as we all know...

Well, as long as the players in the group have watched the memory copy of"Naruto", they must know the role of Susanoo. The complete Susanoo can not only wrap himself in it to fight, but also can attack the tail. Beasts are enchanted.

Put on a layer of armor on the body of the tailed beast. After some operations like"armor fusion", the effect will naturally be 1+1 greater than 2. Otherwise, in the memory copy, after the battle with Liudao Obito When fighting, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto would not do such useless things.

This was Senju Hashirama's whim.

If the tailed beast can do it, then his wooden man technique can also do it? You know, the essence of the two is actually the same. The nine tailed beasts were separated from the ten tails by the Sage of Six Paths.

The essence of the tailed beast is the aggregation of chakra.

The difference is that they each have independent consciousness. Except for being completely fused into the Ten-Tails and unable to do anything, in the separated tailed beast form, they are all independent and have their own thoughts.

For example, the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki likes to listen to Kirabi's rap.

For example, the Nine-Tailed Nine Lama, a arrogant fox, was moved by Naruto Uzumaki and the two had a real heart-to-heart, and instantly transformed into an 'Erha', which can be said to have completely released his true nature.

Theoretically speaking, the technique of wooden man can also be used!

Although this does not give the wooden man consciousness, through Asura's chakra and sage mode, it also gives life to the wooden man, which is another form of life. plant? perhaps...

Senju Hashirama said that he didn't quite understand this. He is the only 'ninja god' in the Naruto world who can stand with Uchiha Madara. The nine tailed beasts are just children playing house in front of him. He is A master in ninjutsu, but in other ways...

It pales in comparison.


In the world of Naruto, the real master of scientific research is two of the best.

One is Orochimaru who masters core technology. another...

It was Hiruhu, a man at the same time as the Sannin, who developed the Oni Meira Jutsu that can absorb the Blood Succession Limit, allowing ordinary ninjas without any blood inheritance to have the Blood Succession Limit.

After Uchiha Madara's Susanoo was enchanted with the Bokujin Jutsu, the feeling of the fusion of powers must be very good. but...

In Uchiha Madara's opinion, that was very shameful.

It was okay when there were two of us, as long as we killed everyone we saw, but now, not to mention the people in the Tiga world, the live broadcast room from God's perspective in the group has been opened, and there are dozens of people in the Zhutian chat group. Watch.

Play with a hammer?

The combined strength of the two of them would only make them average in the group, with the Sixth Level being the mid-range level. At least Uchiha Madara still can't beat Saitama-sensei.

In the world of Dragon Ball, at most it's a level above one or two.

Not to mention the group leader who is the ceiling combat power.

The Jiuzhou cultivation world where Qin Mo is located...

The power level is just too high.

In the live broadcast room.

The conversation between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama was naturally seen by the 'melon-eating crowd' in the live broadcast room. For a moment, the entire live broadcast room was completely boiling.

Xia Shizi:"I smell the smell of homosexuality."

Qianwumei:"Let's drive, dirty dirty..."

Thor, God of Thunder:"The motor is hot!"

Thor is not a fat man:"Haxi is hot!"

Gale Swordsman:"Sass!"

Lord Baiyun:"That's a lot!"

Glorious Girl Lux:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"@白云城主, ahem, Lord Yecheng's character is ruined."

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard and sighed with emotion.


When Thor and Thor shout like this, not only do they not feel like they are second-guessing, but they are perfect cosplay restorations. There is no problem with Gale Swordsman. After all, he is a"happy man" and his painting style has long been known to be distorted. Where have you gone, but the Lord of Ye Gucheng?...

Whether it was the memory copy or the group, Ye Gucheng's first impression was that of 'banishing the immortal'. On a full moon night, the move of flying immortals from the top of the Imperial City's Forbidden City is still vivid in his mind.

Who would have thought that City Lord Ye would actually have such a side?


Spirit of Time:"+1"

Angel Yan:"+2"

Lord of Baiyun City:"...Can I say it's involuntary?"

Lu Xiaofeng's legendary world.

Ye Gucheng's mouth twitched. Perhaps it was the tacit understanding between him and Yasuo that had been proving each other's sword skills in the duel field, or perhaps it was the magic power between these names that made him say nothing. , his head was empty, and he shouted out involuntarily.


Xiongba:"Do you believe it? Anyway, I, Xiong, don’t believe it.

Qiao Feng:"Qiao doesn't believe it either.""

Dongfang Bai:"Second, funny.jpg"

Baiyun City Lord:"......"


Ye Gucheng was very speechless....If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it. It’s already like this anyway. It’s better to just break the jar and throw it away. What’s the character design? In such a big group, who hasn’t collapsed before?

Sit down, do your homework, don’t do it!

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"I'm in Foshan Na Luduo."

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"Huh? It seems like something strange has been mixed in."

The old Heavenly Master was slightly startled. foshan...

If he remembered correctly, the one-person world he was in also had this place name, and other worlds might have it, such as the worlds of Kasumi Shiko and Mikimonomei, because most of the historical backgrounds were the same, but it definitely didn't exist in the Naruto world.

Among them, the names of some Six Path Immortal Weapons and some tailed beasts are probably borrowed from"Journey to the West", but this does not hinder the fact that the Naruto world is a different world with a completely different background from other worlds.

Uchiha Dance King:"......"

My best friend Mada:"......"


The two of them had a good understanding of each other, and at the same time they sent out a few little dots that represented doubts and confusion....

Uchiha Madara's mouth twitched.

Extremely speechless. mmp...

What he had thought before was that if he fought with Hashirama Enchantment, he would be ridiculed crazily. Unexpectedly, he forgot about this joke. It was a mistake........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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