roll over? nonexistent...

Gale Swordsman:"wc!"


Yasuo was walking slowly. When he saw the picture of Da Gufa, he couldn't help but froze and cursed. In the picture, it was Da Gufa's fishing rod that was transformed into a specific scene of fishing in the heavens. 1

The light of the sun!

As we all know!

The power that Ultraman uses is called the power of light. On Earth, Ultraman's battles can almost only last three minutes. That's because the Earth's light energy is not enough to support the energy they need to fight.

And in some universes.

Light energy is scarce.

Therefore, the Ultramans do not even have the power to support transformation operations and manifest their bodies, let alone fight. However, Dagu has strengthened the battle countless times in the strengthening area of ​​the Zhutian chat group. Now he, Tiga's The power has been integrated into the blood. Even if the 'Divine Light Rod' as a medium disappears, Yuan Dagu can directly complete the transformation with the power of the blood, and the battery life has also been greatly enhanced....

But now...

The light of the sun!

With the blessing of this power, Diga is like carrying a power bank with him, able to fight in the long darkness.

I want to be a Pokémon master:"Mr. Da Gu, did you overturn your car?"

I am not a primary school student of Death:"It seems that is right."

Angel Yan:"@大狗成堂,光光...Could it be the light of the sun in my world?"

Mello Tianting.

Angel Yan was stunned for a moment, and her expression couldn't help but become a little weird.

The light of the sun?

In the setting of the Super God Universe, the light of the sun is the descendant of the Sun God, and the third son of the Time God Principal of the Super Theological Academy One of the great god-making projects, alongside the Power of the Galaxy and the God of War. The

Light of the Sun has an indestructible divine body. In addition, it also has the power to drive stellar energy.

However ,...

If that's the case, it's not a big problem. after all!

Sunlight + Gaoman, before this, with the lessons learned from"PreCure Tiga" and"Tai Chi Tiga", even if the style of painting is distorted, it probably won't go too far.

Or is it just the same name?

Angel Yan guessed in his mind. 1.4

The chat group of all heavens is, after all, connected to all heavens and all realms. In countless worlds, the probability of having the same name can be said to be very high, but it is not impossible.

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Yes."

Dagu glanced at the introduction

‘light of the sun’..., this ability.

The source annotation shows that it is indeed the Super God Universe where Angel Yan is located, one of the three major god-making projects. In the Super God Universe, even with the foundation of the Lieyang Civilization, cultivating a Sunlight requires very large resource support.

But this is obtained from 'Fishing in the Sky'. therefore!

If Dagu wants to use it, it is very convenient. He only needs to use the help of the Zhutian chat group...........· ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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