Konoha, somewhere underground.

Root tissue base.

Everything here seems extremely dark, exuding a horrifying atmosphere, making people involuntarily feel cold, trembling, chilling and......evil.

Danzo's taste is no better than Orochimaru's.

However, there are differences between the two!

Orochimaru was forced.

Orochimaru embarked on the study of immortal reincarnation and various forbidden techniques. Later, after he began to study immortality, he started human experiments. The so-called 'human experiments' were inherently inhumane.

Not to mention whether ordinary people can accept it, even ninjas...Most people can't accept it either.

In this way, Orochimaru will naturally not be exposed to the sun. in the original work.

He defected to Konoha.

He became an S-class rebel ninja and joined the Akatsuki organization. After being 'educated' by Itachi Uchiha with illusions, he continued his career as a defector. From then on, it was not just the Konoha family who pursued him..

And the Akatsuki organization.

The members of that one are all S-class traitor ninjas from various ninja villages, and the leader possesses the Samsara Eye, which is rumored to be possessed by only the Six Paths Sage. Naturally, there is only one way for the Akatsuki organization to treat traitors.

That is...Chase. besides.

There are also some bounty hunters who do not believe in evil and take missions in the underground black market in an attempt to kill others. Naturally, Orochimaru has no intention of exposing his thoughts openly. Most of his bases are underground.

It is shielded through various sealing techniques, and the base is changed regularly.

Danzo is different!

He had already firmed up his idea when he proposed to Sarutobi to establish a root organization that belonged only to him. Danzo once said this to Sarutobi Hiruzen, 'Sarutobi, you are bathing in the sun. The leaves beneath, and I am the root hidden in the darkness'.

Konoha and roots! then.

As the shadow of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo hides in the darkness. Most of the things he does are shady things. But Danzo is naturally not willing to be Sarutobi's shadow. He longs for the position of Hokage..

Never been so eager!

So much so...

He knew that behind Tsunade stood Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, and he planned to give it a try. In fact, in the original work, there were times when Danzo couldn't help but do this kind of thing.

Konoha 48 years later.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion!

At that time, the fourth generation Hokage Namikaze Minato and his wife died in order to protect Konoha. Konoha Village urgently needed a new leader to come to the forefront, so during the third war, because it signed an agreement with Iwa Ninja Village without any compensation. After the armistice treaty, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who resigned from the position of the Third Hokage in order to suppress the dissatisfaction caused by the warring faction in the village, took over again.

According to the world convention of Naruto world.

The appointment of a new Hokage requires a process similar to that of the Fire King - that is, under the witness of the fire country's daimyo, inheriting the name of Hokage. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is 'returning', the rules cannot chaos.

That was also the time.

Shimura Danzo sent a team of ten ninjas to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen. He calmly sat in the position of Hokage....

But it failed due to Kakashi's defection.

Relying on the relationship between him and Hiruzen Sarutobi, Sarutobi still forgave him. but...

This time.

But no one can 'forgive' him like this. They have always pampered him. Even if he collected many Sharingan on the night of the Uchiha genocide and became the glorious 'scapegoat', he was only dismissed by Sarutobi. He took the position of 'Hokage Assistant' and openly disbanded the"Root" organization.

But Danzo was loyal to Gen's training methods.

This disbandment is only shown on the surface.

Danzo took his seat.

In front of him, many members of the Root Organization were half-kneeling. According to the Hokage's official"Book of Formations", there are 70 people in Konoha ANBU, including one captain and one deputy captain.

It has four teams, each with 17 people.

There is a squad leader with four squads under his jurisdiction.

Each squad consists of four ninjas, divided into one squad leader and three squad members. This is the basic setting of ANBU. It stands to reason that the root organization under Danzo is essentially equivalent to a detachment of ANBU, led by the leader. Zang leads four squads, consisting of a total of 17 people, which is in line with the ANBU organization.

But in fact...

There are more than just a few people in the root organization.

Danzo secretly didn't know how much he had cultivated.

Among them, there are outstanding members of the Konoha family like Yamabaze and Aburame Takene, and there are also powerful spies like Yakushi Nonou and Yakushi Kabuto.

Tenzo, Orochimaru, Kakashi and other outstanding ninjas were also members of the Root Organization.

Danzo remained silent and cold.

At this time, his right eye was not replaced with Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, and the 'x'-shaped scar on his chin revealed a hint of ferocity, but his right arm was covered with bandages.

That is the arm with the cells of the first Hokage, and on the arm...Installed with the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan that Danzo had secretly collected on the battlefield over the years, with this, Danzo once again had Kage-level strength.

This is Danzo’s trump card!

This is also his confidence.

A source of confidence.

As for his arm, he claimed that it was injured and that his talent was average. When he was young, in order to catch up with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he desperately consumed his young body.

As a result, the root cause of the disease later fell.

In order to gain more power, Danzo modified his arm. Of course, Danzo would not expose it unless necessary.

However, he never imagined that in this world, there is a chat group of all heavens, and in the chat group that connects all heavens and all realms, there is a 'memory copy' that records the past and future of a world!

Everything he did, even his trump card, had long been exposed to Tsunade.

As for Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, they can suppress everything with their strength. They don't need to care about anything at all. Even if they don't join the chat group of the heavens, they can walk sideways in the ninja world with their strength.......... ps: The third update is here, please subscribe and vote monthly!

Try to update four to five times tomorrow.

As of now, I still owe three updates.

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