I Have Five Big Daddy

Chapter 106 Little Short Legs Running

"We are still young, it's normal that we can't outrun the big ones in front, and even if we can outrun, we have to run slowly, we have to save some face for those big brothers and sisters, otherwise they should be angry and cry, follow Ruan Ruan and I can just run slowly.

The cubs in the preschool class 1 are very tolerant and don’t compete with junior high school students for winning or losing. We are here to exercise, not to compete. "

Zai Zai stared angrily at those running ahead, "But...but they said we have short legs and run slowly!"

Jiang Jincheng thought what he said was the truth, but he still wanted to persuade the cubs.

"Although we are small, we must be magnanimous and not care about them."

Ruan Ruan nodded and said, "Yes, don't worry about it, we are careful."

It's not that you can't win in sprinting!

Finally, under the persuasion of Jiang Jincheng and Ruanruan in turn, the cubs stopped running forward with their short legs, and followed Jiang Jincheng and Ruanruan obediently one by one.

Xia Yi "..."

This little mouth really makes people love and hate it.

After all, the cubs are still young, and they have never run like this before, and now they can't stand it after only half a lap.

Ruan Ruan ran to the side and shouted in a small milky voice.

"Everyone, don't panic, breathe with Ruan Ruan."

Ruan Tuanzi took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly while running. After doing this a few times, Zai Zai next to her also breathed at the same frequency as hers, and she didn't feel so tired or so painful after running.

Ruan Ruan and Jiang Jincheng deliberately slowed down their pace when they were running. In fact, they were already walking as usual. The cubs could accept this speed. In addition, Ruan Ruan taught them how to breathe when running, so they were panting The breathing of the cubs gradually eased.

Some cubs were not so tired after running, and Xiaozui even sang a little song, which was a cheerful little tune taught by the teacher not long ago.

"Twinkle twinkle little stars, how I wonder where you are……"

One person sang, and then other cubs sang along, so when the junior high school students came back after running around and met them again, they heard this group of small groups singing immature ditties, let alone , it sounds pretty good.

"Hey... the little ones are walking and singing."

That small step was indeed almost like a walk.

"Look, brothers are a lap faster than you." A group of people giggled and got a collective stare from the cubs.

Yang Xiaoxiao slapped the boy who was speaking on the head.

"They are small, so they are running. Think about what you were doing when you were five or six years old, and you have the nerve to laugh at them."

The boy scratched his head, "I'll just talk about it."

Yang Xiaoxiao gave them a white look, "Ruan Ruan, you run slowly, and go back to rest when you are tired."

Ruan Tuanzi answered softly, "I know sister Xiaoxiao."

The cubs made faces at the boys who had spoken before.

"Shy, shy, I have to run with the cubs at such a big age."

"That's right, we are careful and lenient, and we don't care about you."

"Well, in fact, we can still run fast, but Jiang Jincheng said, if we run too fast, you should cry, cubs don't want to coax big babies, so you run fast."

That little look of waving his hands and looking disgusted made the other students around him burst into laughter, among which Yang Yi and Yang Xiaoxiao were the ones who laughed the most.

But the men who spoke before were blushed by the cubs, but they didn't know how to refute.

Ruantuanzi also covered his small mouth and secretly laughed.

The running track of this playground was 400 meters. Ruan Ruan and Jiang Jincheng ran around with the cubs, and then stopped. In fact, she still wanted to run, but considering the bodies of the cubs, she decided not to run.

"In the future, you will often run with me, so that you will not get sick easily, and dad will not worry if you don't get sick."

"Okay, okay, let Ruanruan take us to run, we can sing together."

In fact, although I was a little tired from running just now, the dumplings were still very happy. Children like to gather together to do something like this.

Teacher Xia thinks this is also very good, and the children's feelings seem to be better.

The junior high school students ran three laps and came back a long time ago. They were gathering at the moment. When the teacher said they were leaving, several people ran over here.

Among them are Yang Yi and Yang Xiaoxiao.

"Ruan Ruan, do you want to play shuttlecock or ball and so on?"

Ruan Tuanzi raised his chubby hand to "kick the shuttlecock."

"I want to kick the shuttlecock too." Several little girls held up their claws.

Hu Tuan snorted, "Kicking the shuttlecock is no fun, it's fun to shoot the ball."

"That's right. Shuttlecock kicking is for girls, and boys play football."

So the boys all looked at Jiang Jincheng among the girls.

Jiang Jincheng "..."

"I don't play."

He just sat there and watched his sister play.

He doesn't like these sports either.

Well, the little boys didn't force him, and ran aside to play by themselves.

Ruan Tuanzi kicked shuttlecock with the little girls in the class, bouncing around full of energy.

Yang Xiaoxiao and a few girls in the class also played with Ruan Ruan and them.

The little boys' balls were shot and flew out, and then picked up by a tall boy in Yang Xiaoxiao's class, who held the ball arrogantly and twirled it around his fingertips.

"Hahaha... you short-legged ones, if you have the ability, you can get it yourself!"

Hutuan was so angry, Xiaopang pointed at the boy and yelled "Come on!"

A group of small groups cheered and chased after the boy.

Li Xun took the ball and ran quickly, yelling while running.

"Come on, come on, I can't catch up!"

"Joe Yu continues."

However, he was also teasing the little dumplings, and he didn't run too far. When the little cubs were about to catch up, he jumped up and threw out the begging in his hand.

The boy named Qiao Yu jumped up and caught the ball easily.

"Going over there." The cubs immediately changed direction and chased after the boy named Qiao Yu.

Two male students tossed the ball back and forth, and finally Ruan Ruan led the little girls in the class to join.

"Hutuan Zai Zai led people to chase the ball, we stopped this big brother."

As he said that, the short-legged son ran up quickly, hugged Li Xun's leg at once, and the other cubs also huffed and surrounded him. Li Xun tripped his foot and fell to the ground all of a sudden. This time the other cubs It was even easier for the cub to catch him. A little girl was so desperate that she sat on Li Xun's stomach, which almost made Li Xun angry.

Jiang Jincheng secretly ran over to help Ruan Ruan hold his feet together.

On the other side, Qiao Yu saw that his companion had fallen, and immediately ran while holding the ball and screaming.

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