I have guarded the city of advancement in Pirate Town for 100 years

Chapter 288: The Chip Scavenger and the Lantern Fisherman (Happy New Year's Day)

On the way home with young Lynch, Figo knew the reason why he was in the sea just now.

He is a chip picker.

This is a special occupation that belongs to Deng Mars. In Deng Mars, lights are a symbol of power and a resource.

In the starry sky, including the lamp Mars, as long as a king lights a lamp, there will be a corresponding physical lamp in the lamp Mars.

Before the death of the corresponding king, the lamp is difficult to find, and after the death of the king, if there are descendants left, this lamp will still not emerge, but if there are no descendants, the blood inheritance is cut off, and this lamp will become ownerless , Scattered into the 'sea of ​​lights' that occupies most of the world!

Find it, capture it, use it!

People can more or less obtain the power of the king during his lifetime, just like searching for the pulse.

The more powerful lights are generally scattered in the deeper and farther sea water, there are dangerous sea beasts entrenched, making it difficult to obtain.

Boys like Lynch don't have the ability to come up with lighting ideas, and their goal is the wick.

The wick will also manifest in the lamp spark!

There are trillions of lives in the starry sky, and the number of kings who ignite lights is only a million, but if the requirements are lowered by one point, down to the level of wicks that are promising to ignite lights, the number can surge to hundreds of millions in an instant.

After all, it is the wick that has a 0.1% chance of igniting the light, and Raul can meet the conditions.

There are more people who are not good at force and can raise a certain skill to the wick level. According to Figo's prison file, the combat ability can be raised to a million before lighting the lamp, and the non-combat ability is generally at 5w And stop.

It's like Nami, who has worked hard for more than a year. With her outstanding talent and the advantages brought by pioneers, she can raise her 'banker' ability to nearly 5w, and become the king by lighting the lights.

Those master craftsmen who have been immersed in a certain skill for a lifetime, such as carpenter, boatman, and cook, have no ability to ignite a fire, and they also have a wick level.

Extending the time to 20,000 years, even if there is an important screening condition of whether there is no future, the number of wicks must be in tens of billions, scattered in the vast sea, which can be regarded as relatively dense, and near the sea, new ones will be added every year Some.

The "Core Abrasives" were born in response to this. They have good water quality, and they have been fighting for luck in the offshore all year round. If they find wicks, they can make a fortune.

"I'm done, Uncle Figo, it's your turn." Lynch asked, "What are you doing outside, uh, you can't be a pirate, right?"

"I'm not a pirate, I'm a navy." Figo said, "Our environment is very similar to this side. Most of them are oceans. There are many pirates doing evil in the sea. I'm responsible for catching them."

"Wow, amazing~"

Lynch beamed with joy: "We also have some pirates here, I heard that wherever they caught the lights, they would go and snatch them, it's super annoying.

Uncle, if you are in the navy, you are really powerful, how many levels of lights are there...flying into the sky without being injured, could it be... there are three levels? "

He looked expectant.

Because the lights can be captured and ready to see the appearance of the lights at different levels, Deng Mars divided the lights into levels. In fact, it is the same concept as the "level of brightness" called in the starry sky.

"Me, level six." Figo laughed.

"Li... eh?"

Lin Qi was taken aback, and said happily, "Ghosts will believe you. Are you the Holy Demon King?"

"Don't you believe me? Then I'll be level five."

Lynch pouted: "Forget it, uncle, my home is coming, and my grandma is getting old, don't scare her."

"Hmm." Figo looked forward.

The situation of this Fenghuan Island has long been shrouded in his mind. The island is not big and the population is not large. There are scattered hundreds of households, almost all of which are self-sufficient. The more primitive barter life.

Lynch's house is on the edge, a small brick house with a large yard.

Pushing open the courtyard door, Lynch shouted, "Grandma, I'm back! There are guests at home!"

Within a few seconds, a thin old lady walked out of the house. She looked nearly 80 years old. Although she had no trace of cultivation, her steps were steady, and she had a benevolent look on her face.

"Who are you looking for?"

Lynch's expression froze for a moment, and he said, "Grandma, it's me. This is Uncle Figo. He's someone we've heard about but never seen before. He's from outside Deng Mars."

"Oh, hello, hello." The old lady smiled subconsciously at Figo, with deep wrinkles on her face, and looked at Lynch in confusion.

Lynch sighed: "Grandma, it's me, I'm Lynch."

"Oh, Lynch." The old lady looked stunned, and said to Figo unexpectedly: "Lynch, my grandson's name is also Lynch?"

"I'm your grandson, hey, you'd better go back to the house and rest, I'll make lunch." Lynch looked slightly sad, helped the old lady back into the house, and walked out again.

"Grandma is getting older and her memory is getting worse and worse. Sometimes even I will forget."

"It will be like this when you get older." Figo also has a memory in his eyes.

"So I've been saving money." Lynch said, "If I find two more wicks, I can almost buy a first-level giant's blood wick. Grandma has never used it, and it will last at least five years."

He seemed to be talking to Figo, and also seemed to be encouraging himself, and his depressed mood quickly revived: "I'll cook and eat, bring your share, uncle, I'm full, and I'll go to the sea again in the afternoon Find it, Uncle Figo, how is your water quality, do you want to try it together?"


In the afternoon, by the coast.

Lynch put on his diving goggles and said: "Uncle, although there is little hope, if you find something that looks like a wick, you must, must tell me immediately, and don't rush to grab the wick.

The wick is spiritual. Only fishermen who have the same kind of wick or light can catch them in a special way. All we can do is to determine their location and sell their location to the fishing lamps of the business group. people. "

In other words, if Lynch finds a carpenter's wick, he can't catch it. He must notify someone who also has a carpenter's wick to go fishing at the corresponding location, and use the same kind of wick to attract scattered wicks.

The body wick can only be caught by the living body wick strong or body king.

Giant bloodline wicks can only be caught by living wick-level giants or giant kings.

Fisherman, who can be regarded as the professional advancement of core scouring people, has a skill and can concurrently serve as a core scouring person, but has a higher status than a core scouring person.

"I see." Figo nodded.

Lynch hummed, and said, "Maybe uncle is lucky when he first arrives, and he will be able to find a wick with the same attribute as your lamp."

"I'll borrow your good words."

"Hey, then I'm going into the water."

Lynch didn't take it seriously. The wicks near the sea were too heavily fished. In the past few years, there were nearly a hundred people who searched for cores every day around Fenghuan Island. Now he is the only one left, which proves that there are indeed no scattered wicks around.

If it wasn't for grandma who couldn't stand running around, he might have to find another place to find cores.

Swimming in a different direction than in the morning, Lynch paid attention to Figo at first, and found that Figo was relaxed and comfortable in the sea, and seemed to be better at water than him. Then he thought that Figo could fly, so he stopped paying attention and dived from time to time Look for the wick.

Time passed by, and it was still the same as in the morning, without any gains. Lynch couldn't help feeling anxious when he thought of his grandma's situation.

Farther into the sea... if it is further away...

"is it this one?"

Suddenly, Figo's voice sounded from the side almost scared Lynch into choking water.

which one? found it? !

He swam around and found that Figo had arrived two meters away from him at some point, pinching a candle-like object emitting dim light with his two fingers.

Lynch's eyes widened instantly!

"Awesome, amazing, really found it for the first time? And caught it? It happens to be the wick corresponding to your lamp?! Awesome~!"

He watched carefully.

The candle is milky white, and there are two tiny white wings flapping slowly on both sides.

"Heaven, the blood wick of the angel race?"

Lynch was stunned and stared blankly at Figo.

Uncle, where did you hide your wings?


PS: (Happy New Year’s Day everyone, a new year, a new beginning, and the plot has entered a new stage. The only thing that remains the same is Siyang’s desire for monthly tickets and love for book friends, hehe.)

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