I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1460: Destroy the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings

Feng Yun Yue San Envoy was broken and thrown into the sea, but they were rescued. The one who saved them was the Twelve Treasure Tree King.

The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, the strongest existence of the Archbishop of Persia, there are twelve of them, each with a different name, such as the King of Wisdom, King of Equality and so on. Together, the twelve of them have extremely strong offensive power.

The King of Wisdom asked about before and after and knew that Zhang Wuji was great, and Xie Xun was very good.

"Let them go to sea, and then we have Persian cannons to kill them!" said the King of Wisdom. Persian cannon, a super powerful artillery. This thing is an invincible thing in ancient times. It can't be used on the sea, and the wooden boat will be over as soon as the shell comes over.

Zhang Wuji and others did not know the existence of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, and when they were ready, they boarded the big ship and prepared for the middle-earth. Chen Beixuan sensed that there was an enemy nearby, but he didn't care at all. He Chen Beixuan is a teacher above God, and no one can hurt him at this low martial plane.

The sea ship left the Ice and Fire Island and kept heading south, preparing to return to Middle-earth. Zhang Wuji is already the master of Mingjiao, and he has won the Dragon Slaying Sword. He will definitely become the master of the martial arts. In the last battle at Guangmingding, Zhang Wuji killed Kong Xing and others, and forged a feud with the World Martial Arts, but this was nothing. In the face of absolute strength, any hatred was useless.

After traveling for a day, several Persian warships chased up. In ancient times, Persia had special sailing capabilities, and their warships could run across the sea.

"Listen to the middle-earth man in front, hand over Zhang Wuji, hand over the Dragon Slaying Knife, hand over the holy fire order, and you can forgive you for not dying!"

It was the Wisdom King who was speaking, and he was the most wise among the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings.

Chen Beixuan smiled. It turned out that the Twelve Treasure Tree King had been following them. Xie Xun knew very well about Mingjiao. He replied: "Are you from the Persian Archbishop? Last time I missed the Three Envoys of Wind, Cloud and Moon, are you still trying to catch them?"

"Xie Xun, now you hand over the Dragon Slaying Knife, and you are always gracious, and let you be the guardian of Mingjiao!" said the Wisdom King.

"My Middle Tumen religion has long since listened to the orders of the Persian Archbishop. What do you mean by this?" Xie Xun called.

Mingjiao originated in Persia, but after spreading to Middle-earth, Middle-earth Mingjiao became a family of its own and did not obey the orders of the Persian Archbishop.

"Middle-earth people, if you talk nonsense, we'll open fire!" the King of Wisdom shouted. He is a domineering,


The artillery of the ordinary Persian warship was fired.

This artillery shell hit the left side of the ocean ship and set off a huge wave of water.

Xie Xun whispered: "If this gun falls on our big ship, I'm afraid this ship will not be protected!"

Zhang Wuji said: "Let's jump off the boat together, and with our skills, we can finally return to Middle-earth!"

They were discussing the matter on the boat, but they heard the King of Wisdom yell from a distance: "We have dozens of artillery pieces and thousands of rows of giant bows and crossbows. No matter how high your martial arts are, you can't run away!"

The King of Wisdom had guessed their thoughts a long time ago, and ordered people to fire more shells and crossbows.

These bows and crossbows were made by Persian craftsmen. They had a long range and were highly poisonous.

Xie Xun said: With such artillery bows and crossbows down, it is difficult for us to escape.

Zhang Wuji also said: The Persians are really fierce.

Wisdom yelled from the ship in the distance: "Now I offer a treasure, and we will let you go!" Although he said that, he thought in his heart, no one on the sea here sees what we do, and no one sees what we do when we get the treasure. It's not too late to kill them.

The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings of Persia had made up his mind to destroy Zhang Wuji and the others.

Although Zhang Wuji is the leader of the demon cult, he is not clear about the Persian Archbishop. He listens to Xie Xun. Xie Xun is one of the four great kings, and he knows how powerful the Persians are. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1460 The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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