"Quartz Conference...Pokémon world? It would be nice to go there and have a look and relax."

Red Leaf Peak.

Under the red maple.

Qin Mo's eyes were focused on the live broadcast room. Qin Mo also completely heard what Xiaozhi said, because the grand Quartz Conference was officially launched. In the magical In the Pokémon World, that continent, the Kanto region, and other regions are almost all focused on the Quartz Convention.

Many Pokémon trainers are gathering towards the Quartz Convention held by the Quartz Convention.

There is no doubt that this is a grand banquet that brings together almost the entire Pokémon world.

For Xiaozhi, this is the first Pokémon conference that appears in the memory copy of the Pokémon world, and it is also the first Pokémon conference that Xiaozhi has ever held. After embarking on the path of Pokémon trainer, the first conference I participated in.

In the memory copy

‘Xiaozhi with the blessing of"no crown in his life" buff...After his first defeat at the Quartz Conference, despite overcoming obstacles among Pokémon trainers like a carp crossing the river, and becoming a rare top 16 player, Xiaozhi did not make it to the end due to some reasons.

This can be said to be very regrettable.

The Quartz Tournament allows contestants to participate in the tournament in a variety of ways, in addition to collecting eight gym badges for trainers who want to participate in the Quartz Tournament, they can also graduate from the Pokémon Research School.

Or you can participate by passing the Pokémon League test. but!

Among them, most trainers still choose the first method. After all, the trainers of the latter two methods will have very insufficient practical experience, even short-term. therefore.

Most of the players who participate in the league conference through the latter two methods come in to give points. In addition to being extremely talented, they have also cultivated a good understanding of Pokémon and have good combat experience. It is not impossible to successfully advance to the top, and even to be the first 'champion'!

But according to the development of the alliance conference, in most cases, the winners of the championship are mostly Pokémon trainers. After all, in this Pokémon world, ten-year-old boys can travel far away....

Together with Pokémon, they gradually opened up to each other during the journey, and eventually became inseparable partners like Xiaozhi and Pikachu. And a relationship similar to that between Ash and Pikachu can bring out even more powerful power when commanding Pokémon to fight!

"It's a bit interesting"

"By the way, Zhutian Chat Group seems to have a new function that has not been enabled. If it is enabled,..."

Qin Mo thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards.

He whispered to himself in a low voice that if that function was turned on, it would be safer for them to travel to Ash's Pokémon world. certainly!

The word 'safety' in Qin Mo's mouth is not directed at the members of the group, but the people in the Pokémon world....After all, among the group members, there are many god-level figures from another world like Thor, the God of Thunder.

Their strength is top-notch in their respective worlds, and in the world of Pokémon, their power is even enough to destroy the entire world in an instant if the first level gods are not available.

This is not because they want to destroy the world, but because they may be powerful people, and a trace of power inadvertently spilled out will cause unimaginable harm to the entire world.

The original intention of this function was probably because such a situation was taken into consideration.

Furthermore, the emergence of this function also eliminates the need for a thousand group points to purchase time-travel talismans. For most of the old people in the group, although most of their points are used to strengthen their own strength and travel to the heavens. I went fishing to give it a try, but I left some behind.

One thousand points is really not much, they can afford it. but!

For the cute new members who have just joined the group, such as a certain arrogant 'blond mixed-blood loser' Eri-ri that Kasumi Shiko calls, it only takes a few days for her to join the Zhutian chat group.

As a member of the passerby heroine world, Kasumi Shiko has learned from the past, and the world has also experienced changes such as the invasion of other worlds. Therefore, Eiriri joined the chat group of the heavens after Kasumi Shiko....

A very serious issue needs to be considered.

That’s how points are earned!

She is much more difficult than Kasumi Shiko.

After all, there are many ways to gain points, such as Qin Mo uploading memory copies. After the group members know the future through the memory copies of their own world, they will continue to make changes to their own futures.

During the change, while the group members themselves received group point rewards, Qin Mo, as the leader of all this, will also receive corresponding point rewards. This salty fish method can be said to be basically unique.. after all...

Except for Qin Mo, the only time traveler, most of the rest of the people in the group came from Qin Mo's memory. He traveled through the virtual world of the Two-Spined Ape from the world he was in before.

In addition to gaining points by changing the direction of the world, you can only complete the tasks after posting them through the task system of the Tenten Chat Group. For example, Tatsumaki once had a task before - to invite Teacher Saitama to join the chat group. but.

If you want to quickly gain points in this way, it is obviously not possible. The way to gain points through daily tasks is naturally not as good as changing the direction of the world....Comes faster. at this time.

An English pear said that she had fainted in the toilet from crying!

【Tip: The group leader 'Refined Qi for Three Thousand Years' has opened a new function - safe play mode. Accept invitations from group members in the target world and can enter through the play mode. You cannot fight and do not need to consume travel symbols. ]

Qin Mo directly turned on this function.

Somewhat similar to the safe mode and Jianghu mode in some online games, after entering the target world through the game mode, they do exist in that world, but their strength and aura seem to exist in a different space.

Even if they use their full strength, they can't cause any harm to the Pokémon world........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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