Western Region.

Among the four regions of Kyushu, each place has its own characteristics. The prosperity and tolerance of the southern region, the heavy snowfall of the northern region, and the"exotic customs" of the western region. The western region has special scenery due to its geographical environment.

In a desert.

The sky is full of wind and sand!

From a distance, there are very few buildings, and what is visible is almost all yellow sand. Even when the wind blows, it is difficult to see clearly the scenery close at hand.

In the yellow sand.

There is a tavern

"The weather here is so bad."

Qing'e said to herself.

She walked into the tavern.

As soon as Qing'e walked in, she clearly felt several eyes full of desire falling on her. She frowned and didn't know. I like this feeling. Her nature is relatively kind, but this does not mean that Qing'e is a good person.

She grew up under the guidance of Bai Yunzi and Qin Mo.

Her outlook on life is probably like this one

‘If others do not offend me, I will not offend others. '

If someone offends me, I will offend him! that is it.

Her kindness is only directed at people who should be treated kindly, and for those who like to kill and kill people who don't know how many lives they have in their hands, all Qing'e can bring them is death.

"Sir, would you like to go to a hotel or stay in a hotel?"

The waiter of the tavern came up to him and asked.

"It seems I'm not welcome here, so I'd better go."

Qing'e said in a weird way.

There was a slight smile on her face.

"Now that you're here, there's no need to leave in a hurry, right?"

A gloomy voice sounded.



When people listen to it, they can't help but make the hair stand on end and take a breath.



A gust of gloomy wind blew by, the windows of the tavern made a creaking sound, and the surrounding area instantly became dark. It was a terrifying feeling as if you had entered a ghost land.

‘boom! '

At this moment, the door of the tavern and all the windows were closed. Ordinary monks might feel panic when faced with such a battle, but Qing'e was very calm. When she was still in the Qi refining period, she followed Master Bai Yunzi and Patriarch Qin Mo entered the secret realm of the 'Gate of Underworld' and even relied on the means given to her by the Patriarch to kill an old man in black robe who coveted her treasure.

She had also seen mountains made of bones, and she seemed to vaguely see the beating of war drums. The corpses of gods and demons stood up again with the beating of war drums and continued to fight!

Compared to those grand scenes, what happened here was indeed just a small scene for Qing'e.

She reached out and took out a talisman from behind her back.

‘Evil amulet'!

This is one of the talismans refined by Qin Mo. It is very effective against those monsters and monsters wandering in the world. Qing'e simply doesn't have too many of these things.

Within her Zifu.

The power of true energy surges!

It burst out from her fingertips and instantly merged into the talisman paper in her hand. The talisman paper seemed to be on fire. With the blessing of spiritual power, it burned directly. at the same time.

A strange wave, with Qing'e as the center, spread out in all directions.

Everything changed in her eyes.

The so-called tavern is depressed and dilapidated!

Everything seemed like an illusion.

Never existed!

And, that's not all. The so-called customers and waiters are just blood-stained corpses. They are all cultivators, and the essence and blood have long been drained from their bodies.


Qing'e murmured to herself

"Um? A mere little kid in the Foundation Establishment stage can actually see through my illusion. Jie Jie Jie Jie. You know, ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators will be deceived if they don't pay attention...."

"Who are you?"

Qing'e was a little helpless.

‘"Jiejiejiejiejie", this was not the first time she had heard such laughter. If she really wanted to say that she had met him for the first time, it would have been the gray-robed old man in the secret realm of the 'Gate of Underworld'.

She thought it was really ugly. but.

Patriarch Qin Mo once said that this kind of laughter is the 'sign' of a villain. Except for villains, the laughter of others is still very normal. This theory has been confirmed by Qing'e in her experience.

She looked around, surrounded by black aura, as if it wanted to devour people. The strength of that guy was...Transformation period! But he has been operating here for many years, and he can even deal with monks who are in the stage of infant transformation.

Strength, no doubt.

Qing'e didn't panic at all

"I?"Qing'e's ethereal voice slowly came out,"The little girl has just come out from a sect to practice not long ago, but Mr. Heiqi, can you please...How about dying for a little bit?"

Qing'e took out a purple thunder talisman and a small sword in her hand.

She was ready to eliminate harm for the people.

She, Qing'e, wants to fight ten!


This is naturally not based on her own strength. Qing'e's talent is very high, and she can't challenge her beyond the level. During the foundation building stage, she was even able to deal with the monks at the peak of the Golden Core stage. However, facing the monks with higher strength, Can't cope with it. This is normal. After all, not everyone is like Qin Mo, who can stay steadily in the Qi refining period for three thousand years.

Qin Mo is a bug. certainly!

Qing'e naturally has many trump cards, but she doesn't know how to use them unless there are special occasions. Those things on her body, even if she is only in the Qi refining period, can still move sideways in the Kyushu cultivation world.

"A sect? Such a familiar name..."

Black Qi muttered to himself.

Then, he fell into anger again!

"kill me? The little girl has such a loud voice!"

Hei was angry.

After all, he is also the 'mountain king' here. Even a monk in the infant transformation stage will avoid him, let alone a little baby in the foundation stage? Is it true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers?

Qing'e Still smiling.

At the same time, on the other side, next to Ning Xue, Ruan Ling'er's figure appeared. She pointed in one direction and said:"Ling'er, in that direction, there is the aura of the little girl from the Dao Sect. She seems to have encountered her. In trouble"


Ning Xue nodded. Her snow-white dress was spotless.

Another spot. Du'e, who was wearing a pure white monk's robe, slowly raised his head.

There was a golden light in his eyes!

"Again, is there an evil spirit?"

He murmured softly.

Then, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the 'evil' resolutely....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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