In a dark space.

Wherever he looked, everything around him was broken, just like a complete mirror was broken into different small pieces. It seemed that he had reached a place that was destroyed beyond recognition.

This world seems to have experienced an unimaginable catastrophe.

And in this catastrophe, no one ever acted wisely.

A meandering black river was cut into several pieces.

Both ends have dried up.

Only the cut-off part formed a lake. Through the layer of black bone-corroding water, it seemed that many white skeletons were hidden at the underwater bottom.

Some are human, while others...

Not human.

It looks weird, it’s an evil spirit! All kinds of evil spirits, as well as people belonging to the demon clan, had their corpses in a mess, all 'buried' in the black river.

If Qin Mo were here, he would definitely find some clues.

This strange space seemed so familiar.

Isn't that long river the Styx?

Huangquan Road, Sansheng Stone, Bana Flower...

Here is the interior of the secret realm of the 'Gate of Underworld', but it is difficult to recreate the scene in the past. The entire space is no longer as vast as it once was, and seems to be boundless.

The space at this time was not as big as the imperial city of Zhao State.

Demonic energy is raging throughout the space!

Here, the secret realm of 'Gate of Underworld', the underworld of the second era, has been occupied by evil spirits at this time. In the remaining space, strange runes belonging to foreign evil spirits are constantly rotating, and there At the same time, it exudes a terrifying aura, which seems to be that mysterious power that forcibly stabilizes this space.

The power of evil spirits is not weak. on the contrary!

Their inheritance is even longer than today's Third Era. After the destruction of the Second Era, the Third Era was born from that reincarnation, and then developed step by step into the current Kyushu cultivation world. , this is destined to be a long process.


Cultivators began to spring up like mushrooms after a rain, establishing the basic style of the world of cultivation. In the process, many ancient secret realms appeared. These secret realms...They can all be regarded as inheritance from the previous era.

In fact, the origins of some secret realms are even older than the Second Era.

K...The Mysterious First Age.

Of course, these things are not known to the public for the time being. They are still hidden secrets that need to be excavated manually.

Standing underground in this space, raise your head and look up.

It was a strange city.

No roots or roots.

However, it seemed to be lifted up by an invisible big hand, floating in mid-air, the city floating in the air...In the eyes of ordinary people, this is definitely a very strange thing.

At first glance, this city is the same as the secret realm of 'Gate of Underworld', with a sense of familiarity everywhere.

At the seemingly grand city gate, the gate was tightly closed. The soldiers who had previously guarded the city were no longer there. Two large gilded characters - Netherworld - were printed on the gate.

Nether City!

Overnight, the Netherworld City disappeared from the chaotic sea of ​​demons and disappeared.

Unexpectedly, it appeared here strangely.

On Netherworld City.

Evil spirit, evil spirit!

Both coexist.

The evil spirit is revealed by the runes in this space, and the evil spirit...It's more like it was carried by the city itself. The guy who built Nether City in the beginning found a new way and thought of using evil energy to fight the evil energy. After all, the evil energy in the chaotic sea of ​​demons is just the bones and blood of an evil demon emanating from it. , although it has been condensed for a long time, but that’s all.

Evil spirit is different.

The strength of those soldiers who practice evil spirit will increase day by day, and their numbers will increase. Since the evil spirit system was established in Netherworld City, they have been looking forward to the moment when evil energy replaces the evil spirit.

Evil spirit...

Although this thing is not a particularly good thing, living in a city full of evil energy is definitely not a good thing, but it is better than the evil energy.

At most, evil spirits can cause some minor problems in people's bodies. These minor problems can be cured, and cultivators can also use evil spirits to practice and release their own true energy to resist the 'invasion' of evil spirits, thereby allowing their own The power of true energy is more pure.

The purity of the true energy and energy of different people is different.

This has to do with personal physique and the methods of practice.

Loose cultivators and monks from the sect system are definitely not as good as them. After all,...Not everyone is a b*tch like Master Qin Mo, who suppresses almost all the proud men of his generation as a casual cultivator.

As for Qin Mo, he was different from them.

When Qin Mo was in the Qi refining stage, relying on the richness of his Qi during the Qi refining stage, he could 'stand out from the crowd'.

In Netherworld City, the monks from the Kyushu cultivation world and the soldiers who practiced evil spirits were used as sacrifices, and the evil spirits from foreign lands were summoned through the art of blood sacrifice.

City Lord's Mansion.

After Netherworld City arrived in the underworld of the second era, which is now called the 'Devil Realm', this place has become increasingly deep and dark. There seems to be some great secret hidden in it.

Li Rou sat on the throne.

At this time, the feminine aura on his body was even worse. Not only the feminine aura, but Li Rou's whole person was now"beyond all recognition". Many lines were added to his face, which were for... magic!

Li Rou?

No, he is not Li Rou now, but a real foreign demon. Li Rou is just a body. She was reincarnated as a sacrifice by the demon a long time ago.

A sneer curled up at the corner of Li Rou's mouth. outside world.

Everyone is wondering where the Netherworld City disappeared out of thin air, but who would have thought that the Netherworld City is hidden in the secret realm of the 'Gate of Underworld'? After all, evil spirits have the means to open secret realms, but the cultivators of the third era do not........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! The new book will be on the shelves tomorrow. There will only be one chapter for these two days, and two updates will be resumed later. It is impossible to ghostwrite, and it will never be possible.

The new book:"The Great Swordsman of Konoha, Son of the Ancient Pot King" has been put in the book review recommendation section on the portal. Please order it first.

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