I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1454: Let's play!

Chen Beixuan stood on top of the mighty light, and all the martial arts were afraid. Everyone in Wudang knew that they couldn't beat it, but they couldn't lose their courage.

Song Yuanqiao said: "Our brothers are willing to learn from the younger brother!"

Mo Shenggu and others are also ready to live and die together.

Zhang Wuji bowed: "Master, uncle does not need to be like this, I am the son of Zhang Cuishan and cannot be called a brother!"

Song Yuanqiao and the others were surprised and delighted, and they couldn't think that the person in front of them was really a Wuji boy. Zhang Wuji lived on the Wudang Mountain when he was young, and they all recognized the young Zhang Wuji. At this time, Zhang Wuji changed, and they couldn't recognize him.

"Would Wudang stand with the Six Main Schools or with the Demon Sect!" an old monk said. This old monk is the master of Shaolin Kongwen. He is the abbot of Shaolin and the main object of this siege of Guangmingding. Now that the other four factions are all defeated, if Wudang joins forces with Mingjiao, he will be completely out of the fight.

"Kong Wen? Wasn't it amazing on Wudang Mountain back then? Just do it!" Chen Beixuan said.

Chen Beixuan is a well-known Yitian. When Zhang Sanfeng celebrated his 100th birthday, Kong Wen took two juniors and six round children to go. He offered three monks to beat Zhang Sanfeng and a Taoist priest. Zhang Sanfeng was next. The Seven Knights under him He had to fight nine Shaolin with his hands, and eventually became Zhang Cuishan and his wife died together.

Back then, Zhang Wuji was a child on Wudang Mountain. He couldn't take revenge. Now he has become the leader of the demon cult and has a magical skill. Naturally, he can't let go of Kong Wen and others.

"Come here, I'll hit you one by one, you have nothing to say, is it interesting to play with language at this time?" Zhang Wuji cried. Zhang Wuji was already angry in his heart, and he was going to kill Shaolin.

Kongwen Kongxing and others have no choice but to fight one by one, so they can't resist the fight.

"Arrange the formation, fight the demon together!" Kong Wen said. He is a master of Jin Li Jingang, but he knows he is not Zhang Wuji's opponent, and he has already prepared the idea of ​​playing Zhang Wuji.

Among the Shaolin formations, the King Kong Arhat formation is the strongest, but there are a lot of people needed, and there are not so many monks on top of Guangming, so we have to set up a small Arhat formation. The formation of this formation is also very powerful, completely able to beat the real Wudang Zhang.

Zhang Wuji was not afraid at all, and Feishen rushed over.

Yin Tianzheng and the others are secretly saying: The little Arhat is powerful, and the leader is afraid that it is not an opponent. Zhou Dian yelled: People are all in a group, and so are we!

Yang Xiao said, "The main teacher used one to challenge the crowd, but we are not good at it!"

People in Mingjiao were all ready, and when there was an accident, they would take action together.

Chen Beixuan smiled and said, "Order people to prepare some tea, the little Arhat can't hurt Zhang Wuji!"

Before the words fell, a person's head was taken off. This person also went to Wudang Mountain back then, and was the one who harmed Zhang Cuishan. When everyone in Wudang saw them, they thought of the things in the past, and they all secretly said: The revenge of the year was also revoked. Such Wuji is really powerful. They are all martial artists, Song Yuanqiao and others are also the world's top masters, but seeing Zhang Wuji's martial arts feel that they are nothing but children.

The Shaolin monks felt that the big event was not good, they all fought. The emptiness uses the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand. This is the highest level of Shaolin magical arts, and emptiness has been practicing this magical arts, which can break wood and stone.

Zhang Wuji gave a fierce roar, the Nine Suns' magical power was violent, and the Shaolin monks stepped back. The emptiness is good, he hasn't been shaken off, and even rushes up with the Nine Suns Divine Art.

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