
Neon, suburbia.

After a day of patrolling, Dagu, wearing a victory uniform, came to a deserted place and rubbed his brows with a headache. Perhaps it was because he had been thinking about things too much these days, which caused him to have a headache.

Dagu thought so. night.

The slightly cold wind is really noisy.

In front of Dagu.

Three different spatial fluctuations slowly appeared, turning into three whirlpools, followed by a very bright white light. This was naturally the dimensional channel dedicated to the All Heavens Chat Group mission.


Three figures appeared in front of Dagu.

They are...

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, wearing the red standard armor from the Warring States Period in the Naruto world, looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere around them couldn't help but exude a philosophical flavor.

On the other side is a young boy in his fifteenth or sixteenth year old, who looks quite handsome.

"Who are you...?"

Where's Zero?

Dagu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. If he remembered correctly, in the memory copy of"Ultraman Zero's Biography", Zero had three human bodies, but the boy in front of him was not any of them.

"Sero, you can also call me...Zhu Xingzhen. Zhu

Xingzhen said

"That's it. Da Gu nodded, indicating that he understood. Then he looked at the three people in front of him with a smile and said seriously:"Anyway, you are welcome to come.""

In the group.

My best friend Madara:"[Picture], we have successfully arrived in Mr. Dagu's world."

Qianju Zhujian took the time to take a photo and sent it to the group.

Li Xunhuan:"It's so fast!"

Uchiha Dance King:"......"

Uchiha Madara couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He looked at Hashirama speechlessly.

This guy...

Kasumi Shiko:"The look Mr. Madara looked at Mr. Hashirama was unexpectedly endearing."

Uchiha Dance King:"...???"

Question mark combo.


Pamper a hammer...

My best friend Ma Dara:"Eh? Do you pamper me?"

Zhang Zhiwei, a common man:"This is full of philosophical questions. I can only say that he is worthy of being the teacher Xia Shizi."

A seventeen-year-old girl:"@You are still 20,000 years too early. Here, ah la...Could it be that that child is Mr. Zero?"

Yakumo Purple's eyes lit up.

She discovered a new world!

NEET Ji:"It's really...Unexpectedly young."

You are still 20,000 years too early:" Ultraman's 5,900 years old is equivalent to 16 human years."

Zero shrugged.

He said it was normal!

Xiao Longnu:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Qianwumei:"This conversion method..."

Radiant Girl Lux:"The newbie who doesn't know the truth is trembling."

At the same time.

Kyushu Cultivation World, Red Leaf Peak.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He looked like a boy from Earth who was fifteen or sixteen years old. This reminded Qin Mo of Zero's other identity, Zhu Xingzhen! There was an interested smile on his face.

This is most likely the case.

Cero, race rabbit!

As one of the Ultra Brothers, the son of Ultraman Seven, and the disciple of Ultraman Leo, Zero's identity is very powerful even in the Kingdom of Light. but.

Throughout the biography of Ultraman Zero, only Zero's father was introduced. Who is his mother?

This is an unsolved mystery.

In the drama...

Tsuburaya did not reveal the news, but Qin Mo knew some speculations. The Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light are divided into red, silver, and blue. The red tribe has fighting talent; the mysterious silver tribe; the erudite tribe. The versatile blue race.

Industry specializing in surgery.

In the land of light.

Most of the Red people are frontline warriors, and most of the Silver people are members of the Silver Crusaders. The Silver Crusaders are the logistics force of the Space Guard and are responsible for the treatment and care of Ultra warriors and residents of the Kingdom of Light. The Mother of Ultra is Captain, all team members are women.

Most of the Blue people are scientists, such as Xiao Meng's gay friend Hikari.

Look at the patterns on Zero's body.

The difference is that the upper body is blue and the lower body is red. This is a color that has never been seen in M78 Nebula Land of Light Ultraman, so some people speculated that Zero's mother may be a Blue Ultraman.

This statement is quite agreeable. After all, Ultraman Red is not exactly a guy with muscles in his head.

The original Ultraman was a professor at Universe University.

Zero's father, Severn, is also the Constant Point Observer No. 340 of the Kingdom of Light.

These are not considered frontline combat professions.

Instead, he prefers civilian jobs. but...

In Qin Mo's previous life, there was another saying.

Derived from the novel"Sero". in.

Zero's original human form is called Zhuo Xingzhen, and his appearance is about 16 years old. in that setting.

Morohoshi is a special being born from the union of humans and Ultra Warriors - so his physiological condition is different from both humans and Ultraman, and the various stages of his quasi-form are basically the same as humans. but.

His form after transforming into Zero is quite different from ordinary Ultraman.

Ordinary Ultraman gradually grows from a small individual to a large individual, just like a human grows from a child to an adult. When the individual matures, his appearance will basically not change.

Most of the Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light are like this. Although they evolved from human form into Ultraman in a mutation 270,000 years ago, the most essential things have not changed, such as growth. In this regard, it's still pretty much the same as before.

Zero is different!

Whether he is a child or an adult, he has always been the same size as an adult Ultra Warrior - the difference between his various ages is only reflected in the changes in color and appearance.

When he was young, Zero was just a silver giant with almost no characteristics of Ultraman. However, as Morohoshi grew older, Zero's form continued to evolve and change into that of Ultraman.

By the time Morohoshi reaches the developmental age of a human boy, Zero's adult form has basically taken shape - this is the Zero that we see now with a red and blue body.

Zero's growth from infancy to adolescence is exactly the same as human growth. When Zero gradually matures, his growth will become roughly the same as Ultraman's growth - and the critical point of this stage is, It started when Morohoshizhen transformed into his adult form for the first time........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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