Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"@I want to become a Pokémon Master. Is that really the case? If there is a change in the world that cannot be dealt with, you can just tell the group. I believe that everyone in the group will be happy to help. Yes, of course, so does the old Taoist."

Yitian Dragon Slaying World.

Wudang Mountain. at this time!

The land god Zhang Sanfeng, who was in retreat in the retreat room, slowly opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows. At the same time, a glimmer of interest emerged in his indifferent eyes.

In fact.

Before the plot of the Heaven-Slaying Dragon World had begun, Zhang Sanfeng founded Wudang. He was already invincible and seemed to have no more thoughts about the battles in the martial arts world.

He was more inclined to the 'method of cultivating immortality', so he began to study the way to immortality.

Most of the time, he leaves all matters in Wudang to his top disciples.--‘Song Yuanqiao, the leader of the Wudang Seven Heroes, came to take charge. Since then, although Song Yuanqiao did not have the name of Wudang Master, he seemed to have the actual status of Wudang Master.

For Zhang Sanfeng, seclusion is just the norm. only...

Since joining the Zhutian chat group, Zhang Sanfeng has become even more enthusiastic about seclusion. Even though he knows the future of the Yitian Dragon Slaying World, after he changed the future of the death of his stupid disciple Zhang Cuishan and his wife, he just let The eldest disciple Song Yuanqiao pays attention to the changes in the wind direction of the entire martial arts world to avoid the emergence of the kind of time traveler who will cause trouble to the common people.

Or maybe his Wudang disciples were involved in world disputes and were persecuted because of the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sword. Apart from that, Zhang Sanfeng didn't pay much attention to other things.

After all, at his level, the so-called martial arts disputes in the martial arts world are just trivial fights. After strengthening the Nine Yang Magic from the group strengthening area, Zhang Sanfeng strengthened the one that he created and perfected in the true sense. Martial arts -"Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu"!

The essence of Taoist Kung Fu was created by Zhang Sanfeng. This Kung Fu is the highest internal skill of the Wudang Sect, and it is also a Kung Fu that must be practiced to protect the body and self-defense. In terms of power, it can be regarded as the first among all factions.

After being strengthened, just like the Nine-Yang Divine Art that can burn the sky and boil the sea after cultivating to the highest level, the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is only a technique from the low-level world of martial arts due to the level restrictions of this world of relying on the sky and slaying dragons. After strengthening, it can also burn the sky and boil the sea. Successfully promoted it as a true immortal cultivation technique.

Zhang Sanfeng practiced the two techniques together, and his strength became even more unfathomable!

It can be said.

He is not the highest in the world among the chat groups in the world, but his own strength is very powerful, and he can even faintly compete with Teacher Saitama.

The same is true for the old Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain next door who says,"When you are happy, you are under one person, and when you are unhappy, you are under one person."

In their respective worlds, they are all extremely qualified people!

There is no doubt about this.

Even if existences like Zhang Sanfeng were not limited by the world level and they themselves were in a higher level world, how could they be stuck in the realm?

He has already ascended to the upper realm.

As for why they didn't complete the step of ascension? Of course it was because of the world. The world they were in was too weak and there was no possibility of ascending to the upper world. Perhaps Zhang Sanfeng had already discovered something the moment he became invincible in his cultivation.

The state of stagnation!

In front of it, there seems to be an invisible barrier blocking the way, the way to practice.... broken.

Ordinary Zhang Zhiwei:"@I want to become a Pokémon master. If this is true, even though I am old, I can still do my best."

Qianwumei:"Well...I always feel that it is a bit strange for Master Tian and Zhenren Zhang to say these words at the same time!"

Xiao Mi's words make sense.

After all, the strength of Master Tianshi and Zhenren Zhang are ranked among the best even among the powerful chat groups. If real people are all of 'meager strength', what does their meager strength mean?

《Dry girl! In the world of"Little Bury", you stay at home as always. At this time, Bury Dojian, who has transformed into a hamster Bury, is wrapped in a quilt, lying on the floor, eating potato chips and drinking Coke, while paying attention to the chat group of the heavens. Condition.

Basically, Xiao Mi is the kind who is online all the time and 24 hours a day. Xiao Mi can be said to be the liver emperor in the true sense. After all, she is different from the others.

Angel Yan, she is an angel and crown prince from the City of Angels, the next angel king of the angel civilization of the super-god world, and will also inherit the title of Holy Kesana King of Gods.

She was already over 7,000 years old before she joined the Zhutian chat group. Staying up late or something like that was just a small case for her, and it basically had no impact.

The other person is the Lord of Gensokyo Eternal Pavilion and the Princess of the Moon - Kaguya Horaisan. Kaguya controls the ability to control eternity and moments. She stays up late until sudden death and then resurrects with full health. For the thousand-year-old otaku who has already experienced it, it is just a common thing.

Tokisaki Kurumi...

Coming from the world of Date A Live, she is an elf with the power of time. She has many clones. Usually when she is not paying attention, she will let her clones pay attention to the situation in the group.

In this way, the body will naturally know everything that happens.

As for how many clones she has?

Perhaps, even Tokisaki Kurumi himself doesn’t know.

It's really unusual for Xiao Mian to be so arrogant.

Of course, it seems like this, but Xiaomi has not fallen behind in practice. On the contrary, she works very hard. After all, the purpose of her practice is not only to prevent herself from being unable to restrain the chicken when the world is in danger. One thing is to practice hard to improve your strength. In that case, staying up late will not be as tiring as you think.

And once you practice to the extreme, you can even avoid it completely. so!

In Toma Mi's understanding, in the real world she lives in, the so-called principle of staying up late and harming the body is simply wrong. It is completely a reflection of her own lack of strength!

And as long as she is strong enough, she can completely ignore it. Now she is working hard in this direction........ ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

Thanks to '17xx07' for your monthly ticket support!

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