The light of the sun is the true god-making project of the super-god universe. Although Dagu has been 'castrated' in his human form, he still possesses most of his functions.

In a sense, Dagu is also a 'technology god'.

He is Ultraman.

He is human.

He is the light of the sun.

He is PreCure!


It seemed that something strange had been mixed in. After obtaining the 'Light of the Sun' and with the help of the chat group of the heavens, Dagu perfectly integrated it, he learned some skills of the Supergod Universe.

For example, micro-wormhole transport technology.

The principle and steps of micro-wormhole transportation technology are as follows: there are many micro-space wormholes scattered in space, which are invisible to our naked eyes. These invisible micro-wormholes are like many light points. The light points must be gathered together to form a light group the size of the material being transported. Only in this way can the material be transported through the wormhole.

Space-time Rose possesses the space-time gene, which allows herself to jump through micro-wormholes, but others cannot. Skilled use of micro-wormhole technology is equivalent to having an extra dark plane space, which is the so-called dimensional backpack.

All right...

Dagu admits that this skill is really useless. He is a person who has joined the Zhutian chat group. The personal warehouse of the chat group is infinite, and there is no risk of being interpreted by outside forces. What kind of bicycle do you want?

Umekawa Daisuke is running.

Da Gu is chasing.

This is undoubtedly a very beautiful picture, but for the time traveler 'Umekawa Daisuke', it is a little unfriendly. His mentality is really broken now.

He used the extra power of the 'Monster Editing System' to get rid of Dagu. He was confident that as long as he left Yuan Dagu's sight, he would continue to lie dormant. No one could find him, not even the victory team..

But when Umekawa Daisuke collapsed, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, Yuan Dagu could always follow him, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, nor in catching up, as if he was deliberately playing tricks on him.


This moment!

Umekawa Daisuke's eyes widened, that Yuanda Gu, would have such thoughts?

This unscientific...

A moment!

Such words popped up in his mind again.

This isn't the first time either.

Unexpectedly skilled?

In the live broadcast room.

Xia Shizi:"@大 Bone makes soup, Mr. Big Bone must be all black inside, right?"

The Spirit of Time:"Allah, all...Shock! The warm man Dagu is naturally black?"

Ben Zina:" Dagu: I'm not! I don't! Ah, this damn bad taste is unexpectedly interesting...."

King Big Big Wolf:"It smells so good?"

Gao Yao:"Everyone is getting more and more skilled at playing tricks."

Saeko Busujima:"I don't think there is any problem with this kind of world-destroying time traveler, no matter how painful it is No punishment is too much."

The bones were boiled into soup:"......."

Da Gu was speechless.

He wanted to refute, but everything he wanted to say had been said, so what else could he say? At this time, I can only post a few small comments to express my helplessness.


Also, he is definitely not naturally black.


Dagu's right hand is in the shape of a spear.

A trace of energy gathered and instantly turned into an energy bomb and attacked Umekawa Daisuke's thigh. This was not the victory team's laser gun, but Daigu's most powerful attack method.

Energy is concentrated, compressed, followed by aiming and shooting!

Simple yet crude.

And no energy consumption.

It’s simply a must-have skill for traveling at home, killing people and stealing goods.


The penetration power of the energy bullets that Dagu shoots after compressing his own energy belonging to the sun's light cannot be said to be very high. It is several orders of magnitude higher than the guns of the Victory Team. Daisuke Umekawa has a monster implanted in his body. His bloodline is slowly evolving, and it can be said that his body has unknowingly surpassed ordinary people by a lot, whether it is resistance, endurance, or the hardness of his skin.

Daisuke Umekawa is confident!

Even if the bullet hit him, it would not pose the slightest threat to him. However, when he encountered Dagu, he was directly penetrated, and the trajectory of the energy bullet did not stop even if it penetrated him, and sank into the concrete. of the ground, embedded deeply.

It's all Daisuke Umekawa's fault!

Daisuke Umekawa: mmp... thump.

With a sound, Umekawa Daisuke's leg was penetrated and he fell directly to the ground. Heart-wrenching pain appeared. This was a long-lost pain. For Umekawa Daisuke,...

Umekawa Daisuke laughed sadly

"It seems that I can only use that one...."

He murmured quietly. that's him...

The last trump card, in Daisuke Umekawa's mind, would never be used unless absolutely necessary. The burden he is currently using to use it is a bit heavy, and it may even make all his previous layouts fall short, and everything returns to its original state. In this state, if he wants to complete his goal of conquering the entire Ultra Universe, he must start all over again.

However, now he has to do it!

Give it a try...

Or die?

Now, he has no choice at all, just like Koichi Koichi in Academy Apocalypse. They are both time travellers, and what they do is so similar. They are more like evil ghosts....

Umekawa Daisuke doesn't want to die.

In other words, except for those who hate everything in the world and want to die, no one wants to face death like this. Daisuke Umekawa quickly communicated with the system. He had an intuition that this strange Dagu seemed to know who he was. Because of their identity as 'travelers', as well as Zero, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who appeared before, their purpose of appearing is to catch him!

This is self-help...

"Come out!"

"Five Emperor Beasts!"

Umekawa Daisuke yelled. He put all the monster flesh and blood tissue he had saved into the system editor, and integrated himself into it, becoming a super-combined monster. The

Five Emperor Beasts!

The official name should be One by one, King Faib!....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Golden Creatures' for your monthly ticket support!

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