I Have Five Big Daddy

Chapter 609: Punishment


Frowning softly, "He abused animals and has accomplices? Actually, I never understood why he abused these animals, crazy!"

Jiang Jincheng stared at Xiao Baibai and Tiger King, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Try to blow them up later, let's go and see the situation first."

Ruan Ruan and the others walked to the abandoned factory, and then saw the car. They used the buildings here to hide themselves from eavesdropping.

"How many goods are there today?"

Two men moved the suitcase out from the back of the car, and one of them was Liao Wenxiang.

Liao Wenxiang chuckled, "There are four of them this time. Don't worry, they are all good products. The pets raised in that rich area are more expensive than people."

Resentment flashed in Liao Wenxiang's eyes when he said that he was more precious than others.

The suitcase was opened, and inside were four breeds of cats, the Ragdoll, the Egyptian, the Abyssinian and the Bengal.

The other man was very satisfied after seeing the breed, but when he checked, he found that the delicate Ragdoll cat had exhaled more air than breathed in, and immediately became a little angry.

"What's going on, this puppet cat is dying."

Liao Wenxiang squatted down to check and sure enough, he immediately threw the puppet cat by the neck, cursing and saying a trash.

Looking down at the puppet cat lying on the ground with no life or death.

"It's really squeamish. People nowadays don't know what to think. What's the use of raising these animals."

Another person looked at him mockingly, "Your wife has a baby too."

Liao Wenxiang's face suddenly darkened.

"Sooner or later, I will kill it."


A huge white figure drifted past like the wind, and the two immediately became vigilant.

The cold wind was blowing, and the trees around the abandoned factory were rustling. Apart from these, there were no other sounds.

The two people who didn't think it was anything before suddenly felt that the abandoned factory was windy.

"The cat... the puppet cat is gone."

The man with Liao Wenxiang pointed to the place where the puppet cat was thrown just now, his eyes were terrified, and he trembled as he spoke.

Liao Wenxiang looked over fiercely, and sure enough, he found that the puppet cat he had thrown away was gone.

He also panicked in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm.

"Who! Who is playing tricks, let me out."


Suddenly there was a strange and empty meowing, which made the two of them tremble with fright.

"Looks like a cat."

Liao Wenxiang took out a knife, his eyes turned hard.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a cat. If I catch it, I will kill it."


The man beside him still wanted to speak, but he stared back with a fierce look.


The meowing sound appeared behind them, and the two turned around at the same time, only to see a huge creature with its back turned to them.

The huge white creature turned its head slowly, its eyes glowing in the night.

Then I saw it open its mouth and let out a meow.


The two were terrified, what the hell, such a big cat!

"Ghost...ghost, cat ghost."

The man next to Liao Wenxiang turned around and started to run, but he bumped into a huge stuffed creature within a few steps.

He raised his head in horror, and met a bloody mouth.

The man's face turned pale immediately, and he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Liao Wenxiang trembled with fright as he watched the huge 'cat and dog' walking slowly towards it, but still insisted on holding the knife in his hand.


With a sharp meow, he only felt pain in the back of his hand, and with a scream, the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

At this time, he suddenly found that he was surrounded, surrounded by a group of cats and dogs that he had abused.

I don't know when, besides the two big 'cats and dogs', there were many cats and dogs around, some of them stood on the tree and looked down at him with dim eyes, some stood on the building Go up, and bark your teeth in his direction.

They all stared at him like hungry beasts, as if they were going to pounce on him and tear him apart in the next moment.

Liao Wenxiang panicked and hunted geese all day long, but now he was pecked by geese.

"You guys, don't come here!"

He bluffed and wanted to find the knife he had dropped on the ground, but found that the knife had long since disappeared.

He hurriedly picked up a steel pipe and pointed at the cats and dogs in a panic, but their encirclement was still getting closer.

Seeing this, Liao Wenxiang became ruthless, picked up the steel pipe in his hand and swung it at a dog in front of him.

But he didn't succeed, a powerful paw stepped on the steel pipe, and the snow-white giant wolf was particularly dazzling in the night.

Its eyes pierced into Liao Wenxiang's body like the twelfth lunar month in winter.

Liao Wenxiang looked miserable, he let go of the steel pipe in his hand with trembling lips and fell to the ground, looking at the huge animal in front of him, his eyes were full of trembling and panic.


The sharp meowing sounded again, and the next moment, a black cat jumped up and scratched his face with its paw, blood was directly seen, and there were a few more obvious bloody paw marks on Liao Wenxiang's face.

The other cats, cats and dogs rushed forward, with deep-seated hatred in their eyes, they surrounded Liao Wenxiang and began to bite.

Another comatose man lying on the ground was not spared, and there were bursts of screams from the abandoned factory.

Feeling that the time is almost up, Ruan Ruan, who had been watching all this coldly, blew a whistle. Then, Xiao Baibai and Tiger King yelled, and the little animals that were still biting them immediately ran away with the two big ones. into the night.

Jiang Jincheng anonymously reported to the police, and sent Liao Wenxiang's evidence of animal cruelty, selling owned pets, and embezzling public funds to the police station.

When it's over, erase his own traces, no one knows that he did it.

"Are you going to interrogate him?"

Ruan Ruan hugged the still-awakened cat in her arms and shook her head.

"No, leave these to the police."

"Then let's go."

Taking off his coat and covering Ruan Ruan's body, Jiang Jincheng took the girl who was a head smaller than him and left here.

They left with four breed cats that were almost traded, and joined Xiao Baibai and Tiger King.

As for the cats and dogs that attacked Liao Wenxiang, they were all released from the abandoned factory.

Liao Wenxiang caught all those stray cats and dogs here, locked them in cages, and would come here to torture them whenever things went wrong.

After being caught, he was locked up without food or drink, and many cats and dogs were starved to the bone.

As soon as they walked out, several cars drove over.

Mu Shen and the others got out of the car, looking at Ruan Ruan with a smile on their lips.

Looking at them softly, I suddenly felt warm in my heart.

"Father, Master."

She ran over and was surrounded by Mu Shen and the others.

Mu Shen rubbed her head, "It's very soft."

Su Yan had a sullen expression, "That's right, my daughter is the best."

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