I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1476: These Yuan troops live and die!

Chen Beixuan's thoughts moved, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and there was another sunny day and the sun appeared.

Everyone in the martial arts shouted: "God bless me, China!" "With this kind of help, we should kill all the Yuanren!" "The sky has appeared, and the Meng Yuan will be destroyed!"

Zhang Wuji led the crowd to chase and kill the Yuan army, and the Yuan army suffered countless deaths and blood. Huaxia Wulin has become unstoppable, and the lethality of Jin Rui and other flags has risen sharply.

Chen Beixuan stood on the mountain and nodded. He just wanted to train his apprentice, but also wanted to regain the Chinese mountains and rivers. The Yuan army was already strong, so Chen Beixuan had no choice but to flash thunder.

Zhao Min watched the Yuan army's defeat, and saw Zhang Wuji chasing after him. She was the princess of the Yuan Dynasty, and she still had some feelings for the Yuan Dynasty, but seeing that Tiandi was already on China's side, she no longer thought about the Great Yuan Tianxia. It is impossible for people to fight against God, and it is impossible for her Zhao Min to do it.

Zhang Sanfeng saw some clues, and he laughed and said: "Mr. Chen Beixuan is indeed a fairy-like character, and such characters are only in the sky! This big thunder and lightning cannot be done by non-immortals!" Zhang Sanfeng lived nearly a hundred years old, and he was a man. A powerful person, but it can only be seen that Chen Beixuan is about a god-like person, and can't see too much. After all, no one would have thought that there was a **** above the gods, and there was an academy above the gods and the world.

Chen Beixuan smiled and said: "These Yuan troops know their life and death, and they have come to the end of their lives! Order them to chase and kill them quickly, take the state capital, and establish China's foundation!"

The martial arts heroes got the order to hunt down the Yuan army and attack the lower mansion of the state. Some of the martial arts heroes are gangsters, some are green forest heroes, and some are disciples of various sects. They originally just walked through various states and provinces. They never thought that they could take the state capital and become their own officials. These people are extremely proud. , So proud.

Mingjiao had prepared for it long ago, and Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao, Yin Tianzheng and others led a large army to kill all states and provinces.

As in today’s turmoil, people everywhere are in trouble, and when the Mingjiao army arrives, they join the Mingjiao army. In less than ten days, Mingjiao had 100,000 troops, the world's martial arts heroes already had more than 70,000 troops and horses, Song Yuanqiao and others also had their own troops and horses. Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "The old way is to be a general!"

The Battle of Shaoshishan was a turning point for the anti-Yuan army. From then on, the Yuan army lost its initiative.

Zhang Wuji bowed in front of Chen Beixuan and said loudly: "The disciple thanked the teacher. It is the strength of the teacher that I can win the Mingjiao counterattack!"

"I don't explain to others what Chen Beixuan has done in my life, and I don't care about the so-called victory or defeat. You quickly improve and destroy the Yuan Dynasty. I will take you to God!" Chen Beixuan said.

This is the second time Zhang Wuji has heard of God above. He has never known what is above God, but he still yearns very much in his heart.

"The disciple must live up to the teacher's expectations!"

Zhang Wuji thanked him and said.

The anti-yuan forces have grown stronger, and more than half of the state capitals and counties in the world have fallen into the hands of the anti-yuan army. The world has promoted Zhang Wuji as the general leader, and Chen Beixuan as the great master and the incomparable ancestor, together against the Yuan.

After receiving the news, Emperor Yuan hurriedly ordered people to mobilize the army to prepare for battle, and ordered people to take down the Ruyang Palace and kill Zhao Min's family. At this point, Zhao Min followed the crowd with all his heart, and didn't think about Yuan Dynasty anymore. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (Chapter 1476, these Yuan soldiers live and die!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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