Global fryer!

Someone spent hundreds of billions to shoot a bloody variety show.


Unable to organize!

Because the Li chaebol is behind the sky, even if this is a variety show that violates the spirit of sportsmanship, it is a variety show that will kill people, and it still cannot be organized.

And Li Yuan was also very clever, setting the venue of the competition on the high seas, and there is no law on the high seas. Powerful contestants will have nothing to worry about killing here.

Countless people were scolding Li Yuan for being brutal and bloody.

But they don’t understand that this is the real rise of mankind in this world. Because the end of physics is finite, and the end of biology, although taboo, is infinite!

Of course, more people are full of excitement, madness!

This is a crazy stone-shattering variety show, no one has ever come before!

“Outside the trumpet!”

“Li Shao, one of the world’s five chaebols, is going to hold a real martial arts show on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean. Invite all martial arts masters and fighting masters from all over the world to go. There is a million prize for participation, and if you die, you will be a pension. ”

“Groove, brutality, I want to watch!”

“I want to compete. Hahaha, this legendary Li Shao’s brain has a pit, right? In the past, I still felt that martial arts was awesome, but now I encounter two masters who have been fake, hahaha, laughing at me, I feel that I can also do it! ”

“Sign up!”

“Outside the trumpet!”

“Shocking news: Li Yuan released words, the bonus is 100 billion. The first place in the first season of the show will receive 60 billion prizes. Second place 30 billion. Third place ten billion. The top ten is five billion. The top 100 prize money is one billion. ”

“Aaaaaa Lose your marbles! There are a billion bonuses in the top 100, lie in the groove! ”


At this moment, the world exploded.


All the boxers, jiu-jitsu masters, fighters, martial artists, all crazy.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world turned red.

The previous registration had a million prize, which could only attract ordinary people, but could not attract them.

And the first place is too far away for them to feel untouchable.

But now, all crazy! The world is crazy.

The top 100 have a billion bonus.

Blown up, blow up.

North America.

Connor UFC Club.

UFC belt winner, world-renowned fighter Connor, saw such a message at this time, and the whole person was stunned:

“Even buy ka… Top 100, there are a billion bonuses? A billion, I play a hundred UFC games, and I can’t earn a billion. ”

Connor gasped, and then a look of determination flashed in his eyes: “Those so-called masters who fight Huaxia are not afraid, they are afraid that the same boxer fighting champions will also participate.” This event is not divided into heavyweights, and if I meet a super heavyweight opponent, I will be miserable… However, there is hope for the top 100! ”


Connor yelled, and an assistant walked quickly: “Connor? ”

“Sign me up now. At the same time, prepare the plane, immediately go to the Pacific Ocean, I want to become a top 100! ”

The assistant shook his head: “Connor, you must first gather in the ports of your respective country for a unified trial. Only those who succeed in the trial can register. 10,000 people were selected for the competition. ”

“Still screening?”


“How to screen trials?”

“Ten kilometers away from the island of origin, there is another island. All helicopters and boats docked there. Competitors are eligible to become competitors by swimming, or by other means, landing on the island of origin with their own strength. This will completely screen out ordinary people who want to fill up the numbers. ”

Connor’s eyes widened suddenly: “What if you can’t swim?” ”

“The organizer of the truth of martial arts said that the real strong can do anything. Without such a level, you are not worthy of participation. ”

Connor hurriedly asked, “How deep is that sea?” Ten kilometers to swim over? What if you drown out of physical strength? ”

“The organizer said that he drowned, and he only blamed himself for not having the ability.”

Connor frowned, he vaguely felt that this event… It’s different.

It’s different from all previous events.

This martial arts event turned out to be extremely brutal and bloody. Drowned, only blame the skill?

However, this is also in line with that horrible bonus….

Connor narrowed: “Sign up.” ”


While preparing, the assistant whispered and said thoughtfully: “There is gossip on the Internet that there is no law on the high seas, and some extremely vicious people are likely to kill powerful competitors in advance in the process of landing on the island.” Connor…… You be careful. ”


Connor gasped, truly feeling the horror of this event. He could see that Li Yuan was really going to lead out a peerless powerhouse.

Murderous everywhere!

This…… Is it the truth of martial arts?

Not a fist embroidered leg.

Not gymnastics for performance.

It’s alive – killing skills!

Connor felt a little bottomless, he couldn’t imagine what kind of strong person would be brought out this time?

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