I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1474: Kill all the chaotic people in one fell swoop and return the world to peace!

Huangtuqi used poisonous sand without authorization, countless poisonous sands were raised, and the Yuan army was killed and injured again.

The martial arts heroes applauded one after another.

"Mingjiao is great!"

"The Five Elements Flag is awesome!"

"Sure enough, such a celebrity sect is really amazing!"

Zhang Wuji ordered the flag to dance again, and the Five Elements Flag went down the mountain together. Rui Jinqi rushed into the Yuan army first, blazing a trail of blood.

Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao, Shibufu, Leng Qian and others followed to kill Xiangyuan Army, and dozens of Yuan Army officers died at the hands of the heroes.

Seeing that Mingjiao was so powerful, everyone in the martial arts world followed and killed them. Song Yuanqiao and others were originally mild-mannered, but they were also very angry when they saw Yuan Ren, and they hurt the killer.

The Yuan army is powerful, and all the martial arts can't win or lose for a while.

Zhang Wuji held the Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand and killed the army. The Dragon Sword is the best sword in the world, cutting iron like mud, killing and wounding countless Yuan army.

Chen Beixuan looked from a distance, and his apprentice actually used the Tai Chi sword technique with the Dragon Sword in his hand. Zhang Wuji has learned a lot, but he has no powerful swordsmanship. There is only one set of Taiji swordsmanship for weapons. Chen Beixuan's divine sense entered the Ten Thousand Realms Mall, looking for a while to find a copy of the Kuangwu God Sword Technique.

The mad martial sword, the low-level sword technique, is equivalent to three times the power of the Tai Chi sword. This kind of sword technique is not worth mentioning on the plane of wind and cloud, and it is impossible to stand on the plane of mythology, but it is super keen on the plane of heaven. Up.

Chen Beixuan bought the Kuangwu Sword Technique and handed it to Zhang Wuji using a sound transmission secret. Zhang Wuji has a very high level of comprehension, quickly understands, and the sword's momentum changes and uses the mad martial sword technique.

The mad martial sword technique Yitian Zhong can be said to be a super magical skill. With the cooperation of the Dragon Sword, its power is greatly increased. It has the power to resist killing, and the power of Buddha resists killing Buddha.

Zhang Wuji was born with the two masters of Nine Yang and Nine Yin. After having the mad martial sword technique, he killed and injured countless Yuan army within three feet of him.


In the melee, Zhang Wuji had already uttered the roar of the devil, he was as lethal as the devil.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng from a distance, he secretly said that Zhang Wuji's strength has surpassed others, and even the old ways can't be compared.

The Yuan army retreated one after another, and the commander of the Yuan army shouted wildly and ordered the law enforcement team to kill dozens of people, which stabilized the scene.

Wei Yixiao flew in the chaos army, repeatedly shooting out his hands to kill the commander of the Yuan army. Yang Xiao held a long sword in his hand and commanded the army to open a **** road. The heroes of the world were energetic and killed the opponent.

The commander of the Yuan Army yelled: "Enclose, scatter and encircle, prepare artillery, bows and arrows!"

There are many soldiers in the Yuan army and war horses. After fighting for a long time, they can still get back to the situation. Although Zhang Wuji and others can escape, but the others are afraid to die here. Although the members of the martial arts are powerful, they can't last long. Regular army.

Yang Xiaowei smiled and saw this, and the two looked at each other, preparing to enter the battlefield of the Yuan army and hold the commander of the Yuan army. Countless sharp arrows flew in the air, the Yuan army commander of the guard was strong, and Yang Xiaowei smiled and couldn't get close for a while.

With the drums of war frantic, the Yuan army scattered and encircled, and everyone in the martial arts killed the world surrounded. Several teams of Yuan army split and attacked, killing Chen Beixuan and others.

"Kill all the chaotic people in one fell swoop, and return the world to peace!" the Yuan army commander shouted. At this time, the world was in chaos, Zhu Yuanzhang and others were already in trouble. If they could kill all the martial arts heroes and destroy the Mingjiao leader, the Yuan Dynasty would still have a chance. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 1474 killed all the people in one fell swoop, and the world is safe!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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