I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 473 Almost Bewitched

"Officer, you can ask me whatever you want when you call me here." Seeing that Wang Lan and Wang Lan hadn't spoken for a long time, the beauty asked impulsively.

"Your name is Fang Qianxi?"


"Are you Chen Shijie's girlfriend?"

"I just broke up with him for a week, what's the matter?"

"Break up?" Wang Lan was curious, "Did he propose it?"

"Him? It would be nice for him to be this bloody. I proposed it. But this is my private matter, right? What do the two police officers want to ask? Is it related to Chen Shijie? Has something happened to him?"

"Have you noticed anything wrong with Chen Shijie recently?"

"No? No, tell me quickly, what's wrong with him?" Fang Qianqian suddenly stood up nervously and asked eagerly.

"Didn't you break up?"

"It's also my ex-boyfriend who broke up. Did something happen to him? What happened?"

"You have deep feelings for him? It may hit you hard if I say it, are you sure you want to know?"

"I'm his girlfriend, and I have the right to know."

In such a short time, Fang Qianqian was able to force herself to calm down. In a flash, Wang Lan came to Fang Qianqian's side and grabbed his hand.

"Hey? What are you doing? Are the guards playing hooligans?"

"Don't bark, I just want to make sure you are a demon spy."

"Demon spies? Aren't you filming a TV series?"

"You should have seen what happened in Su City not long ago on the news, right? You thought this city was safe and the world was peaceful? Mozu spies have always been by our side." Wang Lan said lightly, entering a ray of star power .

If the demon spies are replaced by star warriors, the rejection test will have no effect. But the demon spies are replacing ordinary people. After star power enters, there will be rejection reactions, but ordinary people will not have rejection reactions.

After the star power entered, nothing came to light, and Wang Lan let go of Fang Qianqian's hand.

"Feel sorry,

I was sorry just now. After our investigation, Chen Shijie should be a Mozu spy! "

"That's impossible!" Fang Qianqian shook her head violently, and stared at Wang Lan with rounded eyes, "How could he be a demon spy?"

"But that's the truth. This afternoon, he killed two of our guards and disappeared without a trace. That's why I brought you here. I hope I can get some clues from you to help us find him."

"No...how could he be a demon spy? He is a gentle boy with such a good heart, how could he be a demon spy?"

"Anyone is possible..." Wang Lan said lightly, "Even if it wasn't before, the demons will live in the human body like parasites, and once they live in the body, it means that the original person...is dead. "

"how come……"

"So, I want to ask, have you noticed Chen Shijie's abnormalities recently?"

"No! He has a very boring personality and rarely talks to me about him. He said last week that he was going to join the teacher's research institute, and told me excitedly that only the most powerful scientists in Yu Country can join this research. So, he finally proved himself. Most of the time when I dated me, I told him what happened to me, and he would just listen quietly.

He lived a very regular life. He basically did research with his teacher every day, then went back to the dormitory and called me to chat for a while, and went to bed around ten o'clock. I've been in love with him for more than a year, and I'm a little disheartened. Love, after all, will have a time when the temperature recedes. "

"Huh? You said he said last week that he would join his teacher's research institute? Which research institute?"

"Is it Haotian Research Institute?"

"I don't know, he said that the institute's confidentiality level is very high and he can't tell me, and he also told me that he won't have more time to accompany me when he joins the institute, so he specially invited me out to have a meal with me?

Hehehe... What a cute and silly man. Isn't it the same whether he goes to the research institute or not? Even if he doesn't go, how many times can I see him? We are obviously in the same school, but we can only see each other a few times a month.

I went to him when I was not feeling well, but he always said that he was busy. Now I understand what my mother said, love can only determine the beginning of two people, but not the outcome of two people.

It started with talent, fell into alienation, and finally became plain. "

Listening to these words, Wang Lan fell into deep thought. Chen Shijie actually wants to join the Haotian Research Institute? If this is the case, then he can't evacuate early anyway.

Wang Lan knew that the demons wanted the gem of time and space. Didn't the trolls not hesitate to enter the Star Martial Academy just because they wanted the gem of time and space? As long as you join the research institute, you will have the opportunity to get in touch with the gems of time and space, whether it is stealing secretly or cooperating with others.

And he sent someone to follow him just for protection, Wang Lan has not suspected any of Wen Wen's students to evacuate in such a hurry... Is it reasonable?

If there is no prerequisite for joining the Haotian Research Institute, it is not impossible to evacuate early, but is it too urgent to evacuate at this juncture?

Then if Chen Shijie wasn't... Then why did he run away? The problem is that the two brothers who protected Chen Shijie are already dead.

In my mind, I kept replaying the scene I saw by the lake before. There were only the bodies of the two brothers by the lake, and Chen Shijie disappeared without a trace. Then it was deduced that Chen Shijie was a spy who killed two guards and fled...

Is it too taken for granted? Could it be that Chen Shijie died too?

"Miss Fang, you are Chen Shijie's girlfriend. Do you know that Chen Shijie will leave immediately if someone calls Chen Shijie?" Wang Lan asked thoughtfully.

"Two people, one is his teacher, and the other is his brother Zhang Zhiliang. Sometimes I really wonder whether Chen Shijie likes me or Zhang Zhiliang. Last week night, Zhang Zhiliang asked him to help, and he said nothing. Run away. If it wasn't for that time, I wouldn't have broken up with him. "

"Wait...you live with Chen Shijie?"

A blush appeared on Fang Qianqian's face, "Officer, this is privacy."

"No, I want to confirm the nature of Chen Shijie. I want to know, when was the last time you and Chen Shijie had sex?"

Seeing Fang Qianqian's hesitation, Wang Lan immediately explained, "Before I said that I suspected that Chen Shijie was a spy of the Mozu. But the Mozu and our human race are not the same race. They can become like our human race, but they will definitely not be like us. The human race has a relationship. This is a cross-species barrier..."

Speaking of this, Fang Qianqian immediately understood, "The last time was last week, the day before Dr. Wen Wen was killed."

Wang Lan's eyes flickered, and after a while, she stood up with a whoosh, "Let's go, Li Yang, let's go to Haoyun Lake."

The night has completely soaked the magic city, and the gorgeous city lights illuminate the city. A large number of police cars from the superintendent of Shanghai roared towards the place where the two brothers were killed.

"Boss, let the brothers go down for the salvage, you just wait up there."

"Your salvage speed is too slow. I have water star martial arts and my speed is fast." Wang Lan said, walking slowly towards the lake. Wang Lan stood on the lake as easily as a feather, as if she was stepping on hard ground instead of water.

Activate the water demon, and Wang Lan's figure disappeared on the lake in an instant.

In the water demon state, Wang Lan is water, he can appear in any place with water, a Haoyun lake is less than five square kilometers, if the superintendent goes down to find it, who knows, he will find the year of the monkey.

Soon, a long columned sarcophagus was discovered in the induction. In a flash, Wang Lan came to the sarcophagus. There is no silt or moss on the sarcophagus, and it is obvious that the time at the bottom of the water is not long.

Wang Lan grabbed the sarcophagus and rushed out of the water with a light lift.


There was a loud noise, and a cloud of spray exploded on the shore of the lake. The guards on the shore became alert instantly and quickly dispersed to both sides.

With a bang, the sarcophagus fell violently, causing the soles of the guards present to feel slightly numb.

Boom, Wang Lan rushed out of the water and returned to the shore again. The water stains on his body fell off like a layer of gel, and the clothes and hair on his body didn't even have any wet places.

"Sir Wang, this is..."

"open to take a look!"

Several guards hurried forward with hands and feet, but the sarcophagus remained motionless as if welded together. Wang Lan told them to spread out, and slapped the sarcophagus with one palm.


With a crisp sound, the sarcophagus burst.

Only after the gravel was stripped off did everyone understand that it was right that the sarcophagus could not be opened, and it would be hell if it could be opened. The sarcophagus is poured as a whole, not to mention that the lid and the coffin body are connected together, even the inside is solid.

After cleaning up the rubble, there was a corpse in the sarcophagus, and the corpse was Chen Shijie who they thought was a spy.

"If the demons replace a person, the original person will be eaten or assimilated. This person will disappear completely without leaving a corpse. The appearance of Chen Shijie's corpse now only proves..."

"What a cunning Demon Race, they will still frame it!"

"Then who planted the blame? What's the benefit of planting the blame on Chen Shijie?"

"Head, I remember Fang Qianqian said before that Chen Shijie would leave immediately after receiving calls from two people. Wen Wen was already dead at that time, could it be Zhang Zhiliang?"

"There is a possibility. I also learned about it from Wen Wen's other students. Wen Wen planned to bring a student into the Haotian Research Institute. All the students thought it was Zhang Zhiliang.

After all, Zhang Zhiliang spent the longest time with Wen Wen and achieved the highest achievement. But Fang Qianqian said that Chen Shijie might enter the research institute. If Zhang Zhiliang is a spy, the motive is obvious.

Call the brother who stared at Zhang Zhiliang, what did Zhang Zhiliang do last night? "

Li Yang responded quickly, and hurried to the side to make a phone call.

About half an hour later, Li Yang came to Wang Lan again, "Brothers said, Zhang Zhiliang accompanied his wife to visit Jinsheng Mall yesterday afternoon, and then ate hot pot at five o'clock. During the period, he went to the toilet for about fifteen Minutes, and then come back to continue eating.

When Chen Shijie was killed, Zhang Zhiliang was still eating at the hot pot restaurant, so he probably had no time to commit crimes. Zhang Zhiliang did not do it. "

"When did Zhang Zhiliang go to the toilet?"

"This... the brothers don't know. After all, the purpose of watching Zhang Zhiliang is to protect his safety, not to monitor him, so... the surveillance level is not so strict."

"Dinner at five o'clock, did you leave halfway through eating, or did you eat for a long time?"

"It should be more than half an hour?"

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