The sea water is no longer as clear and bottomless as it used to be. The sea water has become very turbid and stinks. The goddess Ye Hua, the goddess of the market, deeply knows that this is a ghost made by the Yuan Devil, because Everyone knows that Canghai is the place where the Yuan Demon God is sealed.

And as early as 3 million years ago, when the **** of the market and the goddess of the market, Yehua, sealed the Yuan Moshen in the depths of the sea, he had already informed the world that no one, any **** or demon in the Three Realms was allowed to approach. sea.

In the beginning, it was the **** of the market and the goddess of the market, the goddess of Ye Hua, who had been traveling back and forth between the twelfth heaven and the sea, but after the demise of the **** of the market, only the gods of the market, the goddess of the market, the goddess of Ye Hua, kept going back and forth in the twelfth layer. The sky is still between the ocean.

But I didn’t expect that it was only the 16 years of the sacred female Yehua, who had fallen asleep for the past sixteen years. Such a big change has taken place in the sea. There are so many gods under the sky, not one has discovered, and none of them has noticed, The Emperor of Heaven, even the elders of Shushuang in the Extremely Cold Land, and Chen Beixuan, the master of Qin Mu, had not discovered this.

How should I put it, is it because the Yuan Demon God hides so well, and quietly develops its power, but no one in the world knows that it is really a very incredible thing, and it is really a sacred thing to the market? This is something that the goddess Yehua feels very chilling.

But the goddess Yehua, the sacred female of the market thought, fortunately, today, sixteen years later, the goddess Yehua, the sacred female of the market, has awakened. She can pay attention to the movements of the sea every day. Fortunately, everything is still too late. The sacred woman Ye Hua, the goddess of the market thought so.

But the most urgent task now is to find the elder who disappeared from the Golden Dragon clan first. The goddess Ye Hua, the sacred female of the ruins, walked around the Canghai Sea and saw a strange phenomenon.

The sacred woman Ye Hua, the goddess of the ruins, saw a huge vortex in the middle of the sea. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning formed a huge vortex on the sea, which made people feel terrible and not. Dare to come closer.

But what kind of person is the sacred female Yehua God? For her, this terrifying whirlpool that looks very terrifying to outsiders is here, but it is just a small pediatric water pool, which is not surprising.

However, the sacred female Ye Hua of the ruins suspected that the elders of the Golden Dragon clan were involved in the whirlpool on the sea, so the sacred female Ye Hua of the ruins decided to go inside the whirlpool to see what happened.

What happened to the elders of the Golden Dragon clan disappeared, the goddess of her sacred woman Ye Hua, her leader of the Golden Dragon clan must find out this matter, must find out!

The sacred female of the ruins, the Goddess Yehua, didn’t think about anything, so she rushed in. It may be because the sacred female of the ruins, the Gods of Yehua, had fallen asleep for 16 years, so she was so lighthearted, so she didn’t have anything. I thought, I rushed in like this, and fell into the trap of the Yuan Demon God like this.

From the depths of the sea, watching the sacred female of the ruins, Yehua, the goddess did not hesitate to jump into the vortex on the surface of the sea, he showed a very proud and weird smile. He smiled and smiled softly. He said to the elders of the Golden Dragon clan who had been tortured and restored the shape of the Golden Dragon next to him: "Look, your leader has come to you." The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read on mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1387 Earth and Earth Shake) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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