I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 465 Emperor Yan, I Killed Your Son

Looking at Wang Lan's corpse at his feet, Sony felt a distorted pleasure in his heart. Slowly came to the side of Wang Lan's head, and kicked Wang Lan's head away.

"Back then, you chased me like a dog. After ten years, I dare not step into Yu Country again. Today, I kicked your son's head like a ball. You must have never thought about it? Hahaha... Next One is your sister's life."

As he said that, he came to Lu Zhao's side in a flash. Lu Zhao was seriously injured and unconscious at the moment. Sony slapped Lu Zhao on the head to wake him up.

"Major General, look into my eyes—"

Although spiritual engraving is listed as a compulsory subject in Jade Country, it is not the case abroad. Especially for organizations like Birds of Paradise, their education system is inherently deformed. For the purpose of pursuing the greatest combat power, things like mental imprints are a waste of time.

Even if there is a need, wouldn't it be great if someone in the organization grasped it? But alas, Sony is not one of those who have mastered it. Not to mention mental engraving, Sony's mathematics, physics and chemistry are not as good as elementary school students in Yu Country. But Sony also has his own unique skills of torture. Sony, who was born in the host country, has an unparalleled talent for illusion.

His illusion can make a star sea master fall into it with absolute resistance and be completely hypnotized. So Lu Zhao, who had already been abolished at the moment, couldn't resist Sony's illusion.

"Tell me, where is Wang Qi?"

"do not know……"

"Huh?" Sony looked at Lu Zhao coldly, looking at his slack eyes with doubts, "Then who knows Wang Qi's whereabouts?"

"Only Wang Lan knows..."

"Hold the grass!" Sonny couldn't help but burst out, turning his head to look at the corpse not far away, "Damn it, you should have tortured him before killing him...Damn it!"


Suddenly, there was a mournful howl of wind in the sky. Sonny's body trembled suddenly, leaving Lu Zhao's body in an instant, turning into a blue shadow and disappearing. A few seconds after Sony disappeared, a ripple appeared in the void, and the Qing Emperor stepped out of the void and fell slowly from the sky.

At first glance, what I saw was the mess around me, but at the second glance, what I saw was Wang Lan's body in the ruins.

In an instant, a chill rose from behind.

Wang Lan actually died? Wang Lan actually died in battle?

Qingdi was stunned for a whole few seconds.

For a person with Qingdi's strength, his state of mind has already reached the point of mellow and flawless. No matter how big the accident appeared in front of him, it was difficult to shake his heart. But Wang Lan made Qing Emperor feel cold.

From the moment of awakening, star warriors are destined to associate with death. Anyone can die. Even if he is as strong as Emperor Yan and Emperor Qing, he has experienced life and death many times.

Those who survived proved the throne, but more died in the process of proving the way. Anyone can die, anyone can die, but only Wang Lan's death is unacceptable to Emperor Qing.

After the Five Emperors, only Wang Lan stands out.

Yu Ruoyun is very good, and even her future achievements will not be worse than Qingdi, but she can't become a legend. Legend, this is a very mysterious thing. It is a kind of luck and the protagonist of an era. Yu Ruoyun is not, but Wang Lan must be.

From Wang Lan's experience since his awakening, we can see how magnificent his short two or three years have been. When a legend dies, an era will be dimmed. Therefore, Yuqing could think that Su City must have suffered heavy losses, but she did not expect that Wang Lan would die in this battle.

Emperor Qing slowly came to Wang Lan's body, carefully held Wang Lan's head in his hands, and walked towards Wang Lan's body gently.

"Sony... this time, don't try to run away..."

buzz buzz --

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound, and the corpse in front of him suddenly trembled. This scene was horrifying. If an ordinary person saw this scene, he would definitely run away in fright. And he would shout loudly as he ran—the corpse is a scam!

Suddenly, the Phoenix Cloth on Wang Lan's body was detached from the corpse, and then turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the collapsed building not far away. In Yuqing's astonishment, she put it on a figure.

The silver cloak turned into a pair of wings, flapping and flying over. The three star fighters guarding Lu Zhao stared blankly at Wang Lan who was approaching.

"Master Qingdi, you are here..." Wang Lan showed a boyish smile, "If you stay a little later, I might really have to work hard."

At this moment, deep in the heart of Emperor Qing, he just wanted to say, the evildoer looks at the sword——

Wang Lan's corpse is at my feet, are you blatantly transforming yourself in front of me?

Seeing Qingdi's doubts, Wang Lan quickly explained, "Master Qingdi, this is my bloodline talent, which is my clone rebirth. You also know that my talent ability is self-healing. Normal injuries, as long as they are not killed instantly I can heal myself quickly.

But there is nothing to do if the head is cut off, but later I awakened a new ability, which can condense a fetal bead in the body, and when encountering a fatal threat, the fetal bead can be shot out, so that the fetal bead is reborn into a brand new one. I. "

"Blood rebirth?" Hearing this, the Qing Emperor's face suddenly changed.

Rebirth from a drop of blood is the supernatural power of the ancient gods, and it must also be the supernatural power of the most powerful group of gods. It is said that they can gain life again through the spilled divine blood, which can be described as life-and-death transformation, endless life.

"Isn't that counting? Now it's just transferring the life essence to rebirth, leaving behind a body. There is still a long way to go before the real rebirth from a drop of blood."

How dare you think...

Qingdi looked at the young man in front of him and couldn't help sighing in his heart. Rebirth from a drop of blood is a supernatural power of the ancient gods. If you can really achieve rebirth from a drop of blood, then you are not far from becoming a god. But these are all things for later, now that Wang Lan is not dead, the haze that was placed before his eyes will naturally disappear.

"Master Qingdi, Lord Qingdi—"

"What's up?"

"Our convoy was attacked by a powerful person. The escorted convoy was completely destroyed on the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, and all the escorts were killed."

"Did they really come up with this idea? I see, what is Sony's direction now?"

"Magic City!"

After hanging up the communication, Emperor Qing patted Wang Lan's shoulder lightly, "Where's your aunt?"

"Qingdi come with me."

Lu Zhao really didn't know where Auntie was. This time, Wang Lan's strategy is to keep the truth from the truth. In the thinking of normal people, the higher the level, the more secrets they will know, but Wang Lan does the opposite.

My aunt was actually hidden by Wang Lan in the underground training space of the Tianjian Bureau. Only Xu Shiyun and the others knew about it, not even Lu Zhaowang's forward. My aunt is just an ordinary person, it is impossible to go to a different dimension.

However, Jiang Xin Yujia's company has been researching the Xingwu bracelet, and has already had a trial model. The main reason why it has not been mass-produced is that the cost is too high, and Jiang's group will launch it after reducing the cost. But it's no problem for Jiang Xinyu to get a bracelet.

Before tonight's action, Jiang Xinyu and the others protected Wang Qi and hid in the alien space. Even if Sony wanted to break his head, he would never think of it.

"Wang Lan...then what about this?" A brother from the Tianjian Bureau ran to Wang Lan with Wang Lan's body and asked.

Hmm...that seems a bit perfunctory.

"Burn it, it's useless. Put it on the ground, and I'll do it. Why do I feel like I'm being whipped by you when I do it for you?" An extremely hot ray shot out, igniting his body, under the tens of thousands of degrees of extremely hot light Under the circumstances, the body was quickly burned to ashes.

Back in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, everyone felt a lot easier with the Qing Emperor in charge. That night, at around nine o'clock, a SF express was delivered to the gate of Tianjian Bureau slowly. Wang Lan curiously followed Emperor Qing to the front, and within a diamond-like energy shield, a piece of pure and flawless raw jade appeared in the carriage, as if it could emit light on its own.

"My lord Qingdi, you are brilliant! Use a special escort team to escort the fake original jade, but hide the real original jade in the ordinary express delivery. Unless Sony has the ability to check every container truck from Shanghai to Suzhou , otherwise it would be impossible to find where the real Yuanyu is." The moment Wang Lan saw Yuanyu, he thought of the strategy Qingdi and the others used.

"This strategy is not very clever, and Sony must have thought of it. Sony has its speed advantage, and we have our information resource advantage. But this Sony really can't let him continue to be arrogant." Qingdi mentioned Sony in his mouth , with a distressed expression of eating flies on his face.

"When Yuanyu and Miss Wang Qi are delivered, Emperor Xuandi should be free, heh heh!"

"Master Qingdi, I heard that you fought Sony more than ten years ago?"

"Twelve years ago, Sony swaggered to Yu Country to steal the confidential data of our Beidou system, and in order to obtain the confidential data, killed more than ten national treasure-level scientists.

Your mother and I were ordered to strangle him, that Sony, the real combat power is not our opponent. If Sonny doesn't run, any of us can kill him in five minutes. But he wants to run, and the two of us can't do anything about him together.

His speed can ignore obstacles, even if he is locked in an iron box by tricks, he can easily pass through and escape. During that month, your mother and I hunted him down without sleep, but in the end he fled into the Atlantic Ocean.

For the next three years, I did not hear any news of his appearance. In the past twelve years, he never dared to set foot in Yu Country again. "

"Cause Sony a psychological shadow."

"Maybe! Now that Ms. Wang Qi and Yuanyu are together, I can protect him personally. I think Sony will not dare to attack again."

That night, under the escort of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Aunt Wang Lan went to the magic capital in a mighty way. This time there will be no flight to the safe zone, but a convoy escort.

Sure enough, the convoy led by the Qing Emperor was safe and sound, and arrived at the Star Martial Arts Academy in the magic capital around eleven o'clock in the evening.

On the other side, in an underground secret room in the magic city, a beautiful blonde woman carefully held the sutures and stitched up the wound on Sony's neck.

It's not that Sony can't let medical star warriors treat his injuries, but he is in Yu Country, and he can't find anyone who can treat him. Thinking that I am the number one master of the bird of paradise, I have been reduced to the point where I need to use this primitive method to treat injuries...

After a long time, Sonny stood up, looking at the bandage on his neck with a hint of pleasure on his face.

"Emperor Yan, I killed your son. I don't know if you are so angry now that you want to tear my body into pieces? I really want to see how heart-piercing you are... It's exciting to think about it."

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