But now, Sero wants to be distracted and go to the group to have a look, but there is no chance. Although... Sero is very confident in his own strength and talent, but Leo's hellish training It's not fake either.

Training after training, battle after battle. pain? exhausted...

From Sero's point of view, these things have long been commonplace. If he forcibly connects his consciousness to the chat group, the final result will probably be unimaginable pain. Leo never lets go, and he is worthy of the name of 'strict teacher'. therefore!

Zero can only turn everything into motivation for training. In fact, until now, Zero has no longer thought about the power of plasma sparks. The power obtained from external objects has its limit, and he has achieved it through his own hard work. The power has no limit -.

Moreover, his own basic strength can forcibly raise the upper limit of his own energy. By then, if he uses other powers, his strength will definitely increase by several orders of magnitude.

Zero understands these.

But for the time being, he was too lazy to think about that. He now had a small goal in mind.

First, strive to learn all of Leo’s skills.

Second, remove the restrictive armor on your body.

Finally, there is the chat group of all heavens. Zero is very interested in the group chat he accidentally joined....Does it really exist? He did learn about some theories of different parallel universes in the Kingdom of Light, but after all, the term 'all the worlds' contained too much.

Such as Tiga.

For example, in that group, there is a mysterious group leader who is said to know his past and future.

Think about this.

Sero trained even harder.

With one punch and one kick, the tiger is in full swing! not far away.

On a mountain peak, Leo looked at Zero in shock as he looked at Zero who had been given blood. Before that, Zero's training was not considered lazy, but it could only be said to be quite satisfactory, definitely not. Work hard, otherwise why would Zero be lazy under his nose? However, Cero's sudden change was really surprising. Leo didn't know about the 'All Heavens Chat Group', and Cero had a new definition of practice in his heart.

In other words, there is a goal to strive for.

The grace of all heavens and worlds.

He must go and see it!

Leo was not aware of the sudden change in Sero, but was just stunned for a moment, but he didn't take it too seriously. It would be the best thing for Sero to be able to calm down and practice seriously, isn't it?

Cerro is a piece of rough jade!.....

Kyushu cultivation world. now.

After the catastrophe of the Third Age was exposed, the world of cultivation, which had been peaceful for thousands of years, became turbulent again. Changes occurred in the four regions. Whether it was the rampage of evil spirits in the Southern Region again, the short-lived"Road to Heaven" in the Western Region, chaos The secret realm at the Gate of the Underworld in the Demonic Sea collapsed, and the hidden Bai Yujing in the Northern Territory was born. Not long ago, even the moon collapsed...

All the weirdness seemed to indicate that something was going to happen. certainly!

As the end of the world approaches, many talented people emerge.

They appear like mushrooms after a rain.

Everyone in this world is like a dragon.

To meet the great calamity!

Hongye Peak--Qin Mo put down the scroll in his hand. This was the news that Bai Yunzi brought to the Zhengqi Dao Alliance and came from the four regions of Kyushu.

He shook his head.

Weird!.The current situation is a bit like"the storm is about to come and the wind fills the building".

The calm before the catastrophe.

Qin Mo shook his head.

The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and that's all. only...

I hope that certain sect forces in the four regions of Kyushu will not make mistakes. The catastrophe of the era is a matter of concern to all living beings in this world. No one is spared. Don’t you see how powerful the three realms of heaven and earth are in the second era, but they were destroyed in the catastrophe. Every day. now!

Cultivation world! fairyland...

No one is spared. Those who survive the catastrophe can break through the limitations of the mortal body and become immortals. As long as the monks in the true immortal realm are not changed by external factors, they are powerful and have endless lifespans.

But even Taiyi Golden Immortal was not spared. avoidable..., only Da Luo!

The mythical Great Luo is free in all realms and can go anywhere in the multiverse. One word can become a motto, and he can create and destroy in a single thought. If the world of cultivation is still fighting among itself at that time, Qin Mo can only say, don't do it Blame him for being ruthless

"What a great calamity...", sighing faintly. at the same time.

K76 star

········Asking for flowers 0······

Sero finished his practice for the day, and then his consciousness connected to the chat group of the heavens.

This time, he must figure it out.

This group...What exactly is it sacred? therefore.

He did not choose to bubble up, but continued to dive in the group. After reading the group announcements and group files one by one, Zero clicked on the most mysterious copy of memory and chose the copy of"Ultraman Tiga". Start watching.



The giant of light from 30 million years ago?

Leave the darkness and embrace the light?

Seeing this, Zero was fascinated. Speaking of Tiga's experience, it was somewhat similar to Beria's, except that Beria abandoned the light. After failing to plunder the plasma spark core, Beria defected. kingdom of light.....0·

He also used to...


Forget the past. but...

Master Leo said that after leaving his hometown and wandering around, apart from the current Kingdom of Light, the earth was his second home. I wonder if he knows the secret of 30 million years ago?

Or is that a parallel universe?

Not impossible.

Soon, Zero used the immersion mode and read the copy of Tiga's memory immersively, feeling a little complicated.

Near the end, he saw the first Ultraman.

This is one of the Ultra brothers from the Kingdom of Light, whom Zero knows.

Now it seems that it must be a parallel universe.

Maybe there's a chance he could go there?

You are still 20,000 years too early:"@大 Bone到成头, Tiga, you are a true Ultra Warrior."

Zero took a deep breath and said.


What is an Ultra Warrior?

Don't rely on force to bully the weak.

Don't bully the weak. love and peace. guard...

This is the Ultra Warriors, and this is what the Kingdom of Light has been doing. Regardless of the reason why the Kingdom of Light sends Ultraman to station in various universes, they have protected peace, and this can never be erased.

As the saying goes.

A hypocrite who has been pretending all his life is a true gentleman......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket of 7! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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