After Qin Mu, Xijun, Chunan, and the sleepy Elder Qingsong returned to the base camp of the Sacred Tigers in the Snow Mountain, they saw a very grand scene.

Qin Mu’s master Chen Beixuan and Elder Shushuang also came. They were followed by a large army of the Snow Mountain Sacred Tigers. They all stood at the gate of the base camp and watched their return. When they returned on the stars and clouds, they Everyone present showed very relieved and happy expressions.

They clapped vigorously at Qin Mu and Xijun Chunan, as if silently congratulating them on their return, as if saying to them: "Thank you!"

When Qin Mu, Xijun, and Chu Nan saw such a scene, their hearts were deeply moved, and they were really deeply moved.

The sacred tigers of the Snow Mountain have always been the existence and representatives of unity and friendship. They have never changed their appearance. Xijun and Chu Nan felt very pleased when they risked their lives outside to do things for the sacred tigers of the Snow Mountain. At the time, the big family of the Snow Mountain Sacred Tigers did not forget them, they were always thinking of them.

That's why they have been guarding here and waiting for their return, caring about their every move, worrying about their safety.

Xijun and Chunan had some tears in their eyes. The Snow Mountain Sacred Tigers are really good. They are indeed the best gods in the world, and they are indeed the descendants of the elders of the two elders of the Hexu Shen's Southern Expedition.

They all have the bravery of Shuang elders, the kind and pure heart that wants to protect the peace of the world, the determination to protect the big family of the Snow Mountain Tiger, and the mood of tolerance, mutual understanding, and help each other. it's the same.

"It's great." Xi Jun thought this way, while smiling slowly landing on the ice field.

Qin Mu’s master Chen Beixuan and Elder Shushuang greeted him after Qin Mu, Xijun, and Chunan landed. Elder Shushuang looked at Elder Qingsong’s situation and knew that Qin Mu had already used the sword to kill Elder Qingsong. The devilish energy on his body was cleared, and he couldn't help but take a look at the 17-year-old boy in front of him.

Chen Beixuan walked directly to Qin Mu's side, then hugged his beloved apprentice Qin Mu tightly, patted his back and said with great relief: "Qin Mu is really good, and Qin Mu is really proud of being a teacher. Ah, you are great, you are proud of being a teacher!"

After Chen Beixuan hugged Qin Mu, he went forward and hugged Xijun and Chu Nan, and said to them: "Yes, yes, you deserve to be the future successor and head of the Xueshan holy tiger clan, very outstanding. Yeah, keep going!"

Xijun and Chu Nan were very happy after hearing the encouragement of the God Chen Beixuan, and felt that they were affirmed by the God, it was really a happy thing.

After reading Elder Qingsong’s situation, Elder Shushuang hurried over to see his little princess Xijun and his little boy Chunan. He squeezed Xijun’s face, patted Chunan’s shoulder, and faced them. The two said: "It's great, you two, in the future, you will be in charge of the Snow Mountain Sacred Tiger clan. I am very relieved that I will continue to work hard and live up to my youth, and I will do it.

In the end, the elder Shushuang faced Qin Mu and cherish the Lord, Chu Nan said: "I wish you young people have a bright future and live up to their youth!" The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read on my mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time Xiafan) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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