Yinglili:"Such a battle is so terrifying.....They are worthy of being named the God of Thunder."

Yinglili took a deep breath and said with some emotion.

Although she had already conceived of such a scene when she learned about the Zhutian chat group and chatted with Kasumi Shizi, she thought she also had a certain idea in her heart. Prepared, but as the previous sentence said.

The scene seen on site and in the video can be said to be completely different.

This is another extreme experience!



Before, from memory In the immersion mode of the dungeon, you can project yourself into it and watch and remember everything that happened in the dungeon"immersed in the scene". Compared with the 3D technology of the movie in the world of Passerby Heroine, that feeling is simply incomparable. Where have you gone?

It’s just a difference between a sky and a place!

Yinglili originally thought that it was almost a fake and real technology, and it felt like being there, as if she was directly at the scene, but in fact , but different.

Now, from the perspective of the scene, the feeling of personal experience is undoubtedly much more exciting, and when watching it in the memory copy, I guess I will also hint to myself that it is just a memory It’s just a scene in the dungeon.

With the intertwining of the two, the sense of immersion is naturally much worse.

Now that we are on the scene, will the sense of immersion still be worse?

The answer is, of course, no!

Kasumi Shiko:"@英丽丽, it’s just a tie, hehe, according to the rules of the chat group, you can join me."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who is in charge of the poisonous tongue, slightly raised the corners of her mouth and said jokingly.

What she said is not false!

After all, according to the default rules of the Zhutian chat group, group members cannot hurt each other. That is to say, if the battle can be carried out as it is now without any impact on the geographical environment of that world, even if one of the parties is a god who destroys the world and the other is just an ordinary person from the daily world, the result will be There won’t be the slightest change.

Ben Zina:"Five...50/50?"

Qianwumei:"The flag wood is fifty-fifty."

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:" Kakashi: Hinting at me again?"

The big bones turned into soup:"Kakashi is really too difficult."

Thor is not a fat man:" @雷神thoor, Thor dog, I just want to ask you if you accept it?"

Thunder God Thor:"I am Thor, God of Thunder, for the glory of the Northern God!"

Peach Blossom Island Xiao Dongxie:" This is a very familiar sentence."

Thor is not a fat man:" @雷神thoor, you guy..."

Thor:"I am Thor, for the glory of the Northern God!" It

's still the familiar words.

If you haven't unlocked the language function, you can only communicate through the language communication machine set up by the Northern God King 'Hong Qigong' on the cloak, but the nature of that machine is relatively useless.

Just three sentences.

1. I am Thor, God of Thunder.

2. For the glory of the Northern God! three、......

As for the third sentence, maybe it was Hong Qigong's sponsorship that he didn't know where to get, so it can be completely ignored. But now the Thor dog suddenly turned on the repeater mode when facing the fat man Thor's inquiry. This made Thor, the fat man, very uncomfortable.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"......"


You are still 20,000 years early:"This battle makes even me excited to see it, @大 Bone Makes Soup, do you want to take advantage of the situation and have a PK on the spot?" Zero

Aite made a wave of Dagu.

He is Ultraman!

So is Dagu.

The two of them are the only two Ultramans in the chat group of the heavens now. If they transform and fight again, they don't need to worry about the imbalance in height and weight.

At least on the surface it looks similar.

The only difference may be the source!

Tiga was once darkness, and then moved towards light. He was Ultraman from the super ancient era, 30 million years ago, and his origin was even older than the Kingdom of Light. Although Zero is Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, But tracing back to his roots, he was born on earth.

His mother is from Earth!

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Okay."

Da Gu did not refuse.

In fact!

Da Gu is not a fighting maniac of the"martial arts fanatic" type, but the battle just now between Fat Man Thor and Thor Dog really made people's blood boil. Even Da Gu had itchy hands and was eager to try.

I want to be a Pokémon Master:"That...Please be sure not to do this!"

Xiao Zhi said with some embarrassment.

Just now!

The battle between Thor and Thor Dog was raging with thunder. Although there were few people around, it was not that no one was passing by. It also attracted the attention of some people. If Sai If Luo and Tiga come again, it will be really hard to tell clearly.

This world has not yet encountered external factors such as the invasion of reincarnations, so Xiaozhi does not want to expose too much. His current idea is just to become Pokémon Master.

If the target is nearby, it should be the champion of the Quartz Conference!

In the memory copy!

Xiaozhi was eliminated in the top 16 of the Quartz Conference, and that was also the beginning of his"no championship in his life", except for winning in the Orange League. In addition to winning a trophy, Xiaozhi basically accompanied him in the rest of the league's official games.

Even at a certain time, the Skin God beside him could even confront the legendary God of Creation Arceus, but at another time At the beginning of a trip to an area, Pikachu and Xiaozhi seemed to have suffered a dimensionality reduction blow, and instantly turned into fledgling newbies.

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"@All members, okay, everyone can wander around, when the time comes We gathered on the Quartz Plateau. If anyone wants Pokémon, they can ask Xiaozhi to help and trade them through red envelopes."

Qin Mo said directly.

What he said was 'deal', huh?...In the Zhutian chat group, except for special circumstances, under normal circumstances, prostitution will not be free. If you want to find someone to help, you need to pay a certain price.

If you directly ask someone for help without giving anything, you will need to use up favors. Once or twice is fine, but there will always be a day when the favors are used up........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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