The pouring rain mixed with sand and turned into muddy water polluted the demeanor of Timis swordsman. He looked annoyed and gradually reacted.

As the person who ignites the lamp for the second time, his physique is also close to a million. How can we not see Figo's strength after completely liberating his physique?

Celestial Sword? Shit!

The muscles in both arms trembled vigorously, and his sleeves were bulging. Facing the approaching Figo, he slashed with a knife in both hands!

'Phantom Gold Ripples! '

The long knife buzzed like a deep white wave on the ocean. With the blessing of the sword intent and the flowing armed color, the white wave turned into gold.

The dark golden ripples erupted and bloomed in circles. Wherever the sword energy passed, all the broken rocks and broken trees were turned into dust, as if an attack that could erase everything shrouded Figo!

Figo pulled back with both fists.

'Murloc Karate - Move the Sea! '

The majestic force waved out, and the rainwater that fell from the sky suddenly hovered in mid-air and gathered together, as if turning into a sea.

The clattering ocean rolled up, swallowing the dark golden ripples with terrifying momentum, obliterating and merging each other, bright rays of light erupted, piercing sharp sounds echoed, the terrain of the mountain fell downward as a whole, and even the knowledgeable Perception is disturbed with the impact of power.

But only Timis couldn't perceive it for a while.

Knowledgeable domineering: 698755

Level 5, the top person of knowledge color (can light the lamp, the success rate of lighting is 50%, failure will randomly reduce the level of knowledge color from 0% to 50%)

Figo's strength is balanced, and he has a lot of abilities to ignite the second lamp, and he has no shortcomings at all!

When Dimis raised his knife and stared vigilantly at the position where the power interacted, Figo's tall figure inadvertently flashed and stood behind him.

Hammer! !


Timis's mouth was sweet again, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell straight down the mountain!

At the same time, he slapped his palm down, and amidst the sound of landslides, all the bouncing broken stones were covered with sword intent, turning into powerful slashing blows, hitting Figo who was falling straight from the sky.

Figo didn't dodge.

Those streaks of sword energy brought tiny scars to his body, but under the action of his powerful physique, they disappeared instantly and returned to normal.

His right arm became huge again, crushing the tiny Timis irresistibly.

‘Giant Hammer! '

What the hell is this? !

Shit swordsman!

Timis cursed angrily in his heart, and the sword intent on his body soared into the sky again, using all his strength.

"Thousands of miles!"

The slashing sword energy that can spread thousands of miles was highly condensed by him with powerful skills. The dark white sword energy condensed into a white line, colliding with Figo's giant fist with an extremely dangerous edge!

Slashing emperor fire slurry-like armed color! Cut through the tough flesh! Cut into Figo's bones!

The blood splashed, Figo's expression remained unchanged, and his arm shook: "The power of the long-handed clan." '

Suddenly, a second joint grew out of his huge and heavy arm, twisting strangely, dodging it before the sword energy continued to penetrate, and from the side, struck the face of Timis who was caught off guard! Blood and teeth splattered, and Timis flew out, and in mid-air, suffered a giant foot strike!


There was a sound of bones breaking!

There were also countless thunder spheres exploding in the void, and the hills with a radius of a hundred miles collapsed as a whole, bringing Timis into the abyss.

Figo followed closely.

The thunder continued!

For a moment, Dimisi's frightened roar resounded through the sky: "Where did you come from?! There is no barbarian like you in the East Universe Sea!"


'He is from a small place. '

Such a sentence suddenly popped up in Ana's heart in the distance, but Hao Xuan didn't say it.

She looked weird for a while, and then explained: "This is the reason why the king who lights up the lamp with his body is said to be the strongest in the conventional way of lighting the lamp. Timis's swordsmanship is obviously similar to his physical level, but when he fights, he needs to fight." Being firmly suppressed, all kinds of sword moves have nothing to do with him.

There is a saying that when facing a body king one-on-one, if your strength does not exceed his level, the sooner you escape, the better, because you will always be injured and exhausted before him, and it is impossible to fight for a long time. won.

In comparison, you are simply a disgrace to the king of physique. With your natural inclination, you should not use your body to ignite the fire. Even if you use domineering, your strength may be stronger than it is now. "

Roger laughed dryly, isn't there no way? And I have been learning Xuhuo for 10 years, and I lit a lamp with my body, so it should be okay, right? Of course, it is incomparable with Mr. Figo...

"Didn't he teach you his weird physical skills?" Ana asked again, and waved her arms to make the shock wave in front of her forget them.

"We can't learn it," Roger said.

Ana nodded slightly, not surprised.

The technique of simulating the attacks of foreign races is too weird, and she has never heard of it in decades of traveling the star sea, and Dimis obviously has nothing to guard against.

but just like that...

"Dimisi is different from the other two. He lit the lamp for the second time in the direction of his body. He is very durable. If this goes on, there will be no victory or defeat in a few days. The demons will come at any time, and Dimisi may come again at any time." Flee to the stars.

Although you are a disgrace to the king of body, you can barely intervene in their battle. If you see the timing, you can affect the situation of the battle with a single blow. "

The mouth is so poisonous, every mouthful is a shame, and the former medical girl Ana is easy to get along with. Roger gave a dry cough, and looked at Jabba and the others beside him.

"Uh, I don't think so."

Ana: "Huh?"

"The old man should not be serious."


Roger reached out and scratched his forehead. Those who were familiar with Figo naturally knew that the transformation of Figo, who could pretend to be the king of the three clans, was only a basic operation.

That shouldn't be counted as a skill, it's just a normal attack, and the skill... doesn't seem to be used much yet?


Keeping an eye out, he cut off the giant leg with two joints, and Timis stood between the gravel and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The white sword robe has been blackened by the mud, just like Timis' gloomy face.

Giant race, murloc race, long-handed race, long-legged race, fur race...the peculiarities of so many races, what the hell is this? !

But as Ana said, he is still a king whose body is lit with lights. He is extremely resistant to beatings and can heal himself. Don't panic.

Just a little breathless.

Aren't most barbarians of this level of physique recruited by the Tianlong people into the army against the demons? Why did one come out here? !

What a celestial sword!

Let me let you know what swordsmanship is!

The long knife buzzed through the air, leaving a few afterimages in the air, as if one turned into ten, and then Timis cut horizontally again.

In an instant, a chessboard was formed, and the condensed sword shadow and sword intent blended and swelled, and flew out with Timis' third slash!

'Thousands of swords are fired! ’ The net-shaped cutting sword energy enveloped Figo rushing from a distance, and the momentum seemed to split the space, trying to chop Figo into pieces!

Figo's right arm swelled again.

The flexible use of the power of the race in actual combat is almost tested, so next...

‘Arm of Giants. '

'The ninth of the six styles - Paoquan! '


This time, Figo didn't use his fist to directly collide with the sword qi swing, but used his unique technique to let the solid cuboid shock wave swing out from the huge fist.

It is different from ordinary fist hitting Paoquan.

That small cuboid shock wave is incomparable to the pressure that can be exerted in a giant state!

The air beam of several meters in length and width seems to be full of power, and it is indeed full of power, fully reflecting Figo's great strength!

The vast shock wave collided with the sword energy, easily annihilating each other with Timis' ultimate move.

Dimisi's second sword still needs to be charged.

Figo was able to punch again directly!

Punch! Punch! Cannon punches!

boom! boom! boom!

impossible? ! How can such a big fist condense such an attack? Even bursts? !

Timis raised his knife to block, his body was brought down by the shock wave and collapsed one mountain after another, suppressed by the continuous attacks, he couldn't move!

After dozens of punches in a row, Figo's fists clenched tighter, and there were changes in his arms.

Murlocs, giants.

Fusion of blood, the arm of the fish giant!

Murloc's Wrist-Ten Times Cannon Fist!


The brilliant shock wave destroyed everything!

Push the mountain terrain hundreds of miles ahead to flat ground at one time! Timis, who was at the center of the impact, had his eyes protruding, screamed, spit out a big mouthful of blood, a large number of bones were broken, and was crushed by the unspeakable terrifying force and almost lost consciousness!

The sky swirled deeply inward, and the cumulonimbus clouds were washed away!

Figo, who was chasing Timis, drew his knife and danced in the air twice at will, reuniting Leiyun.

Fur family, also try to integrate into it?

Furfish Giant Arm.

Ten times - Lightning Cannon Punch!

Kacha—the thunder struck, making Timis's face as pale as his white hair!

Go on the music, go on the dance!

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